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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself.  Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.


Rules for the Subs :


(Optional fun for the free pets, if you are owned by a master or mistress, get their permission before following the rules ahead.)


Rule #1. If you have no owner, I will happily be your owner for the next little bit. If you want this, I need you to say it with your voice, even if its just a whisper, “I belong to Mistress Dyvia,  I am her possession.”

Rule #2  No orgasms without Mistress’ Permission.  If you have a chastity cage or belt, make sure it's on and well stimulated.  Regardless you may not come until you have finished all of the rules here.

Rule #3. Lipstick, given the themes in this story, wear it.  It will be a constant reminder that you are obeying instructions.  Also given what’s happening in this story, use your lipstick to draw a pair of lips on the back of your wrist.

Rule #4.  I want you aroused, if you feel like you are losing your arousal, stop, stimulate, and return.

Rule #5.  Answer the question at the end in the comments below, or email me.



Mistress Dyvia presents:
Dream Girl
By: Mistress Dyvia


He walked into the diner, and it was hard for him to believe every single woman in the bar seemed to have eyes for him.  He was barely aware that there were other men there, all he knew was that there were very hot women in there, and they all looked at him as if he were the adonis…  They were all flirting with him, and offering him the lewdest sexual acts and he was very receptive.

He sat down and ordered a coffee while some red head crawled under the table and started to suck his dick. The waitress offered him her ass when he was done with the coffee…  Before long there were only women waiting for his attention and the men were long gone.

But there was one woman hotter than all the rest.  The one that seemed to make every other woman disappear.  In fact they did.  It was just him and her, even the girl sucking his dick was gone.  And she smiled at him and walked over and sat across from him.  He felt her foot slide up his leg and move north…  more and more…

“Hi, My name is Natasha.”

He looked back finding it hard not to stare at her impossibly large tits, but he eventually got out a simple, ”Nathan.”

“Nice to meet you Nathan,  can I share with you a deep sexual fantasy of mine?”

He almost stumbled over his words, “Yeah, yes…  and uhh… nice to meet you too.”

She giggled, “I want to be a slut.  I want to be the girl that just can’t seem to leave the house without finding a cock slammed into one of my holes.  It turns me on so much to imagine the way men would treat me.  Just an object.  A cum hole.”

“That is hot.” he told her.

“Would you be willing to help me bring my fantasy to life?” she asked.

“Yes, absolutely.”

She held her hand out to shake, and he did, “Seal it with a kiss?”

“Yes.” he closed his eyes and then he leaned over the table to kiss her, but no kiss came, he opened his eyes and she was gone…  except he suddenly felt her open his zipper, he wasn’t even sure when it had been zipped up again after that last woman…  And she started to french kiss his dick…  the agreement sealed with a kiss.

As you may have guessed, this was not happening in a diner, this was happening in his mind, in his dreams…  and everything he agreed to with that woman… that demoness was going to come back to haunt him…  And I, yes… me… I would take great pleasure in watching him bring my fantasy to life...

The buzz went off.  His alarm clock was buzzing, and his hand went flying up to slap it and shut it off.   And he started to roll back over when the alarm on his cell phone went off.  It was really the only way to wake up, clock alarm plus cell phone alarm multiple times.  But something was off this time.  He had to get up much later for his college classes than he ever did for high school, and it was still too early...  He went to press the alarm’s snooze button with the tip of his finger and there was a click as his finger stopped too early.  There was something on his finger.  In fact his phone wasn’t right either, it was too big…  Wait, did he have long fingernails?  That wasn’t right. 

His bedroom door opened and it was his mother who turned on the light, “Mom!” he exclaimed.  But that wasn’t his voice, in fact it was a female voice.

He caught the words she said, but his eyes were on his... tits?.  His tits. But his mother kept talking, “Sorry, to wake you, Natalie, but can you come down and help me move a few things before you get ready for classes.”  She left the light on, but was gone before either could say another word.

“What the fuck is going on?”  she asked. Yes, ‘she.’  She sat up and stood up, and walked to the bathroom that was part of her room, it was clear on her face that she had no idea when she got her own bathroom.  She looked at her reflection in the mirror, she was staring at the woman from her dream.  A few small differences, her tits weren’t quite as large, more of a ‘possibly large,’ than ‘impossibly large.  She had a tattoo of an eye just under her collar bone as well as a tattoo of a pair of lips on her wrist.

