Mistress Dyvia
Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at mistressdyvia.com and other websites that submit the stories to, I give permission to post. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.
Hi all, I love you all to death. Well I decided to get my butt moving, and I wrote another story. 'Scratching an Itch' being about scratching an irritation. Specifically a sub trying to top me from the bottom. I don't like that. If I wanted to be topped, I'd be on the bottom. LoL. I hope you enjoy! KISSES!
I wrote this story so its mine. Mine! Mine! Mine! I own the rights to it. If you wish to post it elsewhere, I will probably say yes, but ask first.
Rules for Subs and Slaves:
Four rules for you to follow:
1. You will read this story while being on your knees.
2. You will not touch your genital area during a sex/punishment scene, you may however do so during the build up scenes.
3. You will imagine everything that I do to this slave or sub, I am doing to you.
4. You will email telling me your opinion of the story and how well you followed my rules while reading it.
moving forward...
Mistress Dyvia Presents:
Mistress Dyvia's Scratching an Itch
by: Mistress Dyvia
Synopsis: Mistress Dyvia has her work cut out for her as she begins to break in a new sub that keeps trying to top her from the bottom.
Hi again. Glad to have you over. I've told you a couple of my little stories before. Well here's another fun little story of mine. It all takes place over a little subbie who got it in her head that she could have me do all those fun little punishments that she wanted to try. And how did she want to accomplish this? Well I'll tell you, she thought she could do it by being bad. I guess she didn't expect her Mistress to pick up on it so quickly.
When I first met John, I thought that I had made a mistake. Sometimes I don't introduce myself in full mistress garb. When I first introduced myself to him, I didn't wear all black, or dark colors as you would expect. I wore blue and pink. Blue jeans, with a Pink tank top and matching button up sweater. I hadn't buttoned the sweater so it was kind of loose, plus I could flirt with my straps when I was in the right positions. I wore white high heels, which is a strange little paradox for me. For me, if you are playing the game, heels are necessary. For a mistress it is a symbol of power, for a sub it is a symbol of submission. Yet they could be the same shoes.
Oh well. I guess that's a conversation for another time. Hehehe. But my makeup was done with a shimmery pink lipstick , a little eyeliner, and a violetty eye shadow. I know it doesn't exactly ring, "Demanding Mistress." But I felt like dressing that way.
Well it didn't really matter to me that much as once I gave her a new name, I was going to be off to get dressed more appropriately right after that was settled. So that she wouldn't be too bored while she waited, I took out of the bottom drawer of my desk a pair of high heel shoes. 8 inches with a two inch platforms. And a cute little tiny lock. And I left her some instructions to move some furniture for me. Don't worry nothing heavy, I didn't want any sprained ankles on my conscience.
As you may have noticed one of my favorite things to do with a sub is to change their name. Now as you also know, I like my subs to be female in their time with me. So in this story you are going to hear about John who will be referred to exclusively as "suzie" for the duration of this story.
One game I often play early on is telling them that they should forget their old name, and just live as their new one. suzie was no exception. The only time she was allowed to look me in the eye was when I called her by name, and she was to look away the moment she replied.
Another part of this test which was never spoken, but insinuated, was that should she should not respond to her male name.
When I first reemerged, her eyes were all over me. I can only imagine her feelings when I stepped through the door. There was a lot of shiny black and red latex. A black latex cat suit, with a black latex corset. I wore red thigh high boots with a five inch heel, and matching opera gloves. My one piece of clothing that was noticeable, and not latex, was a silk thong whose color matched my gloves and boots. I also wore a black latex collar which I'm sure you may find unfitting for a mistress, but it was three inches thick and had two words engraved upon it. In small letters at the top "Divine" and in much bigger letters just below the first word "Mistress."
My lips were now a deep red to match my boots and gloves. My eyes were coated in a thick black eyeliner, with long lashes courtesy of my mascara, and of course a light gray eye shadow to keep with the black and red theme.
Entering the room, I looked quickly and saw that the room was now how I wanted it.
"Very good John. I liked the way it came out."
As always I was testing her.
"Thank you Mistress Dyvia." she replied.
I smiled, she fell into my trap, or so I had thought.
"Oh suzie, that was very bad, you should not have responded in such a way. John is not here."
"I'm very sorry Mistress, it will not happen again."
"I hope not, but for now, you will have to be punished."
I then went around to my desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a little box. I placed it on the desk in front of her.
Quickly, I had taken a pair of metal hand cuffs and locked her hands behind her back. I know what you're thinking, "but Mistress D, where did those come from? You haven't opened the box yet."
