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Hi everyone, apparently its been a while since I put up a story. So here

is one. Its actually older, I wrote it during the ice storm of 2008 when

I had a lap top with no internet connection, lol... Just unburied it.

Edited it, and now posting it. This is part 1 of 3...


Also, stay tuned, big announcement in about 4 weeks at


Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated

as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not

legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of

bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read

this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going

any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on



Synopsis: In the near future, Eileen Brueller's husband is arrested, and she has to find out what his terrible secret is.



Mistress Dyvia presents:

Excuse Me!
What Exactly did my Husband do?

By: Mistress Dyvia


Well since this story doesn't center around me, nor is it a particular

'sexy story...'


I only have two rules for the subs:


1) For those of you who have it, I would like you to wear lipstick while

reading this story. Be sure to press your lips together whenever one of

the women in the story speaks.


2) When you are done reading: email me, or write a review (@Fictionmania)


And here we go!


Eileen was a very atypical housewife. She did the things that were expected of women, decades ago. Simply, she was a housewife. She was happy, she had a bad bout of cancer about five years earlier earlier, but aside from that her life has been wonderful. She had met her husband, Eric Brueller in high school, they had both went to college together. A couple years later they were married and now they had a couple kids. When Eileen came down with cancer, she wasn't that nervous, until she found out it was a brain cancer that couldn't be treated traditionally, they gave her 6 months to live. Taking the option to try an experimental procedure, she survived... But she never bothered going back to work. Her husband made a lot of money, so her money was unnecessary. She decided that following her cancer she would stay home and be a housewife. To both her and Eric's delight, this increased their sex life, so much so they had to soundproof the kids bedrooms.


Today was going to be a typical day for Eileen. It is 6 o'clock, and her husband's alarm was about to go off, she quickly pressed the off button, and slowly sank below the covers. She pulled the waist band of his boxers down to his knee caps, and slowly wrapped her lips around his morning wood' Bobbing her head up and down for a little while, she was getting horny herself, she felt Eric's hand on her head, and she crawled up to him, kissing him on the lips. And she mounted her wet pussy over his rock-hard member and she rocked back and forth, her husband sensuously placed his arms on her hips and enjoyed the rocking motion, which soon went to a bouncing motion. Eileen and Eric had the perfect morning sex life. And when he came, she kissed him, then went to the bathroom,

brushed her teeth, and went downstairs to put on the coffee and start making Eric and the kids' breakfast, all while Eric woke up the kids. Yes... She brushed her teeth, then went downstairs for coffee, mint an coffee? Go ahead: cringe....


The kids, Dennis and Samantha each had their sugary cereal, and Eileen and Eric each had a bagel and split half a pot of coffee. It was just before seven and the school bus came, and she made sure each of the kids had their lunches and scooted each of them down the walkway to the bus.' She gave both of them a kiss on the head, and waved, vaguely listening to Dennis' complaints about being kissed on the head publicly.


Entering in the house she heard the shower going, and she giddily ran up the stairs and into the bathroom where her husband had just stepped in. She scrambled to take off her own clothes and slowly slid the curtain open and stepped in with him, and well the shower proved to be very stimulating and long as they didn't clean themselves, but one another.


Stepping out of the showers they were each somewhat sexually spent. They of course started stimulating one another again, by helping to dry the other off. He spent a little extra time around her breasts, as well as her vagina, as she spent a little extra time around his penis. I'm sure I don't have to say that the two giggled like teenagers the whole time.


He started shaving as she went out to find her clothes for the day wearing only a towel. It took a few minutes, but she came back with her clothes folded neatly and placed them on top of the toilet seat. He was almost done shaving, when she started dressing. His shaving got much slower, as it did every morning as he watched her dress herself. She of course teased him with her panties and bra, giving her breasts an extra squeeze for his enjoyment. Then she would slowly pull up her stockings and do so excruciatingly slowly so that he would stare at her legs. It made her feel a little extra special, a little extra sexy, knowing that

he thought she was so beautiful. Then came a blouse and skirt. Basically a reverse strip tease. Of course it was funny how every morning she started with a short skirt, and by mid-morning after he left for work, she was swearing pants.