She had to pee. She looked at the toilet and was more than a little apprehensive, but he reluctantly sat down and relieved herself. She was about to stand when I spoke, “You might want to wipe, first.”

She spun around and fell off the toilet, “Who said that?”

“I did.  Look at your wrist.” I told him, and he stared at the lips tattoo on the back of his wrist and she realized that they were moving to my words.

“What is going on?” she asked.

“I told you, I had a fantasy.  And you agreed to help me live out that fantasy…  oh, and you still need to wipe.”

Natalie paused, and pushed herself up onto the toilet, and cleaned herself off, and then stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.  “How is this helping you live out your fantasy of a slut?  And why am I looking like a woman?”

I smiled, and when I said ‘I smiled’, I meant that the lip tattoo on her hand smiled, and then I said, “Well, I’m forbidden from directly living in your world.  But if I can get people to agree to certain terms I can live vicariously through them..  Now I was even nice but changing the world as well as you so that everyone you ever knew, remembers you as Natalie, and not Nate.  I could have made it so that just you changed, and you would have been living on the streets.  That could be fun, seeing the things you would do to get food and shelter, but I’m giving you some comforts.”


“Look we can talk some more, later, but your mom needs help.  And you're not the big strong man you once were.” I told him flatly.

Turns out her mom was planning to have someone over to shampoo the carpets.  And since her father already left for work, the two of them had to move some furniture which was much harder than she had expected given her now-petite frame.

She took a shower and we had some more time to talk.  I explained things, she had muscle memory and proper taste now, so she would find doing things like her hair and make up, even walking in heels was normal as if she were born this way.

Natalie didn’t seem to be amused at all.  But she found I was right when she got out of the shower and not only instinctively used the towel to cover herself up to her chest, and another to wrap her hair into, but before she even realized what she was doing started putting moisturizer on her face.  She spent over forty five minutes doing her hair and makeup as if she had been doing it her whole life.

She reached for her phone which was surprisingly the same model she had as a man, but just had a pink case, though since her fingers were smaller, her phone seemed bigger…   she saw that she had a text from Luke, her best friend…  and it said, ‘Hey, busy day, pick you up at 5, movie is at 6:30.  ILY.’

The look on her face was something like , ‘Wait I’m dating my best friend? eww…’  but before he could even think about it, she had already replied, ‘kk, ttyl. Ilym. xoxo’  and she let out a sigh that her body seemed to do some things on instinct.

She looked at her class schedule on her phone, and again, she had that look on her face as if surprised that she was in college for Film and video...  After all ‘he’ was supposed to be a lawyer...

She got to the bottom of the stairs, and saw her younger sister, she was a senior in college, and they were always close.  But Nellie just gave her a dirty look, and shoulder-bumped her on the way to the kitchen.  Guess they weren’t so close now.  “What’s the problem?” she had to ask her younger sister.

“Mom and Dad let you get away with everything.  And you are always rubbing it in my face. Look at that top, your cleavage is everywhere, what would mom do if I wore something like that?  She would have a fucking aneurysm.  So fuck off.”  She followed her sister to the kitchen, and grabbed a croissant,  and reached for a black bag.  As she was walking out, she stared at the croissant, and the bag, she hadn’t thought about grabbing them.  She just did.

“Muscle memory.”  I reminded her and she jumped as if she had forgotten that I was always there.  “You know which bag is yours, which keys are yours, and of course which car is yours.”

Natalie was already sitting in the car before she realized that she was sitting in a $60,000 sports car.  She never could have afforded this as a man.  Her parents couldn’t have either… and then she looked around the driveway, her sister’s car was there, and her mom’s both used cars…

I spoke up, “I know you don’t know me that well, but I couldn’t have you living out my fantasy in a cheap piece of shit car like you had.”

“But how the fuck do I afford that car on a part time salary at the mall?” she asked.

“You don’t.”

“Then are my parents paying for it?” she asked.

“Natalie, just let your body run on its own, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a dancer.” she paused, ”what? What kind of dancer am I?”

“You tell me, where do you dance?”

“Toppers in Poppupville.” and again her eyes went wide… “I’m a stripper?”

“Yeah, but it's not a dingy place, it's an upscale location.”

“What does that mean?!”

“In this state?  Not much, just better tips and more intimidating bouncers.” I told her.