Well, I don't want to give my secrets away. I opened the box, and there were several little neon colored plastic clothespins. I chose these, because they don't hurt that much, but can still be a little stingy. I'm not much of a sadist, well I don't think I am anyway. I certainly don't like pain that much, but sometimes it can be good for drama and getting a message across.
"But Mistress, you don't have to do this, it was just a little mistake." she pleaded with me.
"Well better to punish you now so you don't make any big mistakes."
I started playing with them for a moment before I would clip them on her nipples. But then I added, "Oh, and if I hear one complaint from you, you will be gagged."
I clipped them on her nipples over her shirt, sometimes I'm just too nice. I had a little alarm clock and set to go off in thirty minutes. At which point, I then got up and walked over to the corner of the office, and brought a coat rack right in front of her. It had a very long nail sticking outside of one side.
"Okay suzie, here's the deal, you want them off, so we can continue our fun, then you can do one of two things. One you can wait it out, when the alarm goes off I'll take them off. Or you can get brave. This nail is thin enough where it will fit between the coils of the clothespins. If you want to brave it you can try and maneuver your whole body to pull them off. One at a time. But pulling them off will hurt a lot."
I then sat back down at my desk crossed my legs, and opened up a magazine, pretending like I was completely oblivious to her.
She had stood up and had managed to hook her right clothespin into the nail and she pulled herself back, almost pulling the coat rack over. Of course her locked six-inchers weren't helping much. But after a minute or two, she managed to rip it off. She gasped quite loudly.
I interluded, "don't you even dream of swearing. Or saying any other word for that matter."
She fell to her knees and growled and gasped at it. I snickered. Eventually she found her way back up to the chair and waited for the timer.
Well a couple hours after all that, I had an assignment for her. Before telling her, I undid her handcuffs, put a midnight black wig on her head, and did her make up in reds and purples. Without getting into too much detail I can imagine you can visualize how that turned out. I looked at her for a few moments, and decided to add a little extra. I put a black bra on her, and put in two breast forms to give her that double D look. I had laid out a uniform for her to wear. When she emerged she was wearing a short black miniskirt, a black blouse, and a little white apron. I wanted to put stockings on her, but I sacrificed that, in order to leave her high heels on until morning. And in her left hand she was holding a little feather duster. Yup she was a French maid. But she was missing something. Her little cap. Maybe I had forgotten it? I looked in the room while she followed me, and saw that it was still on the bed.
"suzie, suzie, suzie not an hour after your last punishment, and you need to be punished again." I pulled a wooden chair over in front of her, and left the room. I returned and she was still standing next to the chair like a good girl. I pulled out a cute little black butt plug. Hmmm? Just thinking, do I use the word 'cute' too much when describe things? Oh sorry, anyway, it had a suction cup on the base. I licked the bottom, and suctioned it to the wooden chair. I used a generous amount of a lubrication, and worked it in and around the plug until it glistened. suzie watched in fascination. Then I instructed her to bend over, pull her skirt up and her panties down.
"But Mistress Dyvia, its only a cap."
"Bend over, pull your skirt up, and your panties down." I repeated.
With a sigh of resignation, "Yes Mistress Dyvia."
"Oui, Mistress Dyvia," I corrected my French maid.
"Oui, Mistress Dyvia."
I then spread some more of the lube over her ass. And worked it in to loosen her up. And then I said, "Thank you, Mistress Dyvia."
And my 'obedient' French maid copied, "Thank You Mistress Dyvia."
Then I had her sit back on the chair and slowly lower herself onto the plug. She used her back against the chair for leverage to ease herself down slowly. She did so for about an inch then got really, really slow. She complained, probably about it being to big, but I wasn't really listening. I was actually on my knees (Oh god a domme on her knees! it's the end of the world!) behind her watching her progress. I got impatient admittedly, but when she was least suspecting, I got up walked around her, and sat on her lap forcing her to go all the way down. Her eyes were wide, and she was gasping, I got up and turned around, and caught it... She had smiled. I held back a scoff, and pretended I hadn't noticed. She hadn't accidentally forgotten anything.
Well fine let her enjoy this one, she got the best of me this time.
I walked back to her, "in a minute, you may stand up, if the plug stays on the chair you are free of it for now, if it does not, it will still be in your ass when you fall asleep tonight."
She stood up so slowly so that it would come out, I'm sure, but it was still too tight, and it came up with her. She would be stuck with it, for good or bad, until the following morning.
Well I think she had enough of my punishments for that day, as she was very good for the duration of the day.
