Mistress Dyvia
You voted for Scott's version of Chapter 3, so here it is! Daphne's version is on Patreon, and as of yesterday both versions of Chapter 4 if you would like to see more! The holidays have struck, so I am a couple days behind, I am sorry. However, December is a critical month now, do I carry on with Chapter 5 as an end to the story? Or is Chapter five the first part of Scott and Daphne's adventure? The feedback I get in the next five to ten days will determine this. Kisses for now, and please enjoy.
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.
Rules for the subs:
As always, a constant theme in my stories are the rules… and these are the rules for the un-owned subs that want a little control taken from them. These are optional, at least until you follow rule #1..
Rule #1 You belong to me until you thank me for your next orgasm. Say it, “Mistress Dyvia, I belong to you until I thank you for my next orgasm.”
Rule #2 I mark my subs. I prefer lipstick on your lips, thick and unblotted so you feel me every time you press your lips together. if unavailable, get a black marker and write my name on your cock, or just over your pussy.
Rule #3 I over use elipses… ...really... ...I do… But I enjoy this. So whenever you see one, give your cock or clit a gentle slap, nothing painful, but one that will bring you a burst of arousal. And remember I did this to you, not you. ;)
Rule #4 email me at the end. Let me know what you thought of the story, your expectations for things to come… and how much you wish to be either Scott or Daphne.
Rule #5 When you are done reading the story and writing MIistress, it is time to cum… Just chant, “I am Mistress Dyvia’s thrall!” over and over again until the orgasm sweeps over you, and be sure to verbally thank your Mistress, even if I’m not there.
Mistress Dyvia presents:
Mistaken Identity
Scott’s Chapter 3
Scott sat at the edge of the bed staring at the watch Daphne handed to him. He was a succubus, and from what Daphne had told him, his grandfather had showed up with his father during the change, which apparently explained the blood on Daphne’s chest when she had finally woken up. They now knew what had happened to him, he was a woman, he wasn’t sure that was correct, but ‘female’ definitely was. Closing his eyes, ‘she’ was a succubus.
She tightened her teeth feeling her jaw clenching, the embarrassment, humiliation flowing over her. She thought she was going to awaken as his old self, but with fangs, and hopefully some charisma. Nope, woke up as a sexy female, Daphne standing there patiently covered in blood, while she had explored her own body for confirmation that she was indeed female.
She knew her father and grandfather were waiting outside the room, she could hear their heartbeats which was strange in itself, and she wasn’t sure she could face them, and told Daphne just that. Daphne reminded her so kindly that she had full control over her if she refused. The watch she held was counting down, she was given five minutes to come out on her own, of her own choice, or Daphne would make her come out in risque lingerie and offer lap dances to her family… As much as she was convinced her father and grandfather would not accept such things, the idea of walking out there and offering such things was a motivation.
One minute left.
She stood up and picked up the robe that had been provided for her. She put it on. She reached for the door. She felt ‘heady,’ like every action she performed was a strain on her mind. Turning a knob. She walked one step at a time. As she turned the corner she saw Daphne first, another two steps she saw her grandfather, and another step brought her within sight of her father.
“Hi” was the only word she said. It was a greeting, but she was unsure if there was anything else to say. Jump into an apology? Play dumb and pretend she had no idea who they were? Honestly, there was nothing of substance that could be said here, they all knew she had screwed up, and worse she had even managed to screw up her screw up. All she could hope for was a bit of compassion and not being disowned and cursed.
Her Grandfather looked at her, “I could say a lot of things, but no point in saying them now, I’m glad to see you standing, without a blood lust.” and that in itself was a scary thought, what if Scott had risen with her family there, and mercilessly ripped out a throat, or what if her father or grandfather had to be the one to put him down… kill him. Though he would have died a man, that certainly would not be happening now.
She nodded. “Yeah… I guess.”
Her father looked at her, “Yesterday, I had two daughters and a son, today I have three daughters, I don’t know if I should shake your hand, hug you, or smack you upside the head and call you an idiot.” a surge of emotions caught in Scott in a way she had never experienced, tears threatened to come from her eyes at the shock of her father being relatively kind. The disappointment in her father’s tone of voice was crushing, yet he said ‘three daughters’ as if he was still accepting her as part of the family… uplifting… confusing.
