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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself.  Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.

Salutations and warm kisses to all my beautiful ladies out there.  I’ve been quite active lately, though that won’t be as clear until we get into the fall.  I relaunched my website, started getting in on the social media, and have a few stories at least partially written.  This may be my longest short story at about 10,000 words for the public, over 12,000 on my patreon. I’m excited to get back into my fire (writing).

As with most of my stories, I have rules.  They are not for everybody, but for those of you who wish to have a Mistress and would like to be mine, even for just a short while, these are not necessary, but for some of you subs who like to feel some interaction, please follow the rules, and enjoy them.

Rule #1:  If you want to belong to me, all you have to say is, “Mistress Dyvia, I am yours.”  And I mean you are to speak it, whisper it, yell it.. Just not in your head.

Rule #2: I am like a dog (I know, and I get aggravated when I’m called a bitch), I like to mark my territory…  So lipstick, if you have it, apply it to your lips, everytime you feel the smooth sensations on your lips, remember you are mine.  Some dommes like collars as symbols of ownership, I like lipstick. If you don’t have it, get a marker, and draw a heart with the word lipstick over your chest.

Rule #3:  I like my pets to be aroused while reading my stories. So what are you waiting for, use your fingers down low, or where ever you need to get yourself into a sexy mood.  If you get too close, stop playing, and stop reading until you are in control again. I also like elipses… ...really.. ...i do… so when you seem them, gently slap the bottom of penises just hard enough to increase arousal…  or press down a little extra hard if you have a clit…


...good girl...

Rule #4:  When you are all done, you will send me an email giving your opinion.  You may also choose to leave a review on the sites that I have posted the story to.


Rule #5:  You will cum when I tell you to, not before that.  And I will tell you when it is time. But you will still be expected to follow rule number four.

(optional) Bonus rule:  (For the risk-takers). Get an audio/sound recording app for your cell mobile phone, Record yourself giving yourself to me… and record yourself cumming.  Upload to sound cloud and send your mistress a link.

Thank you girls much and enjoy the story:


Mistress Dyvia presents:

Mistress D
v. The Wannabees

It started with heavy breathing.  Slight gasps that turned to screams and shrieks of ecstacy, just as much in my mind.  A need to express the pleasure I was feeling. My hips bouncing back and forth, and my breasts swaying with the rhythm of our thrusts.  He was a good man. His cock so very, very hard and straining as it was incredibly hard.

Pound… gasp. Pound... moan.  Pound… scream. My legs were getting tired, but I was determined to last for both his sake and mind.  My nipples feeling so sensitive as the blood rushed to them with every thrust from my hips. My eyes closed, and I just kept reveling in the sensations, listening to his grunts inspire me, and make me want to keep going, never admit that my body was getting tired, but still feeling the burning in my loins as I was yet to be satisfied…

Then the creek and I looked up… I gasped in shock…

Fuck no…

There are moments in life in which we recognize the fact that people are not the same as we once viewed them.  Sometimes you see this in parents, when a life lesson they teach you, is clearly not meant for them in a form of hypocrisy…  Or when a parent is older and can no longer care for themselves… Sometimes you see it in their eyes when they view you differently… I remember a few of those moments in my father… That look in his eye, on prom night when I walked down the stairs in that gown fully dressed, made up, with my hair as perfect as it had ever been... and that look that was torn between pride and ‘oh shit she’s gonna be fighting them off with a stick…’

The second time I got that look from my father was far less enthusiastic…  I was living with him, as I was estranged from my mother, I was twenty and I was dating a guy, we’ll call him ‘Chad,’ not his name. I was a sophomore in college and we had been dating a few months.  We would come back to ‘my place’ on Wednesdays since we got out of class at one, and my father didn’t get home until five… I was still exploring my sexuality, and sometimes it was vanilla… sometimes less so.

I don’t exactly remember everything that day, or that moment really.  I know we were being loud. I was moaning, and he was grunting, bouncing back and forth.  I never heard the car door slam, I never heard , “Dyvia, are you home?” I never heard my father coming up the stairs…  I did hear the door, and I stopped, Chad stopped, and I looked up, my face turning red.

My father was frozen, there was this look of anger, slowly going away, confusion on what to make of it.  Chad with his legs looking like a frog, as his ankles were tied together, but a rope that ran under my mattress forced his knees apart..., His arms were behind his back and me with a strap-on about seven inches balls-deep…  And I looked at him and said, “Daddy… can we have like two minutes....?” And about ten minutes later I made my way down without the phallus strapped to my crotch, and a robe covering up for a very awkward conversation…

Speaking of awkward... Awkward random thought:  Mistress has learned in the years since, a strapon in terms of stimulation, is better secured around your thigh, not your crotch, unless the intention is humiliation or emasculation…  so yeah, I still usually wear it in front of my crotch.

I digress…

But... that night was one of those nights that my father looked at me differently, still with love, but one of those moments when he realized I wasn’t the innocent that he thought I was, and in some ways was proud or maybe relieved that I wasn’t like a normal girl.  Clearly he expected to come in and find his innocent daughter to be the one mounted and getting railed… He did not know what to do or say. Even at 20, I was expecting a conversation about safe sex or the birds and the bees from him, we never had that conversation… But instead, we had a discussion about boundaries…  I don’t think he wanted to walk in on that again. ever.

So a couple years after college, I was recruited by a company that was less than ethical.  And to be honest, if you’ve read my stories, you know I’m less than ethical. I used to worry that I was a sociopath, but I love kittens, friends have emotional value… And I throw my arms up in rage when I hear that a certain president has children locked up in cages without proper medical treatment… or food...

Again, I digress…  I just get aroused by breaking people sexually through bdsm or mind control.  The company I work for makes money doing it. I enjoy the fuck out of it, make a lot of money, and do more networking that I ever would have wanted.

