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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself.

synopsis: Mistress Dyvia meets George and brings out the goth girl theresa so they can have some fun.

Hi girls! I'm so glad you could make it here. We always seem to enjoy our story time don't we? Sometimes I'm afraid you'll get bored of me telling you all the stories of the fun times I have with my girls' that used to be boys. But you always seem to come over to hear it anyway. Please, sit down, relax, and I'll tell you about a new story.

Mistress Dyvia presents:

Mistress Dyvia's
Goth Style

You know Diana, right? No? Oh, well you two should really meet sometime, but we were talking one day, and she knows how every so often I get kinda gothy in my appearance. So we were chatting and she asked me if I had transformed any of my girls into Goths at all. And I though about it, I don't think that I had. Of course thinking about that had me planning on what I should do to fix that little oversight.

Oh wait, Rules! The subs and slaves I love so much should have rules to follow right?

Rule #1) You must be aroused before reading my story.
Rule #2) Since this story is about Goths, I want you to be wearing nothing but black. If you are wearing clothes of any other color take them off right now. 
Rule #3) I want you to wear high heels or lipstick if not both. If you don't have them, I want you to take a black magic marker, and color in your nipples. Either way, I want you to be hyper sensitive to just how vulnerable you are to the feminine mindset. 
Rule #4) If you did put lipstick on, I want you to look in a mirror an say, "I have such cute, sexy and slutty lips, just like Mistress Dyvia wants" five times.
Rule #5) You belong to Me. I own you and you must do whatever I tell you to. You must not cum while reading this story, if you do, you must swallow every drop. But when you do finish I want you to write me, and let me know what you thought of this story. After that, I want you to cum, and you can dispose of your cum in any way you see fit. Then I release you until next time you agree to be my slave. 

Now let's get on with the story shall we?

A couple days later I found myself doing what I do best, shopping. I was in a department store looking at the makeup counter. But I wasn't doing it in the normal way. I was looking at a nice young man, who was looking at the makeup counter at an angle. Pretending like his eyes were on something else. 

I walked up to him, "Trying to find something your girlfriend would like?"


"Well I can see that you're looking at the lipsticks, but you seem a little intimidated. All this girly stuff intimidating your masculinity?"

He laughed a bit, "Yeah, I guess so. I was just, uhh trying to score some brownie points with the Gee-eff."

I smiled, "Well, I'll be nice. I'll walk over with you so you don't have to be embarrassed, as long as you don't think your 'gee-eff' would mind."

He blushed a little, "Well I don't think she would, so sure, thank you. Do you work here?"

"No, not at all. My name is Dyvia." I putt my hand around his arm, and pulled myself in close, he stiffened a bit, but didn't say anything.

"My name is George."

So there we were, we were looking at everything. We started out with the most basic. Lipstick. He picked out a couple shades, but I corrected him, and found shades that I told him a woman would find more sexy or trendy, I lied to be perfectly honest. I picked a couple deep colors that I thought would match his skin tone perfectly. We moved on and quickly found some other cosmetics to go with his skin tone for 'his girlfriend.' Eyeliner, lip liner, eye shadow, mascara, foundation, and blush. I think he thought he was done as he found that he had over a hundred dollars worth of cosmetics, but I wasn't done with him.

"So, does your girlfriend have long finger nails?"

"Not really, why?"

I tilted my head on his shoulder and walked him over to the fake nails. I picked out a package, which was only about five dollars, but I thought they would be fun on him. And of course I convinced him to buy a makeup mirror, and some brushes and such. Then to finish it off, some nail polish for his, ahem, excuse me, his girlfriend's nails. I think by the time I was done with him his bill was something like $146.63. It was crazy. But he paid in cash. 

We started leaving together, and we got to the doors outside, we were completely alone.

"Well George, I hope you enjoy your makeup."

'Thanks I'm sure I'll get some enjoyment out of them when she sees what I have for her."

I smiled, "I know you bought them for yourself."

"What? No I didn't" he was so nervous.

I stepped in close to him and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry George, I think it's hot. I don't think a man is a man unless he has the balls to wear lipstick and heels." I pulled out a piece of paper from my purse and a pen, and then wrote my cell phone number in big pink letters. I wrote 'Dyvia' and made a little heart where the dot on the 'i' should be. "Here," I handed him my number. "Give me a call this afternoon, maybe I'll have you over my place, maybe we can play dress-up." I winked at that then added, "But just to give you fair warning, I'm a kinky girl, and I can be pretty bossy at times, but I look forward to your call."