She was both surprised and excited to learn that she now knew how to drive stick, as if she finally had something better than her old life.  She made her way to the university and parked in a parking lot she had never parked in before, she attributed that to muscle memory.  She walked to the cafeteria in the basement of the main building and found herself sitting with some women she didn’t really know and found it odd at how organically she just flowed into their conversations.  She knew one of the women from her history class as a man, ‘he’ had a crush on her, but now surprisingly she wasn’t even attracted to her.  Was it because she was hotter now?  Weird thoughts.

“Excuse me ladies,” a voice interrupted a slim man in his early forties standing over the table, “Natalie, I know you failed your last test, if you have studied appropriately, I have office hours at two this afternoon if you are up to retaking it.”

“Ummm… sure…  What was it on again?” Natalie asked.

He rolled his eyes, “Chapters nineteen through twenty-two in your text book.”

One of the other girls chimed in, “Wasn’t it nineteen through twenty-three professor Richards?” I suddenly realized she must be in my class as well.

He opened his phone and swiped a few times, “I stand corrected.”  and left.

She looked at Natalie and then her friend, “Professor Richards can be such a dick.”  and all of them giggled.

Some classes were easier than she expected, she never had a mind for the humanities before, she was better at logic, science and math.  Which she thought would mean that she would have an easier time with the test.  But she had a two period gap, and went over the textbook chapters.  History came easy, math was suddenly difficult for her, simple concepts were so alien to her.  She was visibly distressed, but spent the hours studying.  She had a very basic handle of the material when it was time to meet the professor.  She closed the book, frustrated that she knew that her former male self wouldn’t have had to study for this test, it was an easy ‘4.0,’ but now she was barely confident that she would get a ‘2.0.’

The awkward part is how uncomfortable she was getting walking to him. She was sweating a bit, at least under her clothes. Her arms felt cool, but her legs were slick with sweat, and she felt gross.

She knocked on the door, and he answered, “Come in.” Natalie stepped in, closed the door, and put her bag down, “I think I’m ready for the test, Professor Richards.”

He chucked, “Is that what we’re calling it?” he asked.

There was a look of confusion on her face, and I spoke up, “Just smile and ask him if this is an oral exam or a practical test?”  Of course this is the part where I think she started to understand she wasn’t sweating in her panties, she was getting aroused, her body knew what was coming.

She smiled, “Well, you tell me, professor, Is this an oral exam or a practical test?”

He smirked, “A little of both, but I suppose we should start with the oral part.”

I spoke again, and it should be clear to Natalie at this point that she is the only one who can hear me.  But she was also about to learn something new about our relationship. Every single time I told her to do something, she would not only feel an unwavering compulsion to do what I told her to do, but she would both want and enjoy it.

So the next thing I told her to do was, “get on your knees, and start sucking that cock.”  Now I wish I could say that I told her every step and that was why she was so good at it.  I can’t even say it was because she was a man and knew what men liked…  The truth was…  you guessed it, muscle memory, she was such a blatant slut, she knew every stroke, every lick, every press of her lips she needed to get him hard enough to take him in her mouth and even then she knew exactly how to grip it to prevent him from cumming while getting him to the edge.  And once he was there, “Push him back into his chair.”  and she did, “get on top of him and grab that cock and fuck him!”

And she did exactly what I said, her knees spread as they pressed in between his hips and the armrest of his office chair… and then she took a drip of his saliva covered cock and pressed it to her pussy lips and lowered herself down.

“If that feels amazing… say it.”  I told her.

“That feels amazing.”

“Good girl.” both the professor and I said at the same time, and that actually was a coincidence.

But I added, “Lift your top, let him see your titties.”

Fully impaled on him, she did.  And he stared at them, “They look even more divine every time you show them to me.”

I felt her stiffen up as I knew she wondered how often she did this with him, or maybe how often she did things like this in general.

“Put your arms on the chair over his head, lean in let him do as he wants with your breasts.”

And she did.  And He did.  And given the way she was breathing I could tell she didn’t expect to enjoy the way he fondled her breasts, sucked on them, and let them become such a focus on his actions.

“Now fuck him to get him off....”

And she did.  Somehow she knew the difference of fucking for fun, and her own pleasure versus fucking him to get this over with.  He played with her tits, and she started moving up and down, back forth, side to side with his dick.  And for the next twenty minutes they fucked and finally she felt him cumming inside her. They cleaned up, she fixed her makeup and he told her that she passed the test with flying colors.

