Mistress Dyvia
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional…
Rules for the subs:
1. If you want to be property, just say, “I am Mistress Dyvia’s property’ aloud and you will be mine until the next time you cum.
2. I prefer my pets marked, collars are fine, a bracelet is acceptable, but I will be most pleased with a coat of lipstick. Every time you press your lips together, imagine I’m kissing you.
3. I want you to read, ‘My name is Brandi, Brandi with an ‘i,’ aloud every time our protagonist says it.
4. When you are done, write to me, I want to know what you would have done in Stanley’s position. What would you have done differently. And knowing what happens, would you have still gone on this island vacation?
5. You are not to cum while reading this story, though I want you aroused. If you finish the story and wish to cum, you may ask, and I will give you a task, once completed, you will be given permission to cum
Mistress Dyvia presents:
Island Vacation Chapter 2
By: Mistress Dyvia
The pillow wass so fucking soft. But the room was also so fucking bright, could I just sleep in? I would have absolutely loved to sleep in. What if I got up and just shut the blinds? No, I knew that I should get up so I didn’t waste the day away.
I sat up and… “whoa…” my body is not usually like that. I looked at my hands, they were just so big, I looked down, my breasts were... gone. Oh fucking shit, what the fuck? I reached between my legs, and “Owww..” I said as I apparently squished my balls. “I’m a dude..” My voice was wayyy too low.. I shook my head to clear the morning cobwebs out of my head and then it hit me: The Vacation.
Stanley and I planned this vacation, we had broken up but decided to still go, just not as a couple since we spent the money already. Okay, that’s right, he was gonna be a chick I think, for the whole week, I said I wanted to try a few different bodies so every night I go to sleep I’ll wake up in a new body with different urges.
I got up and walked into the bathroom and checked out the bod. Holy shit, I have a six pack, and ooh. If I squeeze, I can make my pecs bounce… I was a fucking wet dream, and emphasis on wet, I would have loved attention from this guy when I was girl… Hmm. I wonder if I’ll be a woman tomorrow?
I pull the undies down and see my cock flop out. Dayy-ummmm, focus Delphina, I always wondered what I would do if I had a cock for a day. What was the first thing I would do. Helicopter the fuck out of it!
So for the next few minutes I found myself with slightly bent knees, twisting my pelvis over and over again trying to make my dick whirl like a helicopter blade. Oh fuck, this was fun, but shit my dick was starting to get sore and I knew that maybe I should stop for a few minutes… since I was feeling dizzy with all the twirling.
So I decided to jump in the shower and get cleaned up, who knew what the last person was doing with this body, My dick could be covered in like thirty girl’s pussy juices… or maybe thirty guys ass juices… Not thinking about poop on my junk… nope… I need a shower.
Alright, so I guess i need some clothes, so I open up the closet and look inside, and find a decent enough selection, but it wasn’t much of a selection. No bras… weird for me. Briefs or boxers? ... Or commando? Actually as hot as commando sounds, until I’m used to zippers on pants, I’ll take the extra precaution. But looking in the closet it was shorts and pants. The styles didn’t vary much, it was a color choice more than anything. Shirt, pullover or button down, or zip up hoodie. Wow… boring.
I shrugged picking a pair of tan colored shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. A pair of briefs, since I was more used to them on the women’s side of things and headed into the shower.
I stood under the hot water for a while, and just enjoyed the sensation of melting skin… uh more of an allegorical melting skin, not literal. And finally I decided to get down to business. I had short hair, very short in fact that it felt nice when I rubbed the back of my head and it was all sticking up straight and felt soft. I squeezed out a handful of shampoo and found that might have been too much… The lather was a bit too intense, and I’m pretty sure I was done in fifteen seconds, what the fuck? A bar of soap, did they still use bars back in the twenty-first century? I grabbed a washcloth and rubbed it on the soap and then used it to wash my body. Then I rinsed and then a towel to dry off… Hell, I just used the same towel to dry my hair and my body, so weird…
I looked in the mirror, I could use a shave, this was easy, right? There was a can I squeezed the top and saw a whip cream like substance inflate in my hand, couldn’t be harder than putting a mask on at night, right? Nope, it wasn’t, and then I just used the razor thing and went slow so I wouldn’t cut myself. Now for makeup… Wait… men didn’t wear makeup back then. That’s it? I’m done? I double checked, I guess I needed my clothes. Pulled the shirt over my head, pulled the undies up, and then the shorts… “I’m good to go.”