Scott shrugged and solemnly said, “All three if you want.”
Daphne stepped in, “Plenty of time for regrets and such later. But there are things we need to discuss.” she gestured for everyone to sit down. And then continued, “Scott is now a succubus, like me. She is going to have to learn about that. She is going to have to learn to feed off men.”
Scott cringed, and noticed her father and grandfather do the same. “Well can’t I feed off women? I mean, in this political climate, there are lesbian bars and dating apps and such.” Scott saw her grandfather eye roll, and her father look to Daphne with some hope.
“No.” Daphne responded. “Succubi feed off Men, Incubi feed off women. You can have sex with women all you want, but you will not be able to feed off of them. But don’t worry I will help you.”
Scott fell back into her chair, “I’d rather not.”
Daphne locked her eyes to Scott’s, “‘rathers’ have no bearing on this, you committed yourself to this when I offered you a way out… when I offer you a way out twice.”
Scott just ignored the direction of the question and looked to her grandfather, “You never mentioned Succubi before, I’m surprised you didn’t just kill her last night.”
Her grandfather looked back and forth between them, “A century ago, they would have been considered just as deadly as a vampires. Always tempting men away from their wives, and such nonsense. Today they are considered more mischievous in nature, and in all honesty, we don’t kill women at frat houses, it’s kind of hypocritical to start killing succubi.”
Smiling at the frat house crack, Daphne stood up, “My plan was to leave town tonight with Scott, it still is. But with things the way they are now, maybe it will be a vacation week rather than the start of a new life, truthfully, I was hating the idea of starting fresh so early. That being said-” She looked sternly at Scott’s father and grandfather, “we have things to do. She has to learn to be a woman, and a pretty slutty one at that.” everyone in the room except Daphne groaned a bit at the description. “And given everyone’s reaction to that, I think it’s time to leave before things get very awkward. You know my address. If you want us, and yes, ‘us’ to come for dinner in a week when we return to introduce her to her family, then send an invitation. By this time tomorrow, she will have a new phone, new identity, and a new everything else, but regardless, until next week when we return, she will be incommunicado, I don’t want her distracted. You can get in touch with us the old school way, by snail mail… Which we will not get until we return anyway.”
Scott’s grandfather stood up and offered a business card, “Before you do all that, call me before you leave, I may have an alternative for her identity.”
Daphne took the card and nodded and turned to Scott, “I’m taking a shower-” she pointed to a door, “Say your goodbyes, and then join me.” and with that Daphne stepped down the hallway.
Scott stood there awkwardly, “I’m sorry. She seemed so nice, and I thought being a vampire was wrong, she didn’t hurt anyone, so I thought you were wrong.”
Scott’s grandfather pulled her close and hugged her, “I’m so happy your not a vampire, they lack empathy to humans, they may love cats and dogs, but their very transformation prevents them from caring about humans. They may even hate the fact that they don’t, but they can no more feel love or affection for a human than you could for a package of a steak at a supermarket.” A pause, “I wish none of this had happened, but I’m much happier with you like this, than as something like that.”
Scott squeezed for a moment, and then turned to her Father, “Sorry to disappoint.”
He nodded back at his son… his daughter “What your grandfather said.” a simple statement with few words but much meaning as her grandfather and father had rarely gotten along in recent memory. But now he summed up his feelings as the words of his grandfather, and he continued, “But… I have an agreement with your sisters, They are women who can make choices on their own, I expect them to have sex, I expect them to use good judgement, I don’t want to hear details. I think it is best we keep a similar agreement.”
Scott chuckled, though it came out more of a giggle, “Yeah…” She said thinking about all ‘his’ conquests that ‘he’ bragged to ‘his’ father in ‘his’ college days. “I can keep that to myself.” and imagining the idea that her father would cringe if she told any of her conquests as a female. A smile started to crack Scott’s face as she thought of her father’s reaction to her telling the story about sucking a cock… and then it hit her, she would likely suck a cock soon. Her facial expression soured quickly.
Possibly sensing the change of moods, her father pulled her in and hugged her, “Be safe.”
