Mistress Dyvia
My Stories 2021
The Bride
Ginette wakes up on the day of her wedding, knowing it will be unusual since her fiance refused to giver any input on the wedding, so she makes things uncomfortable for him.
Mistress Dyvia's Valentine's Day Rose
Mistress Dyvia sends her Valentine's Day with Aaron and Veronica
Cost of a Hero 3
Years have passed, Mary Sue is now a part time Superhero with a wannabe sidekick in serious need of training.
Fierce Tiger
Yun is a martial Arts instructor by day, and his temple's guardian by night. During an initiation ceremony, the temple is attacked, and Yun must decide if he dares use the temple's cursed treasure to repel the invaders
Cost of a Hero 4
YMarySue and her sidekick daughter defeat a new powerful villain, find their time in their hidden identited disappearing, and just as a bit of normalcy appears for this mother-daughter little family, Lady Mindstorm.
Price of Villainy: Cost of a Hero 5
The finale of the Cost of a Hero series. The absolute worst has happened, and Mary Sue must be willing to sacrifice everything to keep the people of the world safe. But can she face her Nemesis’ new deadly form?
A Cheater Loses
A man enters an event hall to discover his wife, family, friends and co-workers are waiting for him to answer for cheating on his wife... and the consequences
CFnm: Path to power
Every year a group of wealthy and powerful individuals gather to make dirt on one another. Tonight the wives are in control
Ghost: A Delightful Host
A group of friends go to an old closed hotel and tell a ghost story about the hotel... But they learn the stories might not just be a story.
Dream Girl
Nate meets a girl in his dreams, and they make a bargain that affects the real world.
AO Serum
A Ds couple take the AO serum which should cement their Ds status, but things don't go as planned.
Contains some Omegaverse-like themes (knowledge not necessary to understand this story)
Psyche Out
Lucas' first senior semester in college, and a group of him and five women choose a gender experiment, and he is forced to live the semester as a woman. Of course when his behavior jumps to an extreme after the hypnosis audios they found on the internet go awry, the girls get nervous.