Well the next day she was back to her games again. After she had washed herself I put her into a whore costume. Big blond wig. Bright red lips and bright pink cheeks, silvery eye shadow. A white midriff shirt with red trimmings, and the word "whore" in bright red letters across the front. She also had a black micro mini skirt with no panties, a black garter and stockings combo, and the same heels locked into place again from the previous day.
My first assignment was simple, but it gave me a special thrill. I gave her a pad of paper, there was only fifty sheets in it, and three felt tip pens. I instructed her to write on both the front and back of each sheet, "My name is suzie the slut, and I am a very cheap whore." And she had to write over and over to fill each sheet.
Well not 5 minutes after I left her to that assignment she came back to me, and said she couldn't do it anymore, because her hands were sore. Okay maybe if she were older and maybe had arthritis, I would have believed her, but she was still young, and I when I glanced away I looked at her in one of the many mirrors in my room, and saw her grinning.
So instead of punishing her, I simply said, "That's okay suzie, we can let it slide this time."
I looked away and started to leave the room, and caught a frown on her face. Now I was sure, without a doubt that she was trying to top me from the bottom. No. That was not going to happen. It simply would not do. It would not do at all. Well you know me, and how I get when my authority is questioned and especially by one of my own subs? ::scoff::
So I came up with a new idea. Simple, yet what I had planned was very sadistic. And you know that's not so much me. So for suzie's sake you know that's not really good. Well at least not to the level I was about to take it.
Well first I had her put panties on, take a little away from her sluttiness, that I'm sure she was reveling in. I sat myself down in front of a mirror and handed her a brush, I told her to brush my hair, and too count to one hundred for each part of my head. Well I pretended to be oblivious, but I suspected she knew that I was not, because she was missing each time, usually around ninety strokes. Well I scolded her for it when she claimed to be done, but I could tell she was getting excited about it.
"Masturbate for me, slave."
"Mistress?" She asked in confusion.
"Take your dick out of your panties, and stroke it until your cum is dripping at your feet."
I must have looked terrifying to him. For the first time, he really did seem to be nervous.
"Are you really this dumb? Give your self a hand job! Now!"
"Yes Mistress, I'm sorry Mistress Dyvia."
She lifted her skirt up and pulled her panties to the side, she rubbed her cock hard and then stroked it until she came. I gave her a box of tissues and made her clean it up. We walked to the living room, I had a small collection of pornographic DVDs. I put one in, "Cum again."
"But mistress I can't, I just did."
I kneeled down in front of the television and started rubbing between my legs, making some moaning sounds myself as the movie played. I have no doubt there is a certain arousing effect to a submissive to watch her mistress pleasuring herself to a movie like that.
She came less than five minutes later. Two orgasms in under 15 minutes. She should be well spent, sexually.
I brought her to the closest doorway and locked her arms and legs into bindings, she was spread eagle blocking the door. I left the room and returned with a suitcase and some plastic. I spread the plastic under her. "Mistress Dyvia what is that for?" she questioned. I knew that in her post-orgasmic bliss that she would not have been as sexually receptive to my punishments. It would not have been erotic to her or for her.
"My paint ball gun."
"Mistress?" she asked almost desperately. Knowing the welts one can get from a shot like that, I can only imagine how nervous she was. I had a pair of scissors in my hand and I started to cut off her clothing. She was naked and bound now. I walked back and pulled out the paint ball gun, and took careful aim and stopped, she was trembling.
"You know slave, did you know that the other senses can be intensified if you stop one." I took a bull's-eye and a piece of string with masking tape and hung it from his bellybutton, so that the center of the bull's- eyes was covering the head of his dick, there was a hole there, and I pulled the head through.
"For example, if you were unable to taste, your hearing might be a little better."
And then I covered his eyes with a blind fold, "or if you were unable to see, you might be able to feel more, pain and pleasure, hot and cold, so much more intense."
"Please Mistress don't I'm so sorry, I won't fail you ever again."
I walked heavily over to the paint ball gun while I listened to her plead. I watched in amusement as her mascara was running down her face. What she probably didn't hear was me walking back up to her very softy, and aiming my gun at the head of her dick from about two inches away. I waited for her to quiet down. And then I pulled the trigger and hit her right there. In the bull's eye. Or maybe her one-eyed snake's eye. Hehehe.
She bucked and she screamed. She cried and I was almost shocked that she didn't piss or shit herself. She was screaming bloody murder. I started laughing, and I pulled off her blindfold. She quickly quieted down as she looked at my gun and then her cock. The relief that spread across her face when she saw that I had traded up my paint ball gun for a child's squirt gun.
That honestly was one of the weekend's highlights since I had found out she was trying to manipulate me. She also had a profound sense of relief spread across her whole body as she looked down to her little buddy, and saw that there were only a couple drops of water dripping off to the floor.
