Mistress Dyvia
All is right in Stairferr

Dec 31, 2022
Stairferr is a gated Commuinity that hides a feminizing secret.
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.
Rules for the Subs:
(Optional fun for the free pets, if you are owned by a master or mistress, get their permission before following the rules ahead.)
Rule #1. Start with dedicating yourself to your owner, if you don’t have one, I will be your owner for the next 24 hours.
Rule #2 I want you to be aroused. Hard, dripping, or wet is all the same to me. If at somepoint during the story you find yourself: unaroused. Stop, properly stimulate yourself, and continue.
Rule #3. Thar be drag queens in this story. Hyper-feminine makeup is required if possible. Bright colors, lipstick that goes beyond the lines of your lips.
Rule #4. You may not cum until the story is over. If you do, a good pet would be polite enough to thank her mistress for the orgasm.
Rule #5. When the story is over, you ask yourself, have you been a good girl? Prove it. Tell Mistress your thoughts.
Mistress Dyvia presents:
All is Right in Stairferr
By: Mistress Dyvia
(Before we begin, I thought it would be fun to let you know this is going to be my ‘Stepford Wives’ style of story. So why Stairferr? Well Stair is an alternative to Step… And there was a movie called Ford v Ferrari. So Stair Ferr.. Stairferr. Hope you smiled at that.)
So I guess if I’m going to start this story, I guess I’ll start when my husband and I moved to Stairferr. It was an exclusive gated community, they had an HOA, a community center and everyone seemed so happy just driving up the road.
My husband had taken a position in a new state, and the income was amazing, it was the only reason we could afford to move here. I had to look for a new job, not that I needed to with his new income, but I’ve never been one to even dream about being a stay-at-home wife. My last three jobs were high five figures to low six fingers.. And Luke was high six figures, that would turn into seven figures within a year if he was able to pull off a few key projects.
We wanted to be child free, which worked out better since Stairferr was a child free community. We moved in on a Tuesday. It was an odd shape to the community which was pretty much square, and then one extra street where more houses were being built. It looked like six houses were being built on this street, and only a couple were finished, including ours.
The next door neighbor was sitting in her driveway reading a book when we arrived. She walked over, “Hi I’m Emily.” And she offered us both a handshake over the fence.
“I’m Danique, but everyone calls me Dani… My parents thought it sounded more ‘unique’ than Danielle.”
She laughed and turned to my husband, and he introduced himself, “I’m Sage.”
Emily smiled widely, “Wow, you both have some cool names.”
Sage told her, “Yeah, we met at a unique names convention.”
Her eyes bulged, “Really?”
We both laughed and answered simultaneously, “No.” but only I followed up with, “Online dating.”
“Oh…” She seemed almost disappointed.
Sage asked, “This street seems new, how long have you been here?”
Emily nodded, “Yeah, I guess they decided to expand the community, I just moved in this past weekend. And I met the couple moving into that house the other day, but they won’t be moving in until the electricians install the chargers for their electric cars, so probably tomorrow and Thursday.”
“So, are you the neighborhood welcoming committee?”
She looked taken aback, “That’s a thing?” she paused, “But no. I met the head to the HOA who came over to welcome us to the neighborhood. She was super nice… except to her husband… But I thought welcoming committees were just like.. I dunno, for TV?”
I looked at Sage and then back to her, “So did we, but good to know we might have company.” We talked a little longer, and to be honest, Emily seemed sweet, but not very intelligent, we hadn’t met her husband yet, but we assumed that she married a man because she was hot and dumb… sigh…
It was a few hours later, we were just getting settled when there was a doorbell. I got up and answered it. It was a woman in a nice pink dress standing in front of a man wearing khakis and a golf shirt, holding a pie.
“Hi I’m Delores Fairbourne, and this is my husband.” she didn’t say his name. “We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.”
We welcomed them in. My husband and I shook each of their hands.
She looked at her husband, “Don’t be an idiot, Stanley, give them the gift.”
“Of course, my love.” and he stepped forward to offer me the pie.
“Thank You, both.” I said, and my husband echoed the words, though he seemed a little off put by how whipped the man seemed to be.
“Stair-fir seems like such a nice little community.” I said.