I still visit my father from time to time, not nearly like I did when I first moved out after college, but frequently enough.  I get the impression he is bored these days.

So last week I went to visit him.  In thought, it was going to be a quick dinner, and maybe watch a movie in the living room, when something caught my eye from a few houses down the street.  There were two black SUVs in the driveway. I didn’t recognize them. I was on immediate alert. I still pulled into the driveway, and sent a text to a security at work, just in case.

I opened my purse, and pulled out a sealed package.  I ripped it open, and held the tube of lipstick and the small spray tube in my hand..  The tube that looked like a breath spray, was first and shockingly (sarcasm), I sprayed into my mouth.  A minute later I applied the lipstick, and got out of my car. Walked around the SUVs and up the walkway to the stairs, five steps later I put my key in the locked door, opened it stepped inside and closed it. I was in a small vestibule, and I opened the next door into the kitchen, there was a man sitting across from my father, who had a few bruises on his face.

“Daddy… are you okay?”  I barely had the words out of my mouth when I saw a hand coming from behind me, I tucked my chin down so he would be unable to choke me.  Then I saw his gun.

“Calm down toots.”  the man from behind me said with the most atrocious italian-new-yorker voice I ever heard…  I mean fuck we were fifty miles from Boston, why the New Yorker accent? But he continued, “Your ‘daddy-’” Totally said it as if to mock my name for him, “-owes us some money.  He doesn’t seem to be able to pay. We were going to take it out of his hide, but I’m thinking that having you work in one of our clubs might just earn back his money plus interest.”

I was more annoyed, his sleeve preventing skin contact in the way I was expecting to use to my advantage.  But then as if non-god was answering my non-prayers, yeah that totally means he did precisely what I was hoping he would…  He moved his arm and brought his hand to my chin, “She’s really Pretty..” He trailed off talking to my father, “Any night, I bet we could make a thousand bucks off her pretty tight little ass-”  He fell backwards without another word. Hitting the ground hard, I screamed like a hysterical woman, with my hands near my face... The other man, kept his gun pointed at us, as he called the other man’s name.  My hands descended from my face, I had lipstick on my index and middle finger of my right hand now. He told me to shut up, I did… He turned to slap the man a couple times, to ‘snap him out of it,’ and that provided me just about the time I needed to touch the back of his neck with my lipstick-coated fingers and watch him immediately slump over. 

I looked at my father, “Better than M-99…” not sure if he would get my Dexter reference.  I then looked at the man with the little red fingerprint on the back of his neck, “Carry him to the basement. Don’t touch his neck, or you’ll be down just like him.”

He had that look in his eye, that appreciative but uncertain look.  It was more than he had expected, and didn’t know what to make of it.  Just like that time in my bedroom with Chad. But somehow this was terrifying to him, not just for the men in the room, but for the first time he didn’t know what to make of his daughter, but he complied.

I made a one minute phone call to let security know my status… and then I took the first man that I knocked out… But sadly my badassery had worn out there. Even on the highly polished hardwood floors I barely made him move more than two feet before my father came back in.  He gave me a look like a man would give his dog when trying to drag half a tree around the backyard.... It wasn’t happening and it was almost amusing. And with a single arm my father had this man up over his shoulder and walked him to the basement.

He asked, “How long will they be out?  And why aren’t we calling 911?”

“About forty-five minutes, and we’ll get there.”  I answered. As I walked to his toolbox and grabbed a power drill, then walked out of the basement door toward my car and grabbed my own toolbox.  A few minutes later I had a few D-rings and a couple pulleys attached to the support beams in the basement.

“So.. How did you end up in debt to some Mafia Wannabees?”  I asked as I observed that one one significantly more muscular than the other, but the one that was thinner had some tattoos including a distinguishable one on his neck.

“How do you know they’re wannabees?”  He asked.

My eyebrow twitched, “The suits are too cheap and they are trying real hard to pretend like they are Mafia.  That accent.. Ugh…” Then I stopped and looked at him, “You are avoiding the question.”

“I borrowed money to pay for your college, I paid it back. No problems...All was done.  Then last year, I took a chance on sports betting.. Called them back, on what I thought was a sure thing, borrowed money for it… and well fuck.”

I looked at him.. Quite possibly with that look a person gives their senior parent when they admit that they need adult diapers or its time to take your driver’s license away....  Disappointment. “You don’t like sports.” I said while hoping that he might say something such as ’just kidding.’

That didn’t come, “No, I’ve never been much of a gambler either, but sometimes I get foolishly impulsive.”  Yeah, that ran in the family.

“We’ll talk later…”  and we did, but that’s not for this story. 

A little less than an hour had passed when the first of the so-called ‘Mafiosos’ woke up.  I don’t think he liked the scenery, he was naked, his hands chained above him, his feet dangling, but chains from his ankles, secured him to the floor as well.  He asked questions, but my father was upstairs, so it was just the evil Mistress and her victim… at least for about a minute until the second man awoke… let’s try that again, ‘So it was just the evil Mistress and her two victims.’

I looked at the two men, “Ladies, what are your names?”

They looked at each other and then the one with the neck tattoo spoke, “Lenny.”

Then ‘Muscles,’ “Anthony.”  wow, that was about as much of a stereotype as I felt like dealing with.

But I nodded my head, “Good, and why don’t you tell me about your boss.”

Again they gave one another a hard look.  “That’s none of your business. Listen, you may have got us like this, and you may want us to think you’re a crazy broad, but we get loose or our boss comes for you and you will regret it.”

I shake my head, “I’m not crazy.  You and your boss have a small-time operation.  And I am going to hurt you two for what you did to my father.  Now, the question is, do I hurt you a lot? or just a little?”

Lenny gave me a defiant stare, “Look toots,-” That word triggered me to walk to my tool bag, I didn’t like that word “-you may think you know a thing or two about-”  He cut himself off abruptly as I pulled a tool out of my bag.