Weird low voice coming from my mouth. “Testing: one, two , three…” weird.
Okay, it was time to go.
I put on a pair of sandals as it was a tropical resort. And walked out of the suite and went to the nearest elevator. I reached the lobby a few minutes later and saw a receptionist smiling at me. Good God, her breasts were just so large… I couldn’t take my eyes off them. Okay, they weren’t the largest I’ve ever seen, but holy shit they were just so, voluminous… The cleavage just sucked your soul… or at least your attention right into the never ending pit of brain numbing descent. “Wow…”
She looked up with a pointed expression, “Thanks…” she said, sighing a tone of voice that was likely annoyed, but used to it.
“Sorry, I’ve never seen breasts so amazing before in my life.”
She laughed, “I’ve heard that before.”
“But I mean it,” I said with a bit of embarrassment. “Seriously, I’ve lived my whole life with a fantastic pair of C-cups, but damn. Those are glorious.”
Her eyes fluttered for a moment, “Wait, are you a straight woman in a straight male bot?”
“Umm.. Yeah… first time, just woke up an hour ago.” I answered honestly.
“Oh, fair warning then, they usually set women in men’s bodies to an ultra level of horndog. My tits are nice, but the ones you’ll see once you hit the clubs are going to really drive you crazy.”
I was still staring at her tits, “I’m sorry, I’m trying to take my eyes off them, but it's so hard.”
“Doesn’t look it.” she said, and I noticed her eyes were looking at my crotch.
“Not what I meant.” I said with a giggle that made me feel oddly embarrassed since it was far more feminine than it should have been. But then, “since you’re knowledgeable about my circumstances, what should I be aware of?”
She reached under her desk, “If women have red lipstick and red clothes, like bright red.. They are service bots, they are paid well to never say ‘no.’”
“That sounds sketchy.”
She shrugs, “They all are paid well, as I said, and they went over all the details before they signed their contracts, legal consent was given.”
She smiled and grabbed a checklist, “Well, you will find yourself growing more aroused with every woman you see. You have a default of four orgasms a day, but you can recharge them in the public restrooms for a small fee. Most men are defaulted with an eight inch cock, but you can step down to the clinic and they can fix you with a different size, it only takes a few minutes… Volume of cum too, at the clinic you can change the volume of each orgasm as well as the flavor, it defaults to two tablespoons per orgasm, which is a lot more than the average male in the real world, but you can be adjusted for a gallon. Don’t worry bots down drown, so nothing to worry there. You can go to thought seminars if you want a different perspective, they give you new interests or fetishes, and when you go back to your suite at night, you can put your hand on the blue circle and it will return your mind to default. You need to charge your batteries by going to bed for four hours a day, most usually make it to bed around four or 5am when the parties die down. But be aware, there have been some people who forget, and their bodies shut down in a emergency mode, some people have been exposed to forced thought seminars which often go untreated for hours, days or even the rest of your vacation if you find yourself with no need or desire to go back to your suite.”
“That sounds bad.” I said with honest concern in my voice.
“It doesn’t happen that often, and there are people who want it, and stay up late for the purpose of seeing what could happen randomly. Honestly we have a few staffers who are paid to do this… It will ensure that you are back to normal by your next sleep schedule. But vacationers are allowed to as well. So be careful.”
“I will, thanks.” That’s some crazy shit there. But fuck it, I’m here for a week. Time to go out and have some fun.
I found myself walking down a boardwalk and just as the brochures had promised every woman was super sexy. The men should have been turning me on with their washboard abs and striking features, and they were all so fucking hard bodied I should be slipping down the boardwalk from the drool… Should. But I wasn’t, as the receptionist pointed out, I was a straight man. I was staring at women, it was so hard not to. I wasn’t looking at their crotches like I expected to, but their lips, asses, and unapologetically their breasts. It was like, fuck, I wanted to squeeze every pair I passed. And being at this hedonistic sex vacation, they were all so big and perfect… and bouncy.
I saw a woman with soccer sized tits running down the beach and two things seemed to conflict in my mind when I saw this. One, holy shit those were amazing… Do men really like looking at breasts this much? And two. You know she’s a bot when can run like that, with tits that ginormous, without a sports bra, and keep a smile on her face... Still holy shit.