“You too.” She escorted both of them to the door, closed the door and locked it behind them. Almost instantly she turned and started walking towards the bathroom. She tried to stop, she couldn’t. And she realized she was following Daphne’s orders. She stepped into the bathroom, closed the door, and dropped her robe and opened the door to step inside…
An hour later, she sat in the living room, watching the television, she smelled of Lavender and Chamomile and had learned a few things about washing as a woman, and how to dry her hair properly. She looked over the television to see Daphne cooking something, “So what now?”
“We eat breakfast, and then we have sex.”
The casualness of the statement made Scott’s eyebrows go up, “oh?” even she was unsure of herself in regards to looking forward to having sex with her or if it was the ease with how she brought it up.
“Yeah.You have a lot to learn, and may as well start with me.”
She realized that Daphne meant learning about sex as a woman for her preparation for sex with men.. “Well… I suppose I’d enjoy sex with you know matter what. And I’d definitely prefer you to others, I will undoubtedly be having sex with.”
Daphne walked around and brought a small dish for her, “Here, and you do.” also answering her statement as if it were a question.
Scott looked down at the small portion… “Appetizer?”
“You’re small and petite, you will find your stomach is much more limited.”
Scott looked down, her gaze following a path in a disorienting way between past her breasts and looked at the tiny tummy. “That makes sense.” she paused, “Honestly I wish I could just get drunk AF, and sort this out tomorrow.”
She giggled, it was cute, and Scott wondered if that’s how she would sound going forward, but following that giggle she shook her head and then told her, “You won’t get drunk. Alcohol has a very different effect on us than it does humans. No slurring or lack of coordination, but you will get happy and horny.”
Scott smiled, “So all the benefits of drunk, but none of the inconveniences?”
“No buzz, Just happy.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about that.”
“Artificial happy will take some getting used to. One drink and any sad thoughts are gone and every man looks yummy... ten drinks you are a cheerleader ready to take a train of men… Don’t drink ten drinks…” there was a softness in her voice that Scott was unsure of was warning, or amusement… but it was there, and she would remember it.
Another hour passed, Scott had finished her meal and when Daphne left for the bedroom, she took some initiative and cleaned the dishes. Just as she finished, she heard Daphne call her into the bedroom. She was nervous, but followed.
As she entered she saw some lingerie thrown on the bed, then Daphne spoke, “There are many women that don’t like lingerie like this, they like frills and other things to cover up the parts of them they feel self-conscious about. You… as you are now, are self-conscious about all of you since you are not used to your body yet.” There was a pause as Daphne studied her apprentice, and then continued, “I’m choosing pinks and reds for you, and everything is one size fits all, as we aren’t exactly the same size on anything.”
An uneasy chuckle… again which came out as more of a giggle escaped her lips, “I can see that.”
“Yes, well get naked, and let’s see what we can do.”
Scott complied. Daphne was patient, she showed her how to put on her stockings, the thong, the ‘corset’ which didn’t actually narrow her waist down but was the style of lingerie. Scott felt more naked with these clothes on than she did when actually naked. Then she looked at Daphne, “What now?”
Daphne smiled, “Now you wait here, while I get dressed.” She winked and disappeared into the walk-in closet, closing the door behind her.
Minutes passed and then the door opened again. Daphne did not go the same direction as she had Scott go. When she came out, she was wearing more of a fetish club outfit. She wore tight latex pants, her stomach was bare, as she wore a leather midriff shirt, a kinkier version of what one might expect a basketball cheerleader to wear for a top. A pair of gloves that went from fingertips to mid-upper arm… and then the intimidating part, a strap-on harness with a dildo protruding from it.
Scott’s eyes went from attracted to intindated the second her eyes fell on Daphne’s faux-cock. “I can’t…” she started.
“Shhhhh….” Daphne started gently. “You are a succubus, your body will respond properly. I won’t force you to do this. You trust me.” The last three words firm, then her facial expression softening, she added, “As least I assume you do.” and continued. “I’m going to have you come here and kneel in front of me… By the time you actually are on your knees, you will find its hard to take your eyes off of it. I won’t make you do anything right away, just look at it, and relax. You will find your body betrays your masculine thoughts, within moments you will find a moistness between your legs, curiosity building in you, a desire, and then need to feel it, maybe at first with your fingers, but you will want to taste it, you will want to know how it feels in your mouth as well as your vagina. You will be the one feeling these desires. When you feel the lust boiling over in you, I want you will tell me… And then… and only then, will I use this on you and in you… You will be surprised at how wonderful the experience is. Understand?”