“Stair-Fair.” she corrected my mispronunciation of Stairferr. “But I’m sure it will do wonderful things for your status and even your marriage.”
Sage put an arm around my waist and pulled me in closer, I let out a surprised giggle and clutched him as I embraced him, then he added, “That would be wonderful, but I can’t imagine a more wonderful marriage than the one I have.” I giggled again.
Though Delores didn’t seem to like the way he held me… Weird. We chatted a little more, before they decided to leave.
We went out for dinner. We hadn’t done much grocery shopping yet, just enough for a few important things, shopping would be for the next day. Dinner was wonderful and it was fun to get dressed up for dinner, even if we were both exhausted from the move.
We drove back and had to show our IDs so we could get back into the neighborhood, that would take some getting used to. Honestly, I had wondered what would happen if we had an uber or cab. But that was for another day.
As we drove through the neighborhood, everything seemed mostly normal, but as we approached our little street, we saw something weird… and at the time we thought it was benign and amusing, but we had no idea how symbolic of our future that would be…
And to be fair, our street is very close to the Stairferr community center, but just before we turned on, we saw a group of women crossing the street, and Sage stopped. And these were not the type of women you were used to seeing, at least not together. Half the women in this group were very seriously dressed women in black, some in skirts, others in pant suits, some looking very professional, others looking very intimidating… But the other half were drag queens. I’m not talking transexual women, or even men with five o-clock shadows and pink tutus… I mean these were men that looked like they spent hours on their hair and makeup, very flamboyant and fully embracing the adopted femininity… hyper femininity.
And there we were stopped and watching them cross the street in slow motion. One of the queens waved to us. I pressed the button to roll down my window, and I clapped my hands, “You go girls!” I screamed with a “Wooo!” my husband beeped the horn.
The drag queens all took a bow and the women with them clapped as well. And soon enough they finished crossing and went in. Sage continued to the corner and pulled onto our street. I had to tease him of course, “You know hun, if you’re up for it, maybe i could do your makeup, and we could join them.”
He let out a loud laugh, “Maybe, just not tonight.” and I knew that wouldn’t happen, but I love how he rolled with it. Besides, I’ve always liked my men masculine and more take charge. That’s why I married this one.
We got back inside, I took off my heels and stretched my feet while he took off his jacket and shoes. I proceeded to the kitchen and poured myself an ice cold water, and savored about half of the glass before topping it off again, and pouring one for my husband.
But as I stepped in I saw the Sage had something in his hand, I won’t deny the smile that formed across my face when I saw what it was.
“Danique,” he started as he always did with this ritual of ours, “will you accept this collar, be my slave and do whatever I command of you until the time it is removed?”
I placed the two glasses of water on the nightstand, and knelt down in front of my husband, “Sage, my husband, I accept your collar and offer you my submission until the collar is removed.” I exposed my neck to him. And felt him put the collar around my neck.
Sometimes I reveled in moments like this, others I sometimes felt odd, almost disassociated. Sometimes it was a little of both, tonight was one of those moments, I was doing things that didn’t seem like me, yes they were, and I knew the memories of tonight would make me so very wet tomorrow.
He stood up and had me do the same. I looked down not meeting his eyes, and then his voice spoke powerfully, “Who the fuck told you that you could wear clothes?”
I suppressed a smile, “My apologies, Master… Should I remove them? Or would you like to remove them?”
He didn’t respond to my query, he simply said, “Turn around and bend over.”
It was a lovely night.
The next morning I was walking out to my car, when I heard a, “Heyy!” and saw Emily in a bright pink tank top and pair of jeans walking towards me. “New Neighbors moved in this morning. Wanna go say hi?”
I shrugged my shoulder, “Sure.”
We walked over and rang the doorbell. A woman answered, “Yes?”
“HI, I’m Emily, and this is Danique. We are your neighbors, and we both moved in during the past week.”
The woman smiled back,”Hi, a pleasure to meet you both, I’m Hannah.” A couple minutes later she introduced us to her husband Gerry. We sat there and chatted for a few minutes and I was definitely under the impression that she was going to be a fun new neighbor. She was an artist and her husband was a CEO of some tech company. They seemed very opposite, but so in sync, it was truly cute to see.