"Umm. Okay, I'll think about it." I waved and started walking away without another word. "Uhh... Goodbye, Dyvia." He was so cute, being so nervous. 

So I went home, and tried to get myself into the Goth mindset. Music is always a good motivator. I went online and found some tickets to a concert for the following night. But for that moment I played some Korny and Mary-Lynn Monsoon. yeah, you knew what I was listening to...

Around three in the afternoon I got the phone call from George that I had been expecting. He seemed nervous, but I gave him directions to my home, and he agreed to come over in a couple hours. He asked if he should bring the make up I helped him with earlier, and I said no. I also told him not to expect to go home until the following evening. 

Big surprise, two hours later I hear my doorbell. I went over and answered him and invited him in. He came in and I offered him a drink, he graciously accepted. Well it wasn't long before the conversation went from simple pleasantries, to my bedroom. 

I placed black, leather, buckling bracelet on his left wrist. It had silver spikes on it. He looked at it with a confuse expression, and I told him, "You can take this off whenever you want to, but the fun stops then. As long as you wear it you belong to me, and your name will be Theresa. Do you understand me?

"Yes, I do."

"Good. What is your name?"


"Good girl." I sat her down at my make up table while I grabbed some clothes I had put aside for her. When I came back I had her get up and turn around. I had her take off all her clothes. I forgot about all her body hair. My plans were a bit delayed. 

About twenty-five minutes later, a now hairless Theresa was having a corset brought around her. I tightened it around her back as I laced and re-laced until I was satisfied with her hourglass figure. Next I helped her put on a lacey black bra and gave her large breasts, DD cups. And lastly I put on a gaff to keep Mr. George hidden away for the evening. Shaping her body was done. 

Did I tell you about my secretary? Well that's another story, but I tested this throat-molding toy out on her and gave her this great female voice. Well I used the same thing on Theresa. I cannot believe how sexy she sounds just when she tries to talk normally with it. Even with the gaff on I could tell Mr. George was trying to come out to play, just from the sound of Theresa's voice. 

Then it was time for the outfit. I once again helped her with a black garter belt and purple stockings. They had a cute little intricate pattern on them. I added ten sliver bracelets for her right wrist, and black fingerless gloves on her hands. She already had a black spiked bracelet on her left hand as I mentioned earlier. Then came the dress, it was black, sleeveless and full length, it went right up to her neck and down to her ankles. With a pair of scissors I cut along a side seem so she could show off one of her legs. Then I gave her a pair of high-heeled boots with a nice big fat heel. It wasn't exactly a stiletto or spiked heel, so she should be able to learn how to walk fast enough. And lastly I added a spiked collar around her neck.

Now it was time for makeup. I used some black eye liner. Gave her eyes a thick black out ling both above and below her eyes. I chose not to use any blush, so I continued down her cheeks with a lush and pretty Celtic design. And please say it out loud for me 'Kel-tic.' And just so that we are clear, I am an American of Irish ancestry, and living in New England, it sends a shivers of anger and embarrassment whenever I hear someone mention that basketball team. 

I'm sorry, Where was I? Oh yes, So I added a little purple eye shadow to match her stockings and I used a black lip liner, which in retrospect may have been pointless as I used a black lipstick. I curled her eyelashes with an eyelash curler, and the fact that her eyelashes were nice and long definitely helped. I took some black mascara and enhanced as well as darkened her lashes. With tweezers I shaped her eyebrows. She started to protest, but I told her if she was really nervous about what people would think, that she should shave them off the following night, and tell people she knew that she got drunk, and had no idea what happened. I attached some long fake fingernails to her fingers and painted all of her fingers midnight-black. But I gave both of her middle fingers a single purple stripe running vertically along the center of her fingers. I had this great idea, I got some colored contacts, they had no prescription, and they were just to change the color of ones eyes. (Now keep in mind, just having these lying around is great for the story, but you should really check with an optometrist before doing this) Her eyes were now a bright shade of purple. 

