Mistress Dyvia
Mistress Dyvia's
Fun Night with a New Gurl
​Introducing Nina, a new determined slave to the world of BDSM and feminzation.
Mistress Dyvia's
Scratching an Itch
Suzie tries to top from the bottom... and must be taught a lesson.
For context, 'topping from the bottom' is a BDSM term when a sub manipulates a domme into a punishment by purposefully being disobedient. BAD!
Mistress Dyvia's Writing Assignment
A tribute to another writer who I've exchanged emails with. Bound, and ordered to write, at first a difficult challenge, until properly motivated... (whip sound, wink wink)
Mistress Dyvia's Valentine's Day Rose
Mistress Dyvia spends her Valentine's Day with Aaron and Veronica
Mistress Dyvia's Exercise Routine
Mistress Dyvia meets Bill, but goes out with Yavette to exercise.
Mistress Dyvia's Cocksucker
Mistress Dyvia teaches Krystal a thing or two about her favorite past time
Mistress Dyvia's Television Time
Mistress Dyvia is interrupted while watching her favorite show.
Mistress Dyvia's Secretary
Mistress Dyvia recruits a new secretary to help keep her organized, keep the guests happy, and bring a laugh or two to Mistress Dyvia's Day.
~~~~~Interactive version is non-functional for right now, so the link is not included.
Mistress Dyvia's Slut and Whore
In Mistress Dyvia's latest story, we are introduced to her Slut and Whore.
~~~~~for now the interactive versions are shut down...
Mistress Dyvia's Object of Affection
Mistress Dyvia plays a mind game with one of her girls.
Mistress Dyvia's Ravenous
Mistress Dyvia takes a trip to the mall and has some interesting thoughts.
Mistress Dyvia's Goth Style
Mistress Dyvia meets George and brings out the goth girl theresa, so they can have some fun.
Mistress Dyvia's Email of Horror
Mistress Dyvia writes an email describing very dire circumstances for her newest acquisition... You.
Mistress' note: Original version was interactive and allowed you to choose your name, disabled for right now, so I chose 'Nadia' at random.
Mistress Dyvia's Girl in a Box
Mistress Dyvia has her way with a girl�s mind, and shows her off to a few guys, as well as her brand new fun box.
Mistress' note: Original version was very literal in its title. IN retrospect, I should have had a little fin with innuendo with the word 'box,' but maybe I will revisit this title someday?
Mistress Dyvia's Rivalry
Mistress Dyvia meets her friend and sometime rival, Mistress Diana, and they use their subs to make a bet and enjoy their friendly rivalry.
Mistress Dyvia's Creep
A man must face a horror unlike anything he has faced before.
Mistress Dyvia's Claws and Talons
Mistress Dyvia leaves a slave some instructions to follow, that will lead to a meeting later in the evening.
MIstress' note: The original version of this story had an interactive element of choosing his original name (such as your own) currently disabled, and replaced with 'Donald.'
Mistress Dyvia's Qin Qi Klaws
Have you been a good girl? Do you expect a visitor dressed in red to sneak into your room and leave you a gift? You better hope so, because Kinky Klaws is coming… I mean Qin Qi Klaws… Excuse me. And a poem at the end to excite your holiday spirit!
My first holiday story!
Sexual Revelation
Mistress Dyvia comes across a magic necklace, which she uses to bring about some sort of dyv-ine karma from a deserving person.
Mistress' Note: This is my first story not to use my own name in the title. This was due to the narrative getting far away from anything plausible. Some stories used mind-fuckery as an explanation for the fantastic, but this was straight up 'magic,' lol.
Mistress Dyvia's Dark Alley
Mistress Dyvia collects a new toy from a dark alley, brings the new ‘girl’ home and has her fun.
This is a story I wrote for Lockedinlace.com. Melissa has been wroking on a new RP site called isle of submission, and while waiting, I made this as a reward for those who donated to her so she could get a new computer. The story is abouta friend and I who go to an island leadership conference and things go bad.
Mistress' Note: Lissa on Lockedinlace.com had established two previous play areas at the time. An Evil Corporation bent on forced feminization as a business. A sandbox open world called the Lacy Place Hotel and Casino... and was in the process of a third, sadly this did not come to fruition, but this story was made based on some of the clues she had left us. I originally left this hosted on that website, however, tonight (august 16, 2019) I realized that part of the website only exists on the way back machine (otherwise this story would be gone forever.)