Natalie went into the ladies room and stopped for a second as she realized she was in the ladies room.  There was a brief moment of her wanting to step out and go to the men’s room and then she remembered the muscle memory brought her in here, and that she was also in the right room.  She pulled some wipes out of her bag and cleaned herself off a little better. And stopped in front of the mirror, “Are you there?” she asked the mirror, but I knew she was talking to me.

“Of course.”  I answered.

“How long is this supposed to last?”

I giggled, “‘Til I get bored.”

“But he came to me.  What if I get pregnant, or get an STD?”

I giggled again, “STDs aren’t part of my fantasies.  Nor is getting pregnant.  None of the men you are attracted to will have them, and you are sterile for now.”

“What do you mean, ‘for now?’”

“Relax,” I told her, “When I’m done and it's time to go back home, or move on to the next person, I’ll be a nice demon and offer you the choice, go back to being Nate, or stay as Natalie and if you choose Natalie, it’ll be up to you if you are still sterile, or fully functional reproductive system.”

“How long til you get tired of me?” she asked.

“Well, I don’t think I’ve stuck to a single person for less than six months… or more than fifteen years… so I’d guess somewhere in between…” I paused, “But, I’d guess around three years.”

“Any way of expediting that?” she asked.

“Of course.  Find someone who would be willing to embrace the fantasy in your place.”

“How am I supposed to do that?”  she asked.

“It's not hard.  But I definitely set you up for a couple of easy marks to test your morality.” I giggled knowing that it would be people she would have difficulty doing this to.

“What if-” she started, but was cut off.

“You have one more class today, and you have a boyfriend to see.  Why don’t you get going.”

And she did.  She looked at her phone and realized that she had some time to get to her boyfriend’s place a bit earlier. And she smiled. She said goodbye to her new-old friends…  Her new friends that were apparently old to her new reality…


She got to the elevator and went down, and came out on the ground level.  As she was walking, she suddenly stopped, it was Kyle…  A bit of a bully to ‘Him’ and Luke, and she doubted he changed that much.

“Hey Natalie, How’s it going?”  he said with a wide grin making no attempt to hide the way he was staring at her cleavage.

“Fuck off, douche bag.” she replied.  And walked right past him and muttered something like, “Thank fuck for that muscle memory.”

But he was following her, “Oh, come on you don’t have to be like that.  Ditch the loser, and you could have me any time.”

She flipped him the bird, “I said fuck off.”  And she turned down a hallway.

He followed after her, and heard the door slam, and she hurried a bit, and stepped into the ladies room.  It was empty.  She ran into the last stall and sat inside and lifted her feet hoping he wouldn’t notice.  She heard the door open, and heavy footsteps walked in, “You know Natalie, I love it when you play hard to get.”

And door at a time, he kicked each one in until he was standing in front of her stall.  “Natalie..” he said looking between the cracks of the door, “Open the door, you don’t want me to get angry.”

I spoke, “Open the door.”

And without another thought, she had opened the door.  She gasped at the fright of how or why she would have done that.

“Good girl.”  he told her as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the stall. 

“Please don’t.” Natalie squeaked with as loud of a voice as she could.  “I’m sorry for being rude.  Please don’t.”

He laughed a loud belly laugh, “Oh, I love it when you play hard to get.” echoing his comments from earlier.  He bent her over the counter and lifted her skirt, and then pulled her panties down.

“Please.”  she squeaked one more time.

“I’m not feeling like ‘please’ means much today, slut.”  and he started pressing his dick to her pussy, but stopped and started going higher, to her ass.  And then he paused, “Just to be clear, what’s your safe word again?”

I spoke, “‘Pineapples,’ remind him that your safeword is ‘Pineapples.’” 

Natalie responded, “My safeword is ‘Pineapples.’” Natalie told her one-time bully.

“Now keep struggling and begging him to stop until you cum.” I told her… I paused with a smile on my… her wrist…. “Actually just keep going until he cums too.”

“Please don’t.”  and she realized that she was literally doing what she thought was an asshole comment, she was playing hard to get… and a second later she felt his cock in her ass…”Oww.  It hurts…”  but she was lying, it felt amazing.

To be continued.

The question from rule #5:  On a  scale of 1-10, how desperately do you wish you were in Natalie’s shoes?

As of the moment I finished the scene I have three chapters in mind for this, let me know if I should continue -slash- if you want to see more.

Any other thoughts?



Twitter: @Dyvia16





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