And with one final change, she would be complete, using a couple Bobbi pins; I secured a long black wig to her head. I have her a couple hair bands and in case it got in the way, then I helped her up and we walked over to a full-length mirror so that she could see her appearance. She was speechless. Theresa, for as gothy as she looked, she looked like quite the sexual animal. 

I dressed quickly to match her, because whether she knew it or not, we were going out. I wore black high heels, and black fishnet stockings, a red leather corset that had a full cup to cover my breasts. I also had a black leather skirt that only went about half way down my thighs. I ha d a black see-thru top a black leather choker with a cute onyx broche at it's clasp. I used a gray eye shadow, black eye liner, black lip liner, and a crimson lipstick. I put my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my purse. 

I was ready to go, but Theresa was almost ready. I grabbed all the make up I had put on her and put it into a small purse for her, and I raided George's pants for his wallet, and put it into Theresa's purse and handed it to her. 

Against all her audible protests, she found herself in the passenger seat of my car driving to a restaurant. It wasn't a fancy place by any means, a steakhouse, and a chain one for that matter. 

We sat and chatted and I got to know a little of her interests in both music and movies, things she liked to do. I was relieved a bit, to know that she should at least enjoy the music at the concert we were going to go to the next night.

We got our food, and started to eat it. I don�t think she realized how much of a pain in the butt lipstick could be, it got everywhere on her. Her silverware, napkin, drink glass, her fingers. She was only about halfway done when she realized she couldn't eat anymore. The corset was holding her torso too tight, but that was fine by me. I asked the waitress to wrap our meals up, and I asked Theresa, "I have to go to the restroom, would you like to come with?"

At first I think she was going to say 'No.' But she nodded her head, and said, "yeah." As soon as we were in, we realized it was a bathroom for one person at a time, which was even better as I was honestly a bit horny. I locked the door. And put my purse on the ground in front of Theresa. I knelt down on it, and lifted her skirt up and removed her gaff. 

Mr. George was at full attention in seconds and I put a red ring around the base. Yes from my lipstick, it probably took less than a minute, and Mr. George was already losing his size. Once again I put the gaff back on, and I stood up. Facing Theresa she was speechless, I opened my mouth and she could see Mr. George's cum under my tongue. I closed my mouth and simultaneously smiled and swallowed. I opened my mouth, and she saw that there was nothing there.

"Wow Dyvia. You are amazing." I think she forgot about her voice for a minute, because I think she was trying to say that in a male-sensitive way, but it came out as a cute female way. 

"Thank you." I took the next couple minutes to fix both of our faces. Both of our lipsticks were faded, mine from Mr. George, and hers from eating. We went back, the meal was roughly twenty-three dollars, and I left a twenty and a ten. 

About a half hour later we were back in my home and we turned on a DVD. It was a romantic comedy and we were both enjoying it. I took out a bottle of wine. The two of us spent the next hour or so passing it back and forth, and we got really drunk, well I did at least, I don't really remember much, until I woke up the next morning.

My eyes opened up and I was in my bedroom. The first thing that occurred to me was that I did not have a hangover, which really surprised me. But I was happy enough by that. I sat up and was looking down at my lap. I had a pink jelly strap-on dildo between my legs. That could be bad. Looking just past my bed I saw Theresa hog-tied with a penis gag in her mouth on the floor. Her eyes were moving around. I chuckled a bit, and got up, with my strap-on still strapped on. "Hold on Theresa, let me untie you," I undid her gag first. "I guess you learned that it not a good idea to both get me really drunk and really horny."

"Yes Mistress Dyvia." 'Mistress?' I really did get too drunk, sounds like a fun night I really wish I remembered all of.

"Well don't worry about the 'Mistress' for now." I finished untying her. "I'll go make some coffee for you, give yourself a minute to stretch out again. I hope you got some sleep Theresa, we got a busy day ahead of us."

As I said those last couple words to her, I winked. And there was something about the look on her face, when I said, 'a busy day,' that gave this undeniable look of utter fear, and pure exhilaration. 

Well that's all for now. I really am a tease aren't I? I'll have to tell you about the rest of the weekend another time. Hope to see you again soon.

The End. 

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This story should only be found on I'm pretty generous about my stories so if you wish to post elsewhere, that is fine, but ask permission first.


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