Anthony asked, “What is that?  A pair of pliers?” He said as he moved his mouth as if afraid I was going to pull teeth.

I shook my head ‘no,’  and then smirked showing it to them, “This…”  I let the word dangle, “This is a piercing gun…”

Lenny’s Magic cross piercing, and Anthony’s Prince Albert later.. Or twenty minutes if you prefer, they were telling me every answer to every question I could think of…  Including the password to their phones.

Looking through the contacts, I asked, “Who is your boss under?”

“Big Tony.”

I looked at him incredulously, “Really?  Another Tony? Seriously?”

The two looked at each other, and nodded.  I dialed the phone number. The voice was really gritty, like he just drank a gallon of Whiskey and sang a three hour set at a heavy metal concert.  “Yeah, What is it?” again with the accent, Jesus-hump-happy-Christ would they stop with the stereotypes?

“Your girls just beat up my father over some bet he made.  That was a mistake.”

“Dafuq?”  he asked. Wait, that wasn’t a stereotypical response, about fucken’ time!

“My name is Dyvia Etymon.  You fucked with my father now I’m fucking with your boys… girls…  Shit, gotta remember to emasculate them…” did i really need to say I was going to emasculate them?  Yes, yes i did... “Now… the first thing you need to understand is that-”

“Listen lady, you want to call us off your Daddy, you need to come up with one-hundred-fifty thousand dollars.  And if you threaten me again, then this time tomorrow, you and your father will be sleeping with the fishes. You got me?”

‘Sleeping with the fish?’  really? Okay Dyvs focus. ‘Dyvs?’  really? Okay, I’ve spending way too much time with Kara... “Again, My name is Dyvia…  Somehow I doubt you have any real Mafia ties, but if you do… Ask them about ‘Mistress Dyvia.’  Emphasis on the ‘Mistress...’ Understand you probably can’t afford the amount of money it takes for me to do what I’m about to do to your girls here, Lenny and Anthony…  And since I’m going to do it, I’m charging it to you. I’ll let you know where we will meet tomorrow. Do not make me come for you.”

With that I hung up the phone and looked to my new playthings.  “Team should be here any minute… and then after extraction, I will show you some fun.”

It was about 20 minutes later that the team showed up in their tactical weapons and assault rifles.


Lenny spoke, "guys you really want to let us go. We are connected.  And well-connected. Once we get our phone call, the shit will hit the fan, and believe you me, you don't want anything to do with your department when that happens."


I stepped away from the team and approached Lenny.  "This is not the police, this is not the swat team. These are mercenaries.  Mercenaries who are paid very well, and know the shit we do to people who cross us.  There is no phone call."


Anthony spoke, "that's kidnapping."  My eyes darted to him. I mean a couple of thugs for a loan shark, probably protection rackets, definitely pandering… were calling me out on the incredulity of take them against their will?  Reality must be tough...

I had no need to talk to them, I just want to see when fear truly takes them.  "It is not kidnapping if they never know you were taken." I take his jaw in my hand, much the way Lenny had in the kitchen earlier, "but don't worry your pretty little head about that, by this time tomorrow, it will only have one purpose..." I give him a little wink, "sucking cock like the good little whore I will mold you into."


I made my way out the door hearing them yelling bullshit about not being able to do that, or never or some such shit.


I made my way to my father in the lawn.  "These guys are taking you to the airport, Daddy." It then occurred to me the oddness of calling him Daddy like a teenager, while he saw the dangerous things I did, "they'll take you to my place in Daytona, stay there for a couple days, it'll be over."


He looked at me, "hun, what have you gotten yourself into?" he said looking at the men outfitted in tactical gear.


I smiled and leaned in to kiss the air next to his cheek... Didn't want to accidentally knock him out too.  "Nothing I didn't want to be involved in. Love you Daddy, see you in a few days."


He looked like he wanted to ask a hundred things, but forced a "I love you too." And the door closed.


Not ten minutes later, my father's home was empty of all vehicles except for his.  The two wannabees were bagged and stuffed in one of our vehicles and I was in the back seat making sure the office would be ready for us. 



A few hours later...


This time, I did not enter the room wearing nice clothes like I would wear when visiting my father... Instead I wore something darker, sexier and terrifying for two men in their positions... Essentially I dressed the part of a dominatrix.  Now I've done this before in a business suit, but when you really want to drive in the anxiety bombs, the latex catsuit, corset, opera-length gloves, thigh-high boots, and a hard crop dangling from a loose belt tend to give the message perfectly.


"Hello girls..."


They both shifted nervously, not knowing what I had planned, and probably disliking the pleasant way I greeted them... The piercings in their dicks constantly reminded them of my malice.  And I had promised to make them suck cock after all. And they weren’t in a position to refuse anything. They were strapped immobile into chairs that were a bdsm nightmare version of a dentist chair; black, reclined, with several D-rings perfect for tying a girl down.  And they were tied to every single ring, they couldn’t even move their head a bit… But there was a reason for that.


"We ain't telling you nuthin' bitch." Lenny swore at me...


I giggled, "that's okay, you don't have anything I need.  This..." I looked around, "is just for fun. Or practice... Or maybe something else if I think it worth while... Thanks so much for volunteering."

Anthony thrashed a bit, “I ain’t volunteerin’” 

I chuckled, “It doesn’t really matter.”  I said as I picked up a tool off the table that looked like a stylized medical version of a gun…  Actually it almost looked more like the piercing guns I had used on them earlier. “Now, I hope you can appreciate the fact that I am just going to rush you through some complicated training, you won’t be an ideal pet when I’m done, but you’ll get the point across.”

“What point?”  Lenny asked with a crack in his voice.

“I’m glad you asked.”  holding up the ‘point’ of the gun as I walked up to Lenny, “Did you know that only a few decades back, they performed lobotomies on people by sticking a sharp object not unlike an ice pick behind the eye, and scraping up and down separating the frontal cortex?”