Looking around, breasts and asses were goddamn amazing, I mean I suppose part of it was whatever programming the baseline of my bot was, but some of the bodies here, the most impressive bodies for real people were the least impressive on this island. Everything was exaggerated.
I walked up to a group of women, “Hi there.”
A few of them turned and looked, and they seemed to have an in sync, “Hi!” and they giggled.
“So how are those bodies.. Err bots?”
One girl smiled, “Ready to rock and roll.”
“Always.” another added in.
“Like are you normally women? I am, this is my first time as a guy, and I’m curious how things are for you?”
Four of the girls said they were women, the fifth admitted that the others talked him into wearing that body and picked the features. No one had regrets. The former guy said he loved the way the body moved, and everything was so sensual. The girls agreed, that everything was enhanced, and just like the promos had promised, they had no hangups about just having sex, they were sexually impulsive.
One of them smiled and stepped closer making it a point to exaggerate her breasts, and stood so close that when I looked down, I was just pulled into her cleavage. “So you are usually a girl, huh? Have you tried out that dick yet?”
I shook my head, my eyes finding it impossible to take my eyes off her cleavage. “Nope.”
“What’s your name?”
And I answered honestly, “Delphina.”
My eyes still very much locked to her incredibly inviting cleavage, she giggled, “Don’t worry, most of the male bots are designed to stare at breasts. I have to make another move to snap you out of that, or you have to decide you’re interested in doing something… or someone else.” She placed her hand on my cock. And I felt lightning bolts of pleasure slide up it, and an involuntary reaction as it started getting bigger and heavier… but my eyes snapped up from her cleavage to her smile. She giggled, “See what I mean?”
“I do!” I said with a bit of enthusiasm, as I felt my hips start pumping back and forth with her hand involuntarily.
She giggled again,”Wanna give this dick a test ride?”
I repeated my last words, “I do.”
She let go of my cock, and took my hand, the others followed, “Do you wanna be more aggressive or more passive?”
I shrugged, “I could go either way, but I have spent most of my adult life being more sexiually passive, I’d love to try ‘more aggressive.’”
“Cool, I prefer that too.” she gave me a wink. And stopped at the table, and gestured to it. “Go ahead and bend me over and have fun.”
I smiled at her, and took her by the arm and spun her around and pulled her close to me instead, and reaching around her I squeezed and teased her massive breasts… “I’ll get there in a moment,” I promised her. And squealed a bit with excitement as I teased her breasts, her hips, her thighs, and nibbled on her ear and neck until I could smell her arousal even in the open air… and then I faced us both towards the table and roughly pushed her down. I dropped my pants with one hand while holding the small of her back, a silent command to stay down.
There was a heady moment, I have never done this before, but I’ve been in her position so many times. My body was screaming at me to just push in, my memories wanted me to be careful. I wasn’t sure how the female bodies reacted. Were they just like mine? A little sore if the initiation was too quick? Or was it all pleasure, because that’s how we were programmed?
To be safe, Instead, I rubbed my dick along her slit, using her juices to lubricate me, and then I slowly pushed in, and a moan tore itself from her closed mouth and i did not stop, did not slow down or speed up until I was buried in her right to the hilt… And then back.. And then forward again… This felt good, I needed more… And we did this for only about five minutes while her nearly forgotten friends sat around us and watched… and then we came...My cock spasmed as soon as I felt her orgasms slosh against my pelvis.
We laughed for a few minutes, and she told me I wouldn’t be able to orgasm or get heard again for another twenty minutes. I thanked her and her friends and started to go on my way when she came back, “Hey, just a thought, instead of telling anyone your real name, maybe you should go by ‘Rock,’ for now.
“Cuz I get rock hard?”
“You know it!” she said. We both laughed and I went my way.
I went to a pool area and saw what must have been a service girl with sum on her face just sitting on the lounge chair poolside, but I ignored her, and I decided to take a swim to see if I could get my shorts and took look a bit more like the random wetness from that girls orgasm that landed on the ground. Not that anyone would care here.
I was walking a little time later when I saw a woman in a pink dress she spoke, and my eyes immediately pulled into her cleavage. “Hey Mister, I’m looking to lose my oral virginity, you horny?”
I was and my eyes broke from her cleavage and I was looking her up and down, yeah, I definitely wanted that. “Yes.. Yes I do.”
She smiled and walked closer, “right here?”
I nodded my head. “Sure.”
