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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself.  Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.



The following rules are for unowned subs looking for a little extra fun, I know it may seem pretentious to some, but it's just for a bit of extra interaction for those who may enjoy it!


Rules for the subs:


As always, a constant theme in my stories are the rules…  and these are the rules for the un-owned subs that want a little control taken from them.  These are optional, at least until you follow rule #1..


Rule #1  You belong to me. Say it.  Mark yourself as mine, either with lipstick on your lips, or write my name on your body, tell me where.  You belong to me until your next orgasm.


Rule #2 There is a questionnaire at the end.  Fill it out and send it to me as if you were in the audience.


Rule #3 Make yourself horny, stay fucking horny,  Slut!


Rule #4  I over use ellipses…  ...really... ...I do…  But I enjoy this so very much for the melodrama, but to make sure you do as well, I expect you to rub yourself each time you see one...


Rule #5  You will not cum until you have sent me my questionnaire




Mistress Dyvia Presents:

A Cheater Loses

By: Mistress Dyvia


Hello? ...Oh hey! How are you? ...I'm sorry that you didn't get to be there, I forgot you were out of town, and it would have made me so happy if you could have been there when everything went down. Of course it's not too late. Yeah, I'll tell you about everything that happened.


So, I guess the best place to start would have been the phone call that I made to my husband, Jeff.  I can only imagine the look on his face when he saw that the phone had rang for the third time in under 2 minutes, and he finally reluctantly answered.  "Hey Kaylee, are you okay?"


"I'm more or less fine, I sent GPS coordinates to your on-screen dash in your car, I need you to get down here by 7:00, I'll see you soon." I told him pretty aggressively. 


 There was a longer than average pause and I could hear a little bit of a grunt in his voice as he said, "is this an emergency? I'm still kind of tied up at work here and I don't think I can get out that early."


Imagine that's the part where my voice kind of took a darker and potentially more sinister tone as I said, "get your dick out of Lucy's ass and get YOUR ASS to the location on your GPS, the fuck right now. Is there any part of this that you're not understanding?"


"Hun, what are you talking about? I don't-" he stammered.


"I will see you at seven." And hung up the phone. 


 I have absolutely no idea what was going through his head when I hung up the phone, but I completely envision him telling Lucy, one of the girls he works with, that he had to go meet his wife. I have no idea if he told her that I dropped her name, I have no idea if he shut his mouth, but I was certainly confident that he moved his ass to put his pants on clean up and get down to his car cuz I only gave him about a 3 minute window to get to get his clothes on and get to the location on time.


He must have driven fast, because he actually made it with 5 minutes to spare. I'm sure he pulled into the parking lot, he didn't immediately recognize all of those familiar looking cars. But they were all familiar as he would learn, as he entered The Hall.


Now, as I put this together in less than twenty-four hours, it was impressive. The hall itself was that old location on Washington Street, used to be an old restaurant, but when they shut down they converted it into an events location. The kitchen stoves and such didn't work anymore, but it was still fine for catering if you brought it from the outside. I didn't cater this event. 


I'm not sure what was going through his mind when he stepped inside. He could probably hear a bit of murmuring as the voices of the full hall echoed in the hallway. And then when he entered the room, he was surrounded by people he knew in chairs. It could have been a baby shower or small wedding… He was surrounded by people he knew, Immediately to his right, was his mother, father, and sister.  In the tables behind them in that quadrant of the room or some of his other family members cousins uncles and aunts…


As his gaze moved further, he would see his friends.  In the front table were his closest friends, the ones he went drinking with every weekend, the ones he would bring home to have beers, play pool, play video games, the ones that knew him better than anybody.  And behind them or some of his other acquaintances, people who knew him were probably more or less friends with other people he knew. But they were people he spent time with. 


And then the final part of the room, his boss, the head of HR at his company, the head of his team at his company. And behind them were the other members of his team. 


And finally his eyes settled on me at the top of the stage. I didn't look exactly happy to see him, and to the side of the stage was our lawyer.  I told him simply, "took your sweet time getting here," Despite the fact he was earlier than I expected.


"What is this?" He asked as he gestured to the crowd of people, "some sort of intervention?"