The two girls remained silent.

“It strongly influences behavior and consciousness.  So what I’m going to do, it stick this behind your eye-”  I indicate my ‘gun,’ “-and when I pull the trigger it will implant a chip in your head, it will take a few hours to initiate and for your brain to realize its not attacking…  but once ready, I can fundamentally change you mentally. But while that’s happening, we will put you in the cum bath.”

Lenny was blurting out, “You can’t just stick shit in people’s brains!”  while at the same time Anthony, Questioned, “cum bath?” Interesting hearing their priorities..

I smirked, “I can and I will…” To Lenny, and then to Anthony, “And that is what we call it, but it is not cum, but it has the color of semen, and it is really thick, and that will feminize your bodies perfectly just in time for your reprogramming.”

“Reprogramming?”  one asked.

“Think Brainwashing…  but like ten times more intense than anything you can imagine.  I like to think of it as Death of Personality.”

Time to really start altering them.  Get them exactly how I needed them to be. After nearly fourteen hours of alterations to ‘the girls’ it was time to make a phonecall.

The next night at 11PM at Club Chained in South Boston…

I sat at a table nursing a ginger ale that hopefully looked like champagne.  I had been there for about twenty minutes when I saw Fat Tony step inside with an entourage of ten men.  I could see them taking in the atmosphere, almost all women, fetish attire dancing to some fast-paced loud music.  Some were fucking in plain site whithout so much as a care in the world.

I stood.  And approached them, “I’m Dyvia.”  I pointed to Fat Tony, “We will talk over there, your boys can have drinks on my tab… or other entertainment.”  I gestured to a corner where there were clearly hookers hanging around a secondary bar.

He looked me up and down, evaluating, then glancing the club and only seeing four men that were club bouncers, nodded his head to his men, a few of them grabbed drinks and sat down and a few grabbed girls to make out with.

I sat down with Tony, just the two of us to start with, “Fat Tony…”

“Dyvia…”  He responded equally.

“Let’s get down to business, I will pay what my father owes, but you will pay what Lenny and Anthony owe.  And we can go our own ways.”

He chuckled, “Oh?  And how-”

I cut him off with a wave of my hand, “We’re not discussing that just yet.  I’ve met many men like you in my career. Some believe that threats of violence is the best way to get a potential adversary in the right state of mind.  I rather think gifts are a better way.” I raise my hand up and snap my fingers, and two beautiful women approach us. “Fat Tony..This is Alexa and Lisa, they really like sucking cock, Would you like them to sit with you?”

He looked them up and down, and then nodded.  The two girls sat on either side of him, and started giggling as they slowly moved from their seats.

I sat silently watching his face with amusement as Lisa’s talents went to work under the table, while Alexa leaned over him, making out with him while he fondled her breasts... In under two minutes he had blown his load straight down her throat.  He thought that was over, but it was not… Alexa moved away, moved down… and she started teasing his cock. “Thanks hun, not now…” Fat Tony protested… But Alexa had a special lipstick on, not like the one I used to knock Lenny and Anthony out, but one that amplified arousal, making him painfully horny, his cock still so sensitive from that first blow job, that each stroke of her lips across his cock was making him sore, but the chemicals in her lipstick, made him instinctively need more… giving him a desperate need for more. 

“LIke I said, A gift is more likely to get your opponent to be more sympathetic to your own desires, wouldn’t you agree?”

He looked down at Alexa moving up and down over his shaft, “Heh, Yeah lady.”

“So here’s the deal, I will pay you a-hundred-seventy-five grand for my father’s debt, and that should cover the ridiculous interest…”


He agreed half-heartedly as the woman sucked his cock and teased his balls into oblivion.  Lisa even with her cock-breath, that would normally turn Fat-tony off, kissed his neck and teased him gently.

“You pay me for those two girls.”

“Yeah…”  He agreed.

“Then we are done.”  I shook his hand… and shook back wanting to get back to the girls who looked like they were going to make him cum again for the second time in under five minutes..

I looked around, more than half his men were in similar positions as he was with the whores. The rest were paying attention to girls flirting with them.  Not professionals at all, the real mafia would never have let their guards drop this much in unfamiliar territory.

Hands were shaken, I placed a briefcase on the table, “My one-seventy-five, unless you’d prefer to take it out of the One-point-five million you owe me for them.”

Suddenly I had his full attention, “Wait what? No…”

“We shook, you agreed Tony.”

“Where’s my men?” he asked, clearly talking about Lenny and Anthony as his other men were in our visual field.

“I told you the girls are yours.” gesturing to the girls playing with him.

“I want my men…” He demanded still not having Alexa stop sucking.  Lisa was still licking his neck.

“Check out her tits.” I gesture to Lisa. 

He looked confused, “That’s not what I-”

“Check. Out. Her Tits.”  I commanded in way that had said that her tits had nothing to do with sex.

He pulled her off his neck, I could still tell that Alexa had her lips properly hoovered over his penis judging from the sound in my ear piece…  he pulled her top down and she moaned. And then brushed back her hair exposing her tattoo to her former boss… “What the fuck?” He asked, then concluded, “This is over, now.”

“Excuse me, we still have a transaction to complete.”

“Ain’t happening.”

“You shook and you are going back on your deal?” I asked casually…

“Damn right I am, I’m the boss, I make the deals.”

I spoke low, and given the high volume of music, it should have sent him a message right away.  “Stop the music.” and just like that, it did. Every person stopped dancing and turned to face us  I held my palm open and then made a fist. In less than five seconds every person in the club had charged his men.  They were on the floor with no less than ten women holding each of them down. I’m sure that would have garnered more of Fat tony’s attention, except his focus was drawn to Alexa’s teeth digging down into his penis, and Lisa’s very-sharp fingernails digging into his throat.