She helped pull down my pants and she started licking my cock into a state of hardness, and then took it into her mouth. Damn, that was not only hot, it felt good...different from a pussy. Amazing in its own right.
As one could imagine, I didn’t make it to lunch time before I was out of orgasms… I stopped at a public restroom, and saw urinals for men to relieve themselves, not that I understood the need for such biological reactions in bots, but I guess it was to normalize us, as if anything about our new bodies were really normal. But there were holes in the walls and I saw a guy ahead of me, stroke his shaft until he was hard, and then slid it into the hole, a digital display actually loaded him from 17% to 100%, he withdrew and left.
I did what he did. And it was the oddest thing, I felt something tighten around my dick, and then something was moving into my pee hole, I should be freaking but it almost felt good and then a rush of fluid, and the scale went from 3% to 100% in under a minute.
So then I fucked my way around the island for the next few hours. And did another recharge. I was suggested a bar after dinner and Went with it. It was kinda hot, they had sex stools which were definitely not a 21st century thing. Basically women, or men, but considering this was a straight bar on the island… women… would lean over a stool, rest on their forearms or elbows while drinking and eating and leave their pussies and asses exposed to the world to fuck at with leisure. I stepped in and started fucking the girls right down the line.
One girl actually had a very interesting reaction… a service girl, I put my hands on her ass, and felt the cum on my hand, not all hers either, “Well used, I see.” I told her.
She giggled, “My Name’s Brandi, Brandi with an ‘i,’ want me to suck your cock?” she asked.
This was admittedly my first service girl, but I didn’t want her to turn around, I wanted her just like she was… “Not now,” I told her firmly, but then added, “just stay wet, I’m enjoying pussy a lot more than I expected to, today.”
She eagerly agreed, “Okay have fun!” As soon as I was inside her, she let out a pain-filled grunt and I stopped, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” wondering if I should withdraw, this was the first girl to show any pain that I had met here.
Her head bobbed up and down, though I couldn’t see her face from this angle, “Yeah, you’re very big,” I felt a smile pull itself on my face, male pride I guess… “But it hurts in a good way keep going.”
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" he asked with genuine curiosity in his
“I will.” I said as Began to furiously pump in and out of her until I came. I was unsure if she came or not, but I did, and she was a service girl, her orgasm meant nothing. My eyes widened at that thought, a pre-programmed apathy towards a service girl?”
I wondered if the pain thing had anything to do with that… then… Oh shit… No that’s something I would have done. Was this service girl Stanley? I don’t remember giving specific instructions about making her feel pain so I would know who she was.. But that is something I would do… and this island was advertised for using mind control in its hedon. Yes, this had to be Stanley. Brandi was my ex. Oh I was going to fuck with her… in so many ways.
“Hey babe, so that was my last orgasm, how long will you be here? I want to test drive your mouth next.” I asked.
She told me she would be there until midnight. I knew from the signs on the wall, that if you took a girl before their shift ended, they would stay with you until you were done… I smiled, went for a refill so I would have a full seven orgasms ready for her, and went back to my room until 11:30. I made my way back down to the bar again and there she was, I just crossed my fingers no one else grabbed her, and then at 11:58, I claimed her and took her to a back room.
I knew she was supposed to be free for ten hours, four of which her body would need to recharge. So I kept her busy for hours. Four hours for my seven orgasms, yup I splurged for the extra three... And then I released her around 4am. That gave her 2 hours to enjoy herself and four hours to recharge.
I needed to find this Brandi, Brandi with an ‘i’ again… I knew she was supposed to be in one body the entire time, where once I recharged I would be someone else when I woke up again… and around 6am, I found myself laying down in bed, and beginning the charge cycle. And I fell into a virtual dream, it was much like a real dream, but it randomized a lot of events of my day switching faces, and the virtual dream would still be at the front of my memory in its entirety when I woke up.
My eyes started to open, I was awake again… I was in a new room. I started to sit up, take stock of who or what I was now, and… ohh. Wait, what? I felt around my body and felt things… and visually confirmed them in the mirror, “That’s not what I was expecting…”
To be continued.
Chapter three we will be revisiting Brandi as she starts her second day! Do you think she will see Delphine/Rock again? What do you think Delphina awoke to?
Let me know your thoughts on these questions and more!
Email: Mistress_dyvia@yahoo.com
Twitter: @Dyvia16
Website: Mistressdyvia.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23024772
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/10443296
LiL: https://lockedinlace.com/members/mistressdyvia
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