She started doing her makeup and would occasionally look in the mirror as her husband studied her, as he did every morning. He did nothing, but watch her put on her makeup. Every little casual stroke of her fingers with her concealer, or the tug of her mascara, the way she put on her lipstick, it was like he was entranced. Entranced by every little thing she did to make herself beautiful; for him. Of course no sooner was she done, than she looked in the mirror to see that he was rock hard, again. Third time this morning.


He walked up to her and started to lift her skirt. "Hunny no, I'm all dressed." Only, when she said 'no,' she didn't really try to stop him, sometimes it's that 'can we do this in two minutes or less?' rush that seemed to make a moment like this work. About three minutes later, they were all done, and she was throwing her skirt in the hamper, so she could put on her pants. Typical morning. He got dressed in about a minute, but

she tied his tie so she could kiss him. And then kiss him again. And then kiss him again and again until he was almost late for work.


She stood at the door and waved to him as he pulled out of the drive way and drove down the street. She went back inside and did her duties. She started by washing the dishes from dinner the night before and breakfast.  She took a little break to have a cup of tea, and watch a morning show

for about a half hour. After that she started a load of laundry, and then vacuumed the whole house. She picked up the kids' rooms a bit, and cleaned up the bathroom. The morning went on as such until about noon, when she could finally sit down and watch her soap operas; an admittedly guilty pleasure.


As I said at the beginning, this 'was' supposed to be a typical day for Eileen. This is where her normal day stopped. It was Two o'clock and the doorbell rang. An odd time for it to ring, she would have to pick her kids up from school in about a half hour. Maybe it was another mother asking if she could pick up her kids for the afternoon. "Coming!" she called out snickering to herself, about cumming three times already earlier in the morning.


She opened the door to a... policeman? Her heart skipped a beat, Was Eric hurt in an accident? Was one of her kids rushed to a hospital after school? Panic was almost ready to set in. "Hello officer?"


"Good day ma'am, are you Mrs. Eileen Brueller?"


"Yes. Sir, I am." It wasn't until then that she consciously realized she hoped he had the wrong house. "Is there something..." She swallowed hard.



"Uhh... yes ma'am, your husband was arrested a little less than an hour ago. We need you to come down to the police station." He paused. "You're not under arrest, it's just important that you come."


Her eyebrows widened in disbelief. "Eric? ...was arrested?"


"Yes, ma'am, can you please come with me?"


"Umm.. I guess"' What would she tell her neighbors if this were serious? What would she tell Samantha and Dennis? She gasped at the thought which echoed in her head, 'Samantha and Dennis?' "Actually officer, do I need to come right now? Or can I come down shortly once I make sure my kids

have a babysitter?"


The policeman nodded his head, but repeated her question into his shoulder mic. The response only heard in his ear piece. "That will be fine ma'am." And with that he turned and walked away.


She closed the door and immediately ran for her cell phone. She called her best friend Jenny. Of course, Eileen was in a bit of a panic, understandably, and Jenny had to clam her down. After explaining all the details that she knew, Jenny said, "Well relax, whatever he did, he might

not have done it. Evidence so far points in his direction, it doesn't mean he did it, just relax, I'll pick up Sammi, and Dennis, and you go talk to the police and your husband."


Eileen nodded her head, even though she wasn't actually looking at anyone. "Thanks Jenny, you're the most wonderful friend I have." She hung up the phone, and went to the bathroom to check her self. She looked fine, she wiped away some make up that smeared because of a couple tears, but aside from that she looked fine. She grabbed a pair of sunglasses to hide the puffiness of her eyes, got in her car and drove down to the police station.