“We had a deal.  You broke it. I’m keeping my money, your girls…”  I gesture to Lisa and Alexa, “Keeping your soon-to-be-girls,”  I gesture to the men being held down, “And you.”

He looked desperate, and clung to something, “That isn’t Lenny and Anthony!  Where are they?”

I smiled, “May as well be dead.”  I said seeing the new personalities of Alexa and Lisa shining through as they obediently follow my commands with wonderful grace.  “But don’t worry, you’ll get to see what I do to men like you… just like Lenny and Anthony saw what I do…”

I moved to another table and finished my ginger ale, as I watched Fat Tony’s men being taken away one at a time through the back door.  And every time he tried to make a move, Alexa’s teeth or LIsa’s nails would dig in more… And finally we removed him.

Hours later…  


Fat Tony had awoken to find himself naked in a cell.  “Where the hell am I?” He asked to no one specifically.  He stood up, his grogginess still influenced by the chemicals that we sprayed into his face when we loaded him into the security's SUV..

There was nothing to cover himself up with, no blankets, no clothes.

Then the door to the cell opened, My voice spoke from just out of sight, “Come.”

He came out nervously.  “Don’t you have any clothes for me?” he asked in an oddly sheepish way.

“Yes,”  I said as I held out two boxes for him. 

He took them cautiously and curiously and opened the first one and saw a tiny pink robe…  Well ‘tiny’ for him, it would be a tent for me. It would barely cover his crotch. He dropped it, then opened the second box, a matching pair of five inch heels complete with padlocks by the strap.  “What the fuck is this?”

I smiled up at him, “You saw what we did to Lenny and Anthony, you are next.”

Visibly agitated he responded with “You can’t do that, I’ve got connections.”

I threw my arms up, “What is it with you guys and connections?” I mean seriously, this was not going to help them.  “No, you really don’t. I have connections, some of them are probably the ones you wish you had. I’ve networked pretty well with my time at the company, I know rich people, and influential people, I’ve worked with the corruptible law, and the organized crime, local and international.  People disappear all the time, it’s just that no one really knows they don’t disappear, they just come here and we ‘re-task’ their lives.” He started to stammer, or maybe protest but I talked through him, “what we did to Lenny and Anthony breaks them in any major functional way. They aren’t very good outside a brothel, but you, what we do to you could take weeks or months; changing you one step at a time.”

I looked at the clothes and shoes he dropped to the floor, “Put them on.”

“Go fuck yourself bitch, I ain’t no girl, and I ain’t gonna be no girl.” While I was musing on the double-negatives, the guards immediately converged on him, and held him to a wall... his arms and legs spread open, and an understanding of his nakedness and realization of his vulnerability crossed his eyes…  As I approached he yelled, “Stay away from me bitch!”

I looked over my shoulder to a girl just watching, “Darling, could you be a doll, and go to the floor’s service desk and tell them the Mistress Dyvia wants a P7B Plug?”  The girl nodded and scooted down the hall quickly.

I turned my attention back to Fat Tony.  “As you can see. The girls around here have learned to respect their rightful dominants.  So… You will not call me a bitch again, unless you want to know pain in such a way that it puts you on the threshold of a blackout. You know, ‘blinding pain.’”  I reached down and moved my fingers along his dick, until my fingers found his balls, they dug in slightly, my face refusing to smile until I saw him swallow, and only then my lips curled into a smile. But then just as simply, my nails loosened, “Did you know the penis has about 4000 nerves?” He didn’t answer, just a twitching of his eyebrows trying to figure out how I was going to torture him.

My fingers started to move the length of his penis, I felt the twitching as it betrayed him… as it started to engorge itself.  “You find me attractive. Good, that makes this easier…” I paused as I took a firm grip on his lengthening manhood. “Like I told you in the club, gifts can be just as persuasive as pain in the world I live in.”  I kept stroking until it was about as hard as it would get, and then light gentle teasing until I heard the expected footsteps behind me.

The girl handed me something small, about the size of a tube of lipstick, “Here you go MIstress.”

“Thank you Sweetie.” and I nodded to her in dismissal.  She let out a sigh of relief and a smile of gratitude, she gave a little curtsy, and moved quickly down the hall.

“Around here, when we say ‘plug’ we are usually discussing what goes in your ass to keep you plugged, and occasionally what we’ll stuff in your mouth or pussy once you have one-”

He interrupted me, “You ain’t sticking nuthin’ up my ass, bitch!”

“I have no intention.” Though I was tempted  just for telling me ‘no.’ I opened up the little container that looked like a lipstick tube, and a Pink metallic tube fell into the palm of my hand; it was about an inch and a half long.  “A P7B plug, is one of the plugs we rarely use, it means a Penis, seven Beads.” I held it in front of him sideways, and let him see it, and then I ran my nail across the top of it, counting off the small spheres, “One, two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and seven!”  Then I turned it 90 degrees and looked through it, and said “I see you.” And as I lower it, “We can leave this in you for years-” we really can’t, “And it will still let you pee normally.” Mostly., not that he will notice the difference once we have him belted.

His voice was sounding barely controlled and frightened, “Don’t you-”

I didn’t give him the chance to finish as I tightly gripped his already hard cock, and heard his own yelp cut off his sentence, I knelt down and as I pressed the first bead to his hole, He stopped breathing, and I slowly inserted it in, one bead as a time, hearing him let out little bursts of air as each one passed.  And as the last bead disappeared into his cock, I cheerfully added, “Anddd. Done!”

He glared at me, an expression I’m fairly certain he was used to using while intimidating opponents, it did nothing for me.  Fucker tried to hurt my dad, this was not ending well for him.

“Don’t think of this as a horrible toy.  Think of it as a mood enhancer.” I stroke his cock one more time and a moan escaped his lips, “Feels good right.  So much better than normal.” Then I made a shape with my fingers and flicked his penis hard, and he gasped, “Even pain is enhanced.”