Emily suggested that the three of us go out for drinks Friday Night. Celebrate new girlfriends and new neighbors and all that. Hannah and I chuckled, but agreed.
As we walked back across the street, Emily’s husband came out. “Emm… Don’t bother the neighbors, they have their own lives.”
“I’m sorry.” she said to him, and then to me, “I’m sorry I was just trying to be friendly.”
“I know.” He seemed genuinely embarrassed by her outgoing behavior.
“It's no problem. She is nice and I think our days might be a bit more boring without her.” I said to him.
He smiled at me and extended his hand, “Bob.”
I replied with my one word answer, “Dani.”
We chatted for a few minutes, it was weird, he seemed to have intimidated her. Not in a mean way, but almost like a father and daughter kind of way… though that probably should NOT have surprised me, he was in his early to mid forties and Emily was in her early to mid twenties. I try not to judge though.
Shortly thereafter, I said my goodbyes and went on to do my own thing.
Friday night came and Emily was nowhere to be seen. I texted her, and she responded with, ‘Sorry I can’t tonight.’ But Hannah showed up at my place, and we decided to go out together anyway.
We had a few laughs, had a few too many drinks and learned a bit about each other. I had a feeling that she was about to be my new best friend, and we were going to be sharing Emily as our shared sidekick. Or to be more accurate, I felt like Emily was going to be the source of entertainment and fun around here, but I think Hannah was going to be my confidant.
Once we were too wasted to drive home we took an Uber back to Stairferr, but the guards didn't let the car in. But one of them was kind enough to drive us to our street with his golf cart, it only took a few minutes. Hannah and I were giggling on the sidewalk in front of our houses… whichever one it was. We were two drunk to remember which house was whose… We giggled about that. And there was a light on in three different houses… Hmm..
Arm in arm we started walking toward one, once we knew which one of them belonged to who, we’d figure out which one was the others. We ascended the five steps wobbly, and I looked into the unshaded living room and knew the house didn’t belong to either of us… It belonged to Emily. Because we were watching her and her husband…
And they were…?
Emily was telling Bob to swallow his medicine, by stuffing her cock down his throat?
Emily’s eyes were glowing pink, and Bob was nodding his head, seemingly entranced by her.
Bob was restrained, a helmet over his head while Emily used a toy on his naked ass.
And it was a sobering moment for us. There we were, I was holding Hannah’s hand, and I barely felt the alcohol in me. She was as motionless as I was. We were watching our friend, Emily, the one who was such a ditz just a day or two earlier, who was being treated like a little girl by her much older husband, and there they were. Naked… In the living room… Her body was much hotter than I had given her credit for even with her tight clothing earlier… but her husband, he was tied, like the way my husband would tie me. He wore a weird helmet, but he was on his hands and knees, his wrists secured to his ankles, his ass up in the air, and she sat by him. One leg under him, one over his legs, and her hand casually pumping a dildo in and out of his ass to the beat that a finger from her other hand was tapping on his back.
There were clearly strings of fluid dripping from some device his dick was stuck in. I was frozen and I think Hannah was too. And then Emily turned and looked up at us with a smile and wiggled her fingers at us.
What the fuck were we watching? I was completely sober… maybe not medically, I couldn’t drive for fuck, but I was completely present if you catch the difference. I stepped back and Hannah took my lead. “What did we just see?” she asked me.
"I have no idea, but let them have their privacy,” I pointed to the house next door, “That’s my house.” and then I pointed to the house across the street, ”And that’s yours.”
And we separated at the sidewalk and we both seemed to wait for the other to reach our respective doors, and we went inside. Sage had already gone to bed, and I simply took my clothes off, dropping them on the floor and crawled into bed with him.
It was late Saturday Morning when I finally woke up. Yeah, I had a hangover. I walked down the stairs and Sage passed me a bottle before I could even say ‘Good morning.’ It was a bottle of hangovialyte. He was the perfect man. I sipped at the fruity drink, and plopped down in the couch.
“How was your night?” he asked.
“Fun, at least until the end.”
“What happened?” he asked,
I told him what I saw in Emily’s house. He seemed surprised just like me, she seemed so submissive around him earlier… But she was fucking aggressive.