I laughed a humorless chuckle. "No darling, they are our witnesses. The witnesses of what is up to you, but it is them witnessing the beginning of our resolution to our marriage, or the end of our marriage, and so much more."


His face started turning red, "did you bring me here to humiliate me?"


I waved off that comment with my hand in an annoyed gesture.  "Hardly. Though I won't deny the fact that you will probably be humiliated at some point tonight and I will probably take some amusement out of it, since you tried to humiliate me with your cheating."


"I didn't-"


I cut him off, "I have proof. So I'm talking and you're listening, I'll give you a chance to talk when I'm done. But it won't be much to talk about."


I gestured to our lawyer, Bob with my hand, "technically you are in a bit of a bind thanks to the wedding prenup that you insisted on. The language is quite clear, that if one of us cheats, the other gets the house, 70% of our combined holdings, and I would give up any claim on your retirement or wages. However, you would still have to pay me alimony, half of your retirement benefits would be mine, all if you cheated."


I'm not going to lie to you, the way his face turned from red to paper white was very satisfying. I could tell he wanted to scream and fight with me and tell me that I was a bitch or something, but with his mother there, not ten feet from him and everyone else he knew from work at home and from the bar, he kept his mouth shut as he seethed in his spot.


I then pointed out to his bosses, and reminded him that his company has a policy that prevents employees from fraternizing with one another without informing HR and management. They also had an adultery clause that was also a bit of a morality clause that would suggest anyone of their employees who cheats on their spouses, could potentially forfeit their job on the spot.


His jaw was grinding, it was great. In some ways it was a bit of a catharsis for myself.


I walked over to Bob and he held out a manila envelope to me. I flipped through it quickly, confirmed it was what I thought, and walked it right over to my husband.  "This is the proof that I have that you have been cheating on me.  You will notice that every single person in this room has a copy of that folder.  You'll notice at the end there is a single page that has copies of the necessary sections from our prenup. When you're done looking at it, let me know and I will tell you exactly what kind of choice you have to make."


It took a few minutes but finally he looked up at me and asked me what kind of choices he had. 


I smiled at him with such a vicious happy little smile, that I could tell he was fighting not to take a step back. He couldn't even look his mother in the eyes. He kept his eyes on me, and I'm not sure if it was to prevent himself from looking weak by looking down, to avoid the gazes of every person that he actually respected, or if he just didn't want to admit defeat to me. But his eyes stayed on mine.


I started with a long drawn out,"Well…" then I took a deep breath and proceeded with "We can choose to start divorce proceedings, I take seventy percent of our savings account, you move back in with your mom and dad, you get to keep Bob as your lawyer and I will have to find a new one, of course you'll be paying for both of the lawyers. You will have to deal with the fact that everyone in this room knows what happened, you'll have to accept the fact that you will never hold the same spot in everyone's eyes as you did yesterday. You will likely lose your job, as will your side piece, Lucy." I pouted using her name, before I forced my smile back, "essentially all the shit you planned for me if I cheated on you will happen to you. I think that's called irony. However, it apparently works really well for me.  As loyal as I was to you for our entire marriage, I guess the real reason you didn't trust me is that you knew you weren't trustworthy, I guess you just assumed that I was as bad as you."


He started to stammer out something about how that wasn't true but I just kept going.


"In your attempt to royally fuck me, you royally fucked yourself. But I'm not without a heart, or conscience. If you're willing to put yourself through some hardship, I think we have a path to salvation for our marriage. And everyone here tonight has agreed to be a part of that." 


There was a look of confusion on his face, but he finally asked, "what is this path of redemption?"


A Cheshire cat-like smile warmed my face, "I'm so glad you asked, hunny." I took a few steps closer to him, "everyone here knows what my plan is, and whether they like it or not, have agreed to support it if you agree to it."


"Agree to what?" He asked with a demanding tone.


"Living life as a woman."


He looked confused, "wait, what?"


"At the very minimum, you will live as a woman starting Sunday. If you do so, your family has agreed to treat you as a daughter, sister, and female cousin or niece." I gestured to the family tables, and you can see his father wasn't particularly amused, he kept his head down but nodded. His mother didn't seem particularly amused at any of this from his cheating, to him being a woman. But she and I had spoken at great length, and she agreed to accept him as her daughter until he made up for his cheating.