“What-” he started..

I cut him off, “The real question here is: do you want me to test just how intensely the pain is enhanced, or are we going to drop the pretense and have you be a good girl and stop this ‘bitch’ shit.  The correct answer is, ‘I will be a good girl, Mistress Dyvia.’”


He took a moment... evaluating his circumstances and his shoulders slackened, “I will be good… Mistress Dyvia.”

“Not good enough.?  I said as I flicked his dick again.  “Try again? I can do this all day, I’m not flicking you that hard.”

He paused again, letting him double over in pain as he weighed his options… this was difficult for him, it challenged the man he perceived himself to be. But as my hand moved toward his penis again, “I will be a good girl, Mistress Dyvia.” the look of shame on his face was priceless.

I smiled and took a couple steps back, and then nodded to the guards who let him down.  He stumbled forward, and his hands moved to his penis, he winced not realizing just how sensitive it was.  But then his eyes moved to the pink robe and high heels on the floor, and he tried to pretend he didn’t look at them…

But I picked up on it quickly enough, “Put them on like a good girl.”

He looked up at me, his eyes showing that his mind was debating defiance, but as he looked about the room and saw the guards he knew that he could not.  At least not yet. He picked up the robe and put it on, tying it off on the front. And then sat on the floor and put the heels on, and latching them.

“Locks too.”

He grimaced as he took the little padlocks and locked his feet into the shoes. “Happy?”

I give him a look, “the correct response would be, ‘are you satisfied, Mistress?’”

He returned my look of incredulity, “Are you satisfied MIstress?” his voice thick with sarcasm.

“For now,” we can work on the sarcasm later, all I required was obedience for now.  “I imagine you have never worn heels before, though you wouldn’t be the first man I made that assumption about that proved wrong.  But giving you the benefit of the doubt, you lead, we’ll follow at your pace. Go to the end of the hall and take a left.”

Not surprisingly, Fat Tony stumbled ‘her’ way down the hall, but took slow mincing steps to try and hold her balance.  I directed and the guards and I followed her… We passed by a clinic, where she stopped for a second and looked. There was a look of recognition in her eyes. I looked inside, a new recruit, apparently they were processing him in reverse…  Nice pair of tits, full vagina, still hairy, still had a goatee… and then he looked ta Fat Tony, “Boss, help, make them stop…” Ahhh… the new recruit must have been taken from the club.

“No time for that now, you two can catch up later.” 

She took one more sobering look… and continued forward without saying another word.  And we didn’t stop until we found a locker room. It was tiny and dark. Illuminated only by a red light as one might expect from an old photographer’s dark room.  The room was small, smaller than a prison cell, and had a wall of lockers, “Most often, we have girls put their robes on here, but they usually don’t come here in such circumstances as you, they usually sign their lives away without even realizing it.”  I opened a locker, and removed a box, but ignored the robe hanging inside. I placed it down in front of him, “Put it on.”

He opened it, it looked like metal women’s underwear. “What is it?”

“It is your chastity belt.”

He looked at me as if I had three heads, “Excuse me?”

I echoed my former statement, “it is your chastity belt.”

“I ain’t fucking wearin’ that thing.”  He shook his head wildly.

I looked around at the four guards, looked down at myself then looked at him, and then pointed out with my hands, that the room was small.  In fact any two walls facing one another, had less distance than my height, toe to head... The room was cramped. “You are. The question is, bruising.  Do you want to put it on? Or do these guards hold you down while I put it on?”

“I…”  He was unsure. 

I offered, “Look, it is easy, you pull it around your waist, you see that little hole there, your penis goes in there, there’s even a little sensor for your plug…  and it will enhance the sensations... The latches will lock once everything is where it’s supposed to be, and if you still want sex, your ass is still open.”

He looked horrified, “You can’t ask me to-”

“Nobody’s asking.” the silence insinuated for me ‘I am commanding.’

Two minutes later he was secured in it.  I looked to the guards, “Hold him.” They secured him.  He protested, but I picked up another device in the box with the chastity device, it looked like a very tiny ball bearing, I loaded it into a ‘gun,’ and pressed it to the back of his neck, and depressed the trigger.  He swore. I opened up my phone to the SissyLink app, and waited for the neck implant to synchronize with his belt.

“Fuckin hell, Bitch.. What the fuck.”

“That is the last time you call me that.”

He looked at the guards, “You’d be singing a different song if you don’t have your gorillas with you.”

“Would I?”  glancing to the guards, I nodded my head, they simply left.  They knew what the belt would do. “Tell you what Fat Tony… I’ll let you slap me once.  Just once. No one will stop you. Go ahead, teach this tiny girl a lesson.” well I was petite, not exactly tiny, but the exaggeration was for his benefit.

He looked at the door questioning whether or not this was for real.  But then you could see the despair and anger in his eyes, this was it.  He might never have a chance to lash out again. I stood confidently, I even saw his fist tensing to see if he could get away with punching me…  But he went with the slap, and pulled his arm back and just as he his hand moved forward, he dropped to the ground holding his crotch screaming. Of course the inserted penis plug was amplifying even the lowest pain setting.  Yes, there was that, and knowing that made me smile that much more in triumph.

“Even if a manager around here gives you permission to strike them, the belt will not allow it.  You cannot intentionally harm me or allow harm to come to me without this pain level going off. This is setting one of ten.”  I smirk, “Apologize to your mistress, and she will disable the pain.”

“I’m sorry Mistress.”

“Sorry for what?” I asked him.

“I’m sorry for trying to slap you.”

I let out a sigh, “Try again, using both sentences.”

He paused to think, “I’m sorry for trying to slap you Mistress…”

Using my phone I disabled the pain.  “Better, now let’s get you to the salon.”