“Okay, this might be awkward then…” He started, “I invited both Emily and Bob as well as Hannah and Gerry for a little barbeque.
I let out an awkward sigh, was it too much to let the universe to just allow me to never see my next door neighbor again? I let out a soft little sigh, “It's okay. I owe her an apology anyway.” I said as I was trying to be mature. “I just hope my hangover is over.”
Of course, it wasn’t. And I could tell that Hannah was nursing one as well, but we held smiles, we were hydrating ourselves and sitting back in reclining lawn chairs just wearing bikini tops and shorts when Emily and Bob arrived. Emily came over to us with a wide smile as Bob joined Sage and Gerry at the grill.
“Hey girls! How are you, today?” her cheerful voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to our hangovers.
“Fine.” Hannah said.
“A bit hungover, a shame you couldn’t make it last night.” I said with a bit of regret in my voice.
“Well…” she started, “As you saw, I had a fun night planned out.”
I groaned, “I’m sorry, that was rude of us, we were drunk and mixed up our houses.”
“It's fine, really, Bob and I just needed to work a few things out. And we did.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah, watch this.” she then looked over at him, “Hey, Fuck Pole, get your ass over here!” and then looked at us with a giggle as he excused him from the other two.
“Yes, hun?” he said softly.
“I want a hot dog.” she told him.
“Right away.” and he lightly jogged to the grill and chatted for a moment, Sage gave him a plate with a hot dog, he grabbed the condiments, and came quickly back to Emily. “Anything else.”
“Yeah.” she took the hotdog out of the bun, split it in a half, “About the size of your dick, isn’t it?”
He blushed, “I think so, hun.”
She giggled, split it in half again, “You think? Maybe it's this size?”
I wouldn’t have thought it was possible, but he blushed even more, “Yes, that is my size.”
She spit it in half again, it was barely more than a nub, “No, I think this is it.”
He nodded his head, “You know best.”
She giggled, “Go back to your boys, I’ll tell you what I want later.”
He nodded his head, “Okay.”
Things were uncomfortable. After that, the other guys kept looking at Bob and Emily, the difference of how she was the morning before to now was incredible. Before he seemed to put her in her place, but it was almost like she was a new person and she was putting poor Bob in his place brutally… like she was making up for each and every time he treated her poorly.
“You get used to treating man like the slaves they need to be.” Emily said as she finished her hot dog.
I looked at her, “Not all men, honestly, I have a bit of a sub streak in myself, and Sage knows just how to rub me the right way for it.”
Emily looked at me with a bit of horror, “Are you serious? You let them order you around? Hannah can you believe that?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I’m a bit of a switch myself. We take one night a week for me to be the slave and one night a week for Gerry ot be the slave, but most fo the time we are equals.”
Well, I got the impression that Emily didn’t like those comments, she seemed to be really quiet for the rest of the barbeque. And when it was over, we said our goodbyes and cleaned up. Sage pulled out the collar and asked me if I would be his slave again, I smiled and got on my knees accepting his collar. I did everything he told me, and when I convinced him I needed a good fuck, he gave it to me, and I fell asleep in his arms cuddled up in the blankets.
It was a few hours later when I heard a noise… no. a voice… “He’ll be out for the next ten hours.” the voice was feminine. And as I turned over I saw Delores, and Emily and a number of other women, they put something over my mouth and when I inhaled everything became so blurry… hard to focus. I think I was aware they were picking me up… I think I was aware that I was falling unconscious.
My eyes fluttered open. That was a weird dream. I looked around and Sage was nowhere to be seen. I got up and went into the bathroom, and splashed some water on my face… And I looked good, no bed head, no bags under my eyes, and did my boobs look a bit nicer? A bit more firm… a quick touch made me smile, they did.
I stretched, it felt good, but more like stretching in the middle of the day, totally unnecessary. I walked downstairs and Sage was still nowhere to be seen. As I reached the kitchen I saw a note on the fridge, ‘Good morning my love. Went out to run a few errands, see you soon. <3 Sage’
I scowled, Who the fuck gave him permission to leave the house? Whoa, where did that come from? Though he really should have asked. A smirked crossed my face as the thought, ‘Begged’ crossed my mind.