"Learn your lesson well suzie, I've been very disappointed with your progress so far. Your punishments are going to get a lot less sexual from this point on. Please me, and you shall have a very worthwhile experience, cross me and you will not."
She nodded her head, "Yes Mistress Dyvia."
I left her hanging there and went to get myself a drink I opened the freezer and found that suzie had left the ice cube tray empty. Punishable. But not this time. I believe that she had learned her lesson. I would come back in a few hours and see if she had corrected this mistake.
Well after I released her, she had a fun day, if not very careful day with me. Most of that is between us, or at the very least a story for another time. But we ended up having a very delightful meal. When it was over, I sat and chatted with her, while she washed the dishes. When she was done, she sat down with me, and I got up to get a drink. I opened the freezer and found the ice cube tray still empty. I pulled it out and showed it to her, "What's this?" she went pale.
"Oh no Mistress, I am so sorry, I must have forgoten."
"Oh, must we do this again?" she asked, as her eyes pleaded.
Well of course we had to. You know me. Well I'm sure you do and so did suzie.
Minutes later she found herself tied to a chair with her arms behind her back and a ring gag in her mouth. In front of her she saw a dildo suctioned, much like her butt plug, to a chair in front of her. I walked into the room, spread my skirt and angled myself in such a way that it would be obvious to her that I was taking it in my own ass. I moaned, and groaned, and grappled with these obvious intense sensations. She was getting turned on, not knowing.
It must have appeared to be one of the most intense orgasms she's ever witnessed. Of course I faked it. When I was done she watched in wonder, as I took the plug. And pulled it off the chair and walked toward her. Her eyes went wide as she started shaking her head in fright.
The shit covered dildo was going in her mouth. Hey just because I'm a mistress and I am divine, does not necessarily mean that my shit doesn't stink. Haha. Sorry can't help adding that, just saw those two meet movies with Ben Stiller. Of course what suzie didn't know, was that I had never actually penetrated myself. I just let it slide up under my panties and was basically rubbing my butt crack for five minutes, which honestly can chafe if your not careful. Haha.
Her head shook and jerked back and forth violently as she tried to stop me, but she was too restrained. Swoosh right into the ring. Well I was sure she's had enough of being deceived for one day, as was I. She calmed down when she realized what I had done.
"Suckle it suzie." and she did. I unclasped the ring gag, pulled out he dildo, and then the gag fell to her lap.
"Keep sucking on it slut," and she did. "Now, this was kind of a fun punishment, minus the bit of scariness I through in their for a moment wouldn't you agree."
She nodded her head as she sucked her fake cock.
"Now I know you had forgotten the ice tray, but I also know that you did it on purpose earlier today before our water gun punishment, just so that I would punish you, correct?"
She nodded again.
"Good, now, I get it I really do, it turns you on to be punished. That's fine, but I demand obedience, or you won't enjoy your punishments. You'll just have to trust your mistress to know what you'll like. Can you do that for me?"
She nodded, still sucking her dildo.
"So you'll be a good girl for me now?"
She nodded.
And that's pretty much the story of how your favorite divine Mistress scratched an irritating little itch. I hoped you enjoyed it. Huh? What happened after that? Well I guess I could be a bit generous and give you an epilogue. Is that what you want?
Alright. The following morning I came down the stairs and sat in the living room, I could hear and smell cooking. Suzie was doing as she was instructed. She entered the room and spoke to me, "Good morning Mistress Dyvia, is there any way in which I might serve you in this bright and wonderful morning?"
"Yes suzie there is."
"How may I do so Mistress?"
"I would like you to serve me a cup of tea in exactly five minutes. Bring milk an' sugar on the side."
She looked at the digital clock on the cable box, 8:27am. "yes Mistress, in five minutes. I looked at my watch and it had said 8:26:37.
About five minutes later, the cable box said 8:32am. And she walked in with a tray that had my tea, milk and sugar. I thanked her and looked at my watch, "oh suzie suzie suzie.. You are 14 seconds too early."
I flashed a playful smile, "you'll have to be punished."
At first she looked nervous, but her look quickly faded to a smile as well.
"Oh no Mistress! I am so sorry. What would you like me to do to make this up to you?"
"Well hurry now, we can't let you burn the food, so go up to your room, and under your bed is a little red box, go get it and bring it here."
And she scurried off to please me.
Well how about that? Is that enough of an epilogue for you? hehe, well I'm so glad you were nice enough to sit, or kneel here while I told my story. So now that you've heard it all, tell me, exactly what did you think?