He grumbled something, but I’m sure I heard ‘Mistress,’ and let her lead the way, directing her down the halls and to the elevator.

I watched as Fat Tony took it in.  A room that was decorated with mirrors to make it seem infinitely larger than it was, but in reality, it was still quite large, about the size of a football field, and very claustrophobic as the stations were tiny, but clearly it had many visitors.  I lead her to a station where Erika and Abby sat waiting for some work.

They hopped up and ran over, “Another one, so quickly Mistress?” they seemed to say with excitement.

“Girls, this is Fat Tony, I haven’t decided on her new name just yet.”

Erica asked, “What are we doing with her?”

“The works; tattoo first, a little lip plumping, then hair removal, hair extensions, fake nails, makeup, piercings, and voice spray…”

They started by leading her to a stool, and had her bend over, there was some protest but not much as I’m sure the pain of the belt was still fresh in her mind.  It wasn’t much to be honest, a simple tattoo on the back of her neck close to the injection site of the implant I had shot into her… It was simply ‘M&R’ after the M&R corporation we were working in.  If somebody buys her later, it may mean nothing to most people, but anyone that really knows shit… they will recognize the signature of the top level re-tasking organization. It would be like looking at Leonardo DiVinci’s signature on the Mona Lisa. Fat Tony grunted a few times, but made it through.

Erika went to find the syringe for the lip plumping, while Abby applies a topical cream in the form of a tube of lip balm.  She informed Fat Tony it would numb her lips for about ten minutes, and by the time they were doing her makeup, everything would be back to normal feeling.  That didn’t seem to make Fat Tony feel any better.Erika came back and just as promised, a couple of painless pin pricks and her lips swelled up a bit, perfect to entice any man wanting one of our girls…  or any woman wanting to tease a man with one of our girls.

The girls helped her out of her robe.  And started applying a special lotion to her skin.  She looked confused, but didn’t seem to mind the women rubbing her… Until suddenly, she realized her belt wasn’t letting her dick have any extra room. She adjusted the way she sat, the girls giggled as they understood what was happening to her.  Little did she realize, they’ve been through the same thing themselves, and below their skimpy skirts, had a belt that kept them just as controlled as she was. Once washed off, her skin was not only free of hair, but significantly softer.

But this was a whirlwind of activity for her, as they didn’t give her time to enjoy it, the girl split up their duties, as Abby went for the hair, and started using a machine to add extensions in a process that no living person could give.  Each strand of hair, was electronically amplified, if there was a follicle missing from balding, a new live-synthetic hair was inserted.

While, Abby was busy with Fat Tony’s hair, Erika started on the nails doing both a pedicure and manicure. Checking with me, she chose a cherry red nail color for the toes, and the same for the nails, but only after gluing on fake nails that would give her much longer and slender looking fingers on each of her hands.

As Abby still hadn’t finished with the hair yet, Erika continued into makeup, starting with some foundation to hide the blemishes.  Moving on, she applied some eye shadow, then sculpted the eyes with eyeliner, and gave them a much more defined look with the mascara.  Then she added a little blush, lip liner, and finally a red lipstick that matched her nails.

Erika pointed out that Fat Tony’s teeth looked even more yellow due to the color of painted lips.  I approved a whitening. And in moments a tray of goo was in her mouth, which when removed would make them look whiter than ever.  Around this time Abby finished the hair, though it hadn’t been styled yet… she offered to do the eyebrows. First tweezing them into a feminine shape, even while hearing Fat Tony grunt every couple of pulls.  Then using a pencil, colored them in giving a very feminine appearance.

Now it was time for the piercings.  They knew what I wanted. She got a single piercing in each ear, a ruby stud to go along with her makeup.  But she thought that was it, and she was very wrong. Nipple piercings came next, she tried to struggle, at least until I held the cell with the SissyLink app loaded, reminding her of the penis-pain she would receive until she just let us do it anyway.  She stopped fighting, but her fingers dug into the chair while they gave her the new nipple decorations. And lastly a little ring in her navel.

The two girls went back to fat tony’s hair and inspected it, and then started brushing it out and giving it a little style, and cutting it up.  Nothing too bad. The fight had left her. At least for now. And then we let her look at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t the most beautiful girl she had ever seen, far from it, but we had months or years to fix that… We had yet to do anything surgical or any genetic washes, but she was feminine as fuck.  And she squinted... trying to see something masculine of her old self.

Abby picked up a bottle, “I need you to open your mouth?”

“What f-”  her voice cut off as she sprayed into her open mouth.  


She coughed for a moment, and then glared, “what was that?”  her eyes widened at the feminie sound escaping her lips, “My voice.” she said as the two girls and even myself giggled for a moment.  But it was getting time to leave, we had other things to do.

“Thank the girls.”  I told Fat Tony.

She looked at me, looked at her own face with humiliation and then with her new female voice,  “Thank you ladies.” and again her own voice seemed to have a humiliating affect on her.

“Good girl, “  I told her and then commanded her down the hall once again I followed her.  We entered another room, “This is where we enhance your femininity.”

‘First things first,’ came to mind as I reached for a bra and placed it on the bench in front of her...  A box that would have fake breasts, she could pad the bra with for now. A red dress that would go up to her neck, a corset that would cinch her waist… a bit. And some stockings that would enhance her now hairless legs.  And then I placed the key for her shoes down next to her stockings so she could remove her shoes.

She looked at me with pleading eyes, “Mistress, I can’t wear this shit.”

I opened up the Sissylink app on my phone, and chose a clothing script.  A moment later I heard the buzz as her belt shocked her with pain. “The AI will detect whether or not you are dressed appropriately; you are not.  For the next two minutes you will get a zap of pain every twenty seconds until you are wearing all of that, if you are not dressed by then. It will just lock you in pain mode and will-”  second zap, “-keep you in constant pain until you comply.”