I took a shower and didn’t really like my clothing choices. Why did the clothes I’ve loved so much suddenly seem so… inadequate? I needed to go shopping. So I put on a black cardigan and a black skirt, with matching heels. And I walked over to Hannah’s house.
“Hi!” she said, when she answered my knock on her door.
I smiled warmly, “Hey, I went to get dressed and found all my clothes hideous. Wanna go shopping?”
She smiled, “Oh, that sounds delightful, but I can’t… Gerry made plans for us, and we’ll be out most of the day.” she paused, “Tomorrow?”
Something irritated me on such a primitive level, she let her husband make plans for her? She was acquiescing to his desires. But she was a friend, I bit my tongue proverbially, and literally made a warm smile, “Tomorrow sounds good, too.”
As I walked across the street I looked at Emily’s house. Maybe she would want to go out? I wasn’t sure, her and her husband had been acting weird the day before, it was odd and uncomfortable. But I went that way anyway. I knocked on her door. Seriously, I should have just texted… Emily answered, “Heya! What’s up?”
“I went to get dressed and found all my clothes hideous. Wanna go shopping?” Was that exactly what I said to Hannah?
“Sure, come on in.”
I stepped inside and saw Bob Ironing a pink dress, naked, “Hi, Bob.. ironing Emily’s clothes for her? Such a good boy.”
He blushed, “No, Miss, this is my dress.”
“Well I’m sure it will bring out your eyes.” I said.
Emily giggled, “FuckPole here is gonna wear a strap-on and fuck me tonight, maybe I’ll feel something since his eye-lash length dick can’t even let me feel anything.”
I laughed, “That is fucking hilarious.” And I thought she was acting weird yesterday… Guess she is back to normal today…
Bob stood up straight and held out his dress at arms length and turned it over and put it back on the ironing board. But then I saw his dick, covered in a little pink cage. I have no idea how big or small his dick was, but fuck… that thing looked so small in its cage.
Emily excused herself and went upstairs to change into something different. She came down in a dress that clearly said, ‘I’m in charge.’ and smiled to me. “I went shopping yesterday, I felt the same way.
We giggled, I went and got my phone, left a note for Sage, and jumped into her car. We shopped for hours. I got so many more exciting outfits. Some for the bedroom, some for home, some for work, some for out, even a couple for Sage. Even splurged a bit for new makeup and jewelry.
We got back, and I laughed as she teased her husband a bit… and then we said our goodbyes. It was getting late. I stepped inside, and saw Sage, “Hey hun, I was worried about you, you haven’t replied to my texts all day.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, “You don’t have to be so needy.”
He looked genuinely upset by that sentence, I’m not sure why. “Excuse me?”
I let out an exasperated breath, “Fine, you are excused.”
“Where is this coming from?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked, I felt completely normal.
“There is something carnivorous about your attitude right now.”
“I don’t think so.” I denied.
“Oh…” a smirk crossed his face, “Being the brat tonight? Perhaps I need to put you in your place?” he asked with playful undertones dancing along his voice.
I scowled, the idea of being a bratty submissive was so… not me.
He opened the drawer and Removed the collar, “Will you accept-” He started the ritual in which I typically submitted to him. Why did I ever do that? Women were to be worshiped, men should obey, men should follow…
“-No.” I interrupted and walked up the stairs to the bedroom. I heard him following after me, and I stopped at the closet and saw the black box at the bottom. I never saw it before, but I knew ‘it’ would be there. I opened it, and it looked like a motorcycle helmet.
“What is your problem?” my pathetic excuse for a husband asked.
“I want you to put this on, now.” I instructed him.
“What? No.. not until we get to the bottom of this.” he demanded. I held the helmet in my dominant hand and walked to him. With my free hand I took his wrist and pulled him to the center of the room. He seemed surprised by my strength… Even more so, when my tiny arm was able to hold both of his arms without him even able to budge them. And my one leg was holding his two in place.
My dominant arm pulled the helmet over his head and I said, “Begin Training, Phase One.” I felt the buzz as it locked onto his head. I stood up and he struggled with it for a few minutes,but his struggle slowly subsided, and his hands stopped. All together… and then his entire body went limp.