"Your friends will not help you get away with anything. If you show up to drink beer with them, go out to the bar, play video games with them, you will be expected to dress and act like a woman. Yes, that means there will be lipstick on the glass you're drinking out of, because you will be wearing lipstick when you go out. Yes, you will likely be wearing a skirt if you go out." Some of his friends looked extremely awkward, some of them looked like they were amused AF, as if they weren't sure if you would actually follow through with such a demand.


Then I gestured to the last group, his coworkers and his bosses.  "You will go to work in female business attire, you will adhere to all rules and regulations as a woman at your job would. And I even talked to your boss in the HR department, they said they will convert all necessary paperwork to you as a female employee, they will overlook your sexual transgressions in the workplace, and they will even allow you to keep your current salary."


Finally, I looked at Bob, "he was kind enough to write up all the necessary paperwork, for you to start working through your transition.  You will use all female appropriate pronouns, you'll take a female name. We will both change our last names to my maiden name. You will not have access to your given family name until you have either made up for your cheating, or until we are divorced if you choose to do that at a later time."


"This is blackmail." he insisted.


I shook my head slowly, "it is not blackmail at all. It is an ultimatum. Stay married to me and keep some shred of the life you enjoy with you. Or choose to divorce me and lose everything that you tried to take from me in your assumption that I would cheat on you. I am not forcing you to do anything, but I have put everything and I mean everything in front of everyone that means anything of importance to you except for the little tart you cheated on me with. And even her I won't hold anything against, cuz I know you are very charismatic and you probably convinced her to do something she probably wouldn't have done on her own. I mean I don't know for sure, but at this point, that's what I expect out of you."


Oh, let me tell you, he was not happy at all with that response.


He seemed extremely indecisive. And that was fine, a lot was thrown on him in a very short amount of time. But after a few minutes I gave him a kindness, I told him to go talk to his friends, his family, and his colleagues. If he needed advice they were right there.  I sat down, crossed my legs, folded my arms and just watched. 


For nearly an hour he talked to various people that made up his life, some people seem to be positive, others seem to be negative. I honestly have no idea what kind of advice they were giving him, it really wasn't important to me. But I wasn't going to sit in this chunk of my life wondering what my husband was going to be doing, if he's going to try and cheat or whether I just got divorced or whether he's going to try and find some sort of loophole I didn't know. I was going to put the decision in his hands and we were going to go forward apart or together.


At the end of that hour, he finally came up to me. He only said one word initially, "yes."


Yes, he actually said yes. But of course I was pretty damn skeptical about that. So, I asked him for clarification. 


And he said, "I don't want to divorce you. I really don't, maybe I needed this to wake me up. But if this is what I need to keep us together, then yes I will live as a woman."


I nodded my head slowly at him, I really wasn't sure what to make of that. Like I said he can be a very charismatic and persuasive person. Hell, you've met him, you know what I'm talking about, we've all known those kinds of guys, a little pretty boy who thinks he's going to get whatever he wants, has a smile that melts girls hearts, and generally gets away with everything. And this is going to be his first time not getting what he wanted. I honestly wasn't sure if he was just coming to grips with that, or if he was just going to embrace this until he could talk me out of it. But he's not going to talk me out of it.


I remember very carefully and slowly pressing my lips together in thought, I thought he'd fight more.  I nodded my head, "very well." I forced myself to smile, and offered him my hand to shake as a deal was being made in front of everybody.  I’d make him sign a legal document before Bob left.


I turned and faced the audience.  "I haven't decided what direction we're going to go in with how he will look." I let out a sigh, and then corrected myself, "how she will look.  So here's what happens now. Each of you has heard that he accepts my conditions. But I don't trust myself to make sure that I'm treating him entirely fair for his new look. So each of you will find at the back end of your folders a questionnaire… don't worry it's multiple choice… and each of you will decide how he will look starting sunday."


There was some shuffling in the audience, that would be expected as they each started flipping through their packets to see what kind of options they had. Most of them probably hadn't expected him to go with it so they didn't give it much of a look the first time. I'm sure most of them are in the middle of reading it when I decided to make sure they notice an important part of the questionnaire, "Most of you will also notice, it is completely anonymous, so he will have no idea each of you picks."