She stared at me, I said nothing. Third zap.  “Forty seconds of two minutes.” Ten more seconds passed before she finally dropped his robe, and grabbed the key and took off the shoes, and rushed to the stockings, “It you rip them, it’s a violation.”  She gave me a brief look as she was shocked and slowly pulled them up her legs. 


She started to put the bra on, and the last zap hit and she was on the ground trying to grab her crotch.  “I was putting it on, please make it stop.”

“No.”  I simply stated.

“Please make it stop, Mistress!”

“No,” I repeated, “When you are properly dressed it will stop.”  And again she still rolled on the ground for another minute or so… I really wasn’t sure if she didn’t have the ‘strength’ to do what was best, or was playing on my imaginary sympathies…  Eventually, she started adjusting the bra, and properly clasped it. Wait ‘til he learned that most bras she would wear didn’t clasp in the front. Once the bra was firmly secured, it was time for the corset, she wrapped it around her waist, clasped the locks in place, and she reached down for the breast forms and slid them into her bra. Then she pulled the dress over her head and pulled it down.  Trying to fix it around her breasts and ass.


She was done, but still in pain.  “Why isn’t it stopping? I did what I was supposed to do!” I looked her over, her shoes were padlocked, she was wearing everything, she didn’t seem to rip or break anything. 

I opened up the app again, and looked at it.  Big red light. “Oh,. you’re not allowed to have the key to your shoes.”  I held my hand out. She looked into her own hand, the expression on her face was a bit unreadable, had she forgotten?  Or had she hoped I had not noticed? Regardless, she quickly handed it to me. And then the pain was gone. A few more swipes on my phone and then another buzzing started; the pleasure feature, “As long as you’re a good girl, and wear the right clothing, I will see to it that you enjoy it.”  Remembering that the penis plug amplified everything.

Again walking at her pace, I let her lead the way directing her to an elevator.  Then we were heading lower to the basement area. I stepped ahead of her to lead her into a bright white room that was shiny and closed off except for one other white door.  The room was unfurnished, but four of the tiles on the floor had been removed and seemed to have a pink jelly like material there. I stood before the first set of them, and pointed, “Kneel there.”

She looked at me with confusion, “I don’t understand.” 

I held up the phone, an unspoken threat, “Kneel there.” she knelt down.  I leaned down, “The gel-like material is intended to prevent problems with your knees.  This is a gratuity. Do not make me regret it later.” I knelt down beside her, reaching beside and around the gel I removed restraints and looked her into her kneeling position.  I pointed to the next one, “Hands there.” she complied with no protest this time. And once she was locked into her hands and knees position, I stood up.

“Mistress, what is this for?”

“I’m letting Lisa and Alexa fuck you.” I answered.

There was a brief silence, like she was confused and had no clue,. “Wait, what?”  Her mind was clearly reeling as she remembered her former goons, Lenny and Anthony.  But even though their bodies may have been altered, there was virtually nothing left of who they were.  Just obedient fuck dolls.

I opened the door that had so far remained unopened. The girls stood there, almost expectantly.

“Come in girls.” they did.

Fat Tony looked at them in confusion.  “What do you mean? They getting under me? The belt is still on.”

“Ladies…”  I said to Lisa and Alexa, “Take off your clothes.”

In unison, “Yes Mistress.”  And they did, revealing their beautiful pornstar quality bodies to Fat Tony.  But his eyes were fixed on their pierced crotches. They still had their cocks, LIsa’s was made smaller than Lenny’s was, Only about four inches,  with two piercings make a cross goin through the head of her penis… perfect for sinking into Fat Tony’s throat, letting him feel Lisa’s balls smacking his chin without ever cutting off his air flow…  Alexa’s cock on the other hand had been enhanced to be over eight inches, with the one barbell going through the top… perfect for Fat Tony’s ass. Both of their balls had been modified to cum the equivalent of five men each…  So both of these girls could give a good bukake to FatTony.

“Lisa, come here, “

She stepped closer with a ‘Yes Mistress.” and I handed her a ring gag.

“Put that on her” Gesturing to Fat Tony, we don’t want him biting down, do we?”

She shook her head “No MIstress.”  and she walked over to Fat Tony and pulled her head back and forced the ring into her mouth, and then secured it behind her head.

“Alexa, you have the ass, Lisa, you have her mouth, give her a good fucking.” 

The girls acknowledged me in unison, “Yes Mistress.”  another sign that their minds were more artificial than self-present… as I said, ‘brothel material,’ but then they complied.  They stroked their cocks until they were nice and hard, and they each forced their way into Fat Tony’s appropriate holes.

I watched from a corner as I opened up my phone and started writing an email.  Like I told Fat Tony, this job provides great networking. I reached out to some acquaintances in organized crime... to see who might want to sponsor Fat Tony’s further feminization…  and if that failed, always throw him on an online auction.

When I was done, I stood up straight and walked to the trio fucking in the middle of the room, and I sat a few feet away, didn’t need any splatter…

“Girls, let’s finish this up, first stream in the hole, the rest for decoration.”

The complied in unison, “Yes Mistress.”  and they started fucking more vigorously…  and surprinsingly, almost in unison as well, they plunged extra hard, letting out intense screams of pleasure, and then pulled out and started jerking themselves off as stream after stream shot against his face and his ass-slash-back. 

And now…  I stop paying attention to the trio of sluts…  and look to you. MY TOY, My plaything, My lovely lady… Is there anything you would deny me?  I hope not.. Because I have a command for you… Actually, I am demanding your cum. Cum for me.  Now… Give Mistress your release.

The End.

Once you are cleaned up, send an email, or write a review… or both :)

If you’re curious about the fictional evil Corporation that I work for in that story (M&R) check out Lissa and Ren’s

-Keep in touch-
Twitter: @Dyvia16

Love you all. And I can barely contain the excitement of our next visit together,

And of course, Kisses!
-Mistress D


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