She stepped up to the desk, to let them know she was here, she was instructed to sit down, and that s he would be notified as soon as someone was available from the case.


She sat there for well over an hour as many who were there before her were taken in. She wondered what some were there for? Were they drug dealers? Were they car thieves? Did they just forget to pay a parking ticket? Regardless in 24 hours they'd be brought before a judge, if he

determined that they could potentially be guilty, they would be regarded as 'potential terrorists' and be stripped of all their rights as a citizen, then they could do whatever they wanted to prove their guilt.


That's what really scared Eileen, what if Eric was considered 'probably guilty' how would they humiliate him? What would happen to the kids in

school. Would they torture him for a confession? Or did they already have the evidence they needed? Was it real? Could he have said or done something politically inconvenient? She shivered in her seat.


Finally a police officer came. "if you will please come with me, they're ready to see you now."


She stood up and grabbed her purse silently, almost clutching it given the people around her, even if they were in cuffs. She walked down a

couple dark and narrow corridors. To say she had 'the creeps' was an understatement.


She stepped into a room there was two men dressed in normal clothes on one side of a table, each had badges, on the other side was an empty

chair and and another woman sitting.


One of the men introduced himself. "Hello.. uhh... Mrs. Brueller?"


Eileen nodded. "Yes sir?"


"Please have a seat, I'm Detective John Cain and this is Detective Able Greenberg. The woman across from you is Mrs. Rhodes."


Detective Greenberg nodded his head.


Eileen sat down and rested her purse on her lap. "What's this all about? What is my husband accused of doing?"


The other woman, Mrs. Rhodes, nodded her head. "And what does it have to do with my husband?"


Detective Cain looked at the two women. "What do you two know about the Dyvia institute?"


Eileen answered first. "Not much, some sort of resort or something, my husband worked there a couple years ago installing new equipment."


Mrs. Rhodes added, "That's the place for all those 'gender disoriented' or whatever they call themselves these days go. They can have a vacation as a woman, Play dress up, do whatever. Alter themselves to look and think like a woman. Some rumors say that some men will go their just to... disappear But what would that place have to do with my husband? He would never go to such a place."


Eileen's own eyes widened. What if it was her husband that was going there? No... it's not like that is a crime... Or maybe.. if he was arrested' he stole equipment, transforming himself into a woman, and having an affair with this woman's husband? She started breathing heavily. "He wouldn't cheat on me." The room's attention turned to her.  "He loves me."


But the thoughts just from this morning were arguing with her own sense of reason. The sex, what was it about the things she did. Was it really

her sexy legs that he was looking at? Or was it the way she put on her stockings? When he was watching her put on her makeup in the mirror, was

it really how she looked, that he liked? Or the makeup that he found sexy. Or even a worse thought; what if he got caught helping criminals

hide from the authorities?


Detective Cain looked at Detective Greenberg. "Should we separate them and fill them in?"


Detective Greenberg raised his eyebrows. "Only if YOU wanna tell the story twice."


He shook his head at his partner's response. "Quit being such a chicken-shit."


Eileen was freaking out now, and was sick of these two men beating around the proverbial bush. "Excuse me!" her voice authoritative, but then her

voice grew immediately timid. "What exactly did my husband do?"


Mrs. Rhodes nodded her head in agreement with Eileen, and put her hand on Eileens and giving a quick squeeze. "Thank you." She too, was sick of

waiting for a straight answer. She glared at them reaffirming what Eileen had said. "Detectives?"


Detective Cain looked back at the two women, and leaned over the table with his two hands. "Eric Brueller broke into the Dyvia institute one

night when he worked there five years ago, he had kidnapped Joseph Rhodes, then altered him. I mean full alteration, mentally, emotionally, physically, genetically, the works... To replace his wife who had just passed away from brain cancer."


The two women, their faces growing paler by the second, actually responded in unison. "What?"



For those who wish to comment on my story, or just be sociable, email me



'Til next time girls! Bye Bye!


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