I reached back into the box and removed the restraints and secured his wrists to his ankles. I reached for the dildo, and adjusted him so that his waist was over my right leg, and my left leg was over the back of his legs… I started tapping a rhythm on his back with my nails, and brought the toy to his ass… Somehow, this position seemed familiar to me, even though I had never done this to my pathetic husband…
I woke up in the middle of the night. I stepped outside and saw Emily. I smiled as I woke up, “What are we doing?” I asked her.
She smiled, “You know…”
“I do?” I asked, and then as if it was stupid question, I looked across the street, “Oh, Its Hannah’s turn.”
We waited for the other wives to come, and then we all entered, we were quiet, and we drugged her husband. She woke up, and we drugged her… As her body went limp, we took her unconscious body to the community center…
~~D~~ I woke up to my second day feeling different. I still wasn’t sure exactly what was different about me, I just knew that I was a bit off, off but better. It was hard to describe. But I also knew Hannah was changing like me, and that idea of… sisterhood? Her being like Emily and I was warming.
I sat up in bed and stood up. I walked to the bathroom, and poured a glass of cold water. I turned on the shower, and then walked back into the bedroom while it warmed. I threw my glass of cold water onto Sage. He fell out of the bed sputtering and shaking his head wildly trying to figure out what happened.
“I’m taking a shower, get your ass in there.”
“But.. ahh.. What?” he started to ask, confused, but said nothing as he stood up and started to follow.
I was stepping in the shower as he stepped into the bathroom. I heard him stripping and joined me. “Hun, what’s wrong with you?”
“You are saying that there is something wrong with me?” I asked in such a way thatI was clearly accusing him.
He looked confused as he stepped in the shower with me. "What happened last night?"
I shrugged my shoulder, "don't worry your pretty little head about it."
"Here." I said as I placed my shampoo into his hands, wash my hair."
I turned away from him, and slid under the shower. There was a brief moment of hesitation before I heard it squeezing out of his hand, and trying to put it into my scalp...
"No. No. No. Are you really this useless?" I asked as I showed him how to apply it to the lower parts of my hair and work his way up to my scalp."
"Sorry." He said with a defeated timber to his voice.
It made me smile. He finished washing my hair and then I rinsed it. Once fully rinsed, I had him use conditioner, and before I knew it, my hair was perfect.
Then came the massage. He started with shoulders, I don't think I realized just how tense I had been from his attitude the day before. But he slowly works his way down... But I stopped him as he reached my ass. I turned around, had him out his hands behind his back and mashed my clit with his tongue.
Honestly it wasn't quite as amazing as I had expected, I think largely due to the part where the shower was washing away my wetness. Still I enjoyed his use of tongue. When I was done, read: climaxed... Leaned against the shower wall for a moment.
Eventually, I reached over and grabbed my shower sponge, and handed it to him, then the body wash and road out the rest of my sexual high as he got that ready. I stood up straight, and spread my arms a bit and invited him in to start cleaning. I rinsed off, then I started to step out of the shower turning it down to cold and warned him not to turn it up... Clearly, he needed a cold shower after that.
He came back out totally unshaven. I sent him back in... I could tell he wanted to fight, but he didn't. He came back out, his face shaved, and I reminded him, "totally shaved." And walked him back in and made him shave all the hair off his body...
Once his body... His arms, his legs, his torso were bare, I led him into the bedroom, and we began his first transformation. His chastity cage. He sat on the corner of the bed, as I manipulated the ring around his cock and balls, and then slid the tiny cage around his penis, which was finished with a little turn of the key, which left his future orgasms all under my control. The key found its way into my necklace. My new pendant.
In the closet there were a series of boxes, I didn't remember buying them, but I knew what they all were for. It was a big one that was important to me, really it was important to us. I listed it up and brought it to my silly little husband.
I lifted up the top, I saw the perky breasts pointing up at me. He looked at it and was confused. I picked it up by the shoulders, a hyper-realistic silicone bodysuit. It had plenty of stretching potential, it had breasts, it had padding around the hips and buttocks… it was perfect for making everything below his jaw look feminine.