Scott still looked nervous, but nodded her head, “You won’t force me?”
Daphne smiled, “No.”
Scott nodded her head, “Okay then.”
“Good, But I am going to command you to kneel in front of me, if you’re ready.” She looked at her eyes to acknowledge her new teacher, trainer, whatever this supernatural obi-wan was to her, “Come here Scott, kneel in front of me.”
Scott did, she was compelled by the firm instruction. and just as Daphne predicted she couldn’t keep her eyes off the dildo. Even as she kneeled, curiosity started to well up inside her. She wasn’t sure if it was fear or exhilaration rising up inside her as she started to realize that everything Daphne had just said was absolutely correct. She was feeling it just as was told. She could feel her arousal, a wetness held against her by her own thong, she wanted to feel it in her mouth. Her arousal intensified as she imagined it. The taste, and feel of it, to be turned over and feel it inside herself, Daphne was right, she did want this. It was embarrassing that she had given into this in mere moments.
“I’m ready..” Her voice trailed off as if expecting Daphne’s teasing or mocking, not that she had shown that at all yet.
Scott felt Daphne’s hand around her Jaw, “That’s a good girl, we’ll be gentle.” She watched as Daphne brought the tip of the dildo to Scott’s mouth, and didn’t say a word, no force, this was a kindness, letting this be Scott’s act. Scott locked her eyes on Daphne’s, and as their eyes met, Daphne gave a kind and subtle nod...
“Thank you..” she said, whether or not it was directed towards Daphne’s attitude, or the promise to be gentle was uncertain. But Scott opened her mouth and Daphne stayed still, and let Scott explore the toy with her mouth. Scott really was surprised at how much she enjoyed having this toy in her mouth. Her tongue swirled over it and she pressed her lips over tightly, while pressing her tongue to it. It tickled the back of her throat, but where as she normally would have gagged, the instinct tried to pull it in further. The whole time she did not take her eyes off of Daphne staring down at her with compassion.
Daphne’s expression changed, “Stop.” And Scott did, “Take it all the way in…” she said as Daphne put her hand on the back of Scott’s head and pulled head so that she was pressed all the way to the toy’s faux ball sack. Daphne careful reached down and squeezed the balls and a fluid squirted down and instantly Scott felt the fake cum spraying down her throat and she instantly came herself. Twitching and shaking in pleasure until she was squirming on the floor in a puddle of her own juices. “I probably should have warned you about that…” though her voice was soft almost asking for forgiveness, her facial expression curled in a teasing smile as if she was hoping for that reaction.
Scott felt defeated and broken. Exhausted beyond all measure she ever truly understood. Her stomach still convulsed in a series of violent post-orgasmic tremors. Daphne squatted down, lifting Scott’s legs and spreading pulling her vagina closer to the phallus. “I guess this is an advantage… I never came so hard it knocked me on my ass…” she said with a chuckle… and seeing the look on Daphne’s face, she shook her head and Scott begged, “No more, I don’t have anything left.”
Daphne smirked, “I think you do. But if you want me to stop, I will.” But before giving Scott the chance to respond, Scott felt her being pushed over onto her back, her legs spread and the tip of the toy rubbed the tip along Scott’s clit.
The spark. Scott looked up and saw Daphne looking down with a knowing smile, the sexual urge rising again at just a few strokes. She thought she had used up all her energy in that orgasm, but now she wanted more, and feeling that thing between her legs, she needed more. “Okay, maybe I do have something left…”
To be continued.
Email: Mistress_dyvia@yahoo.com
Twitter: @Dyvia16
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23024772
LIL: https://lockedinlace.com/members/mistressdyvia/
So I have written the first four chapters of this so far. Chapter 5 is still being written. Depending how popular this is by the end of December (feedback and such), I could make this 10 or 15 chapters (and yes, that means all chapters written twice from both Scott’s and Daphne’s POV… though only one of each will b e released publicly) It would mean a new five part arc in the story between chapters four and five… and again that is if popular enough… I have an outline for another five-chapter arc after the current chapter 5.
As always, your vote in either the comments/reviews section or in email will determine whose version of chapter 4 will be available on the third Sunday of January.
Kisses to all! Love You!
Mistress D