Although a couple of smirks in his family, the only person who actually seemed entertained by this was his sister. There was a definitely a few of his friends and acquaintances who were laughing over the options. And of his work colleagues, it was the more attractive women who had smiles forming on their lips, that was telling.


Of course that wasn't the end. As the attention started to drift away from the paper, and as they started talking amongst themselves, I decided to bring up the next part.  "So I imagine that a few of you are wondering what's going to happen between now and Sunday.  Well…  many of you know for ethical reasons I usually don't shop at big box stores… but I made an exception tonight, before I arrived here, I swung in and bought a few things."


At that point, I walked over to the corner and brought a few shopping bags over. I opened up the first bag and withdrew three above knee-length skirts. Two or black and of the black ones, one was pleated, one was a pencil skirt that was definitely intended for a workplace, and the third one was a cherry red thing that was stretchy and I have no doubt was made for clubbing and sluts…  or is that clubbing sluts?  


To go with them, I had a white blouse, a red tank top that was more of a midriff, and a baby doll style that was pink and Lacey. All combinations of those outfits were very feminine.


For footwear, there were only high heels. They all had four to five inch heels, now I knew he wouldn't know how to wear those, so I made sure they had a chunky heel until he could get used to something thinner… you know stilettos.


I kept the makeup very simple, for now fake lashes and lipstick. I wouldn't require anything else until the audience picked his look. I picked a simple wig as well, brunette to match his existing hair, I gave a bit of a page boy style. Admittedly, I almost got him pigtails, but that seemed wrong. Sort of.


The final box I pulled out was actually relatively small, and it was black. I withdrew it, and it was a chastity cage. I told him, “I may have stopped at a sex shop too.”  His eyes went wide when his gaze reached it. He started shaking his head as if to say no. But I just nodded my head, and simply said, "insured fidelity. Agreed submission."


It took a good ten seconds before he meekly nodded his head in agreement.


I stripped him naked in front of his friends, his family, and his colleagues. I caged his little penis in front of his friends, his family, and his colleagues. I put fake eyelashes and lipstick on them in front of his friends, his family, and his colleagues. I put a wig on him in front of his friends, his family, and his colleagues. I made him put on a skirt and a blouse in front of his friends, his family, and his colleagues. I made him put on high heels in front of his friends, his family, and his colleagues. And then I made him go up to every single person in the room, and thank everybody in his softest and most feminine voice. 


So yeah you missed a lot. I bet you wish you didn't go to the other side of the country on vacation this time. But if you think you'll be back by Sunday, you're more than welcome to join the rest of us. Do you want me to send you a copy of the questionnaire?... Great, I'll email it to you in a few minutes. 


Well thanks for listening, you're always the best. I love you, and I can't wait for you to join us for dinner sometime in the next week or so. I might even have my former husband / current wifey cook you up something in a cute little maids outfit. 


Yeah unfortunately I have to go, but we'll talk again soon love you! mwah! mwah!


The End?  Or To be continued?


Let me know your opinion of the story, if you enjoyed it, if you thought it was a little more boring compared to my other stories, I want to know. If you want to see the story continue, fill out the questionnaire and send it to me, you can either post it below or send me an email!


1. What should my new wife’s name be?
  Sally?  Candace? Or Hannah?


2. What hair color should she have?
  Brunette?  Blond?  Black? Red? Pink?


3.  What personality type should we encourage?
  Bimbo?  Slut/Tease?  Submissive?  Shy and meek?

4. What should we do about her hair?

  Shaving?  Electrolysis, or waxing?


5. How long should she spend on her appearance every day (hair makeup)
  Depends on what she is doing?  10 minutes? 20 minutes?  One hour?


6.  How often should I allow her to orgasm?

   Once per week, unless she has done something wrong?  Once a month?  Never?

7.  How big should her breasts be?
  B cups? C cups? D Cups?  DD cups?  F cups? G Cups? 


8.  Her breasts should be…

   Breast Plate? Breast forms?  Surgical augmentation


9. Her ass and hips  should be…

   Padding?   Part of a body Suit?  Surgical?

10:  Any other thoughts you would like to include?



Don’t keep Mistress D waiting!



Twitter: @Dyvia16



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