"Come on dear I will help you this time, but after today you'll have to do this on your own."
He seemed standoffish at first, but reluctantly accepted his fate. I rolled the legs up, and then I stretched the neck. One leg at a time he put his feet in and quickly found the suit moving up to his crotch. I adjusted his cage to its little pouch so he would be able to sit when he had to do his business. Then I unrolled the legs down his legs. And slowly helped bring his arms into the sleeves, and soon his chest had very large breasts. It even went all the way up his neck completely covering his Adam's apple. I took a step back to admire our handiwork. He looked so feminine. She looked so feminine. It brought a smile to my face.
I returned to the closet. There were a number of dress bags hanging from the closet. I picked one, unzipped it and pulled out the pink dress. I handed it to my husband. He frowned for a moment, but I told him to put it on, and he did as he was told. White stockings came next as we rolled them up his legs, and attached them to his waist via a garter belt. Sexy pink high heels when on his feet, and just like his chastity belt, they were locked to his feet.
The longest part of this was his makeup. There was a lot to making him look feminine. Before we could even begin to use foundation, I had to glue his eyebrows use a little comb to push him up, then add foundation, then powder, then more foundation. Then I spent some time contouring his face, using different colors to make it look like there is natural lighting to make his nose look thinner and his cheeks look more defined… more feminine. I had to draw eyebrows well over where his eyebrows truly would have been. Exaggerated lines or perfect to make his eyebrows feminine. The problem was his eyebrows were too low and we're not very effeminate looking without this technique. Using a very, very white eye shadow I stretched it from the inner corners of his eye all the way to the top of the fake eyebrows and almost all the way to his hairline. Using heavy black eyeliner, I shaped the way his eyes should look. Then using a lovely shade of pink that matched his dress, I played with the white and pink to give him a stylized look. I used a dark lip liner to overdraw his lips, giving him such a cute Cupid's bow shaped to his lips. Then I used a matte red lipstick to fill it all in. Once I gave him the blonde wig, with the curls in the big hair, he was the perfect little drag queen. And I had the perfect name for HER.
We entered the community center. Sage-now-Desiree squirmed a bit but followed. The leash I held went under her dress and she was well motivated to make sure I didn't try too hard.
As we stepped into the coffee aisle, I saw Emily with her pet taking behind her much the same way as Desiree was. We waved to each other as our pets nodded their heads to each other, then her pet faced me as mine faced her and they each have a cute little curtsy.
Emily and I both giggled as we continued past each other. I saw Delores and gave her a finger wave. She simply nodded and said, "and all is right in Stairferr." Not that I really understood that context...
The End.
Reach out or connect with me: Email: Mistress_dyvia@yahoo.com
Twitter: @Dyvia16
Website: Mistressdyvia.com
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/10443296 LiL: https://lockedinlace.com/members/mistressdyvia
And if you wish to support my writing, Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23024772
Copyright 2022, All rights reserved
For those of you curious what the choices the community made were: Worth noting all of my Patrons had access to the first voting option, all subsequent were chosen from the $5 tier up. ~~A~~ When they came to a stop, they saw something seemingly benign,what was it? A. Two women leading their men down the sidewalk on leashes. B. A group of women entering the community center, half professional looking, the other appearing to be drag queens with exaggerated makeup? C. A woman spanking her husband on the dront lawn. D. A masculine man on a street corner wearing a pink wife-beater, with the word 'Sissy' written across the front? B was chosen by the community. ~~B~~ And they were…? A. Emily was telling Bob to swallow his medicine, by stuffing her cock down his throat? B. Emily’s eyes were glowing pink, and Bob was nodding his head, seemingly entranced by her. C. Bob was restrained, a helmet over his head while Emily used a toy on his naked ass The Community chose C ~~C~~ How will she wake up? A. Having her body bionically enhanced? (aware as she is changed) B.Waking up in a new body and seeing her old one asleep with wires attached to its head? (explanation) C. Waking up, feeling a bit different. (self-discovery) The community chose C. ~~D~~ What next?
A. Focuson Sage accepting his wife’s Superiority.
B. Focus on his feminization?
C. Danique reads his journal entry about what he experienced with the helmet on. A was chosen