Mistress Dyvia

Aug 23, 2023
A mass feminization event happens at a concert, a year later, all the attendees start receiving calls that make them... different.
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.
Rules for the Subs:
(Optional fun for the free pets, if you are owned by a master or mistress, get their permission before following the rules ahead.)
Rule #1. Normally this is the part of the story where I tell you that you belong to me… But given the way this story goes, you are now a product of Laboratory X. Say it, “I am a product of Laboratory X.” Good Girl.
Rule #2 This story mentions an obsession with one feminine obsession, pick one. It can be lipstick, high heels, long nails, crossing your legs, or even wearing perfume, it does not have to be on this list, but you will adopt the obsession while reading this story.
Rule #3. Whenever Ava, Hannah, Melissa or Tamzin speaks, so will you.
Rule #4. When you tell me what you thought of the story, and you will…I want you to include what behavior you adopted for rule #1.
Enjoy.Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.
Mistress Dyvia presents:
By: Mistress DyviaPrologue
Excerpt from the last page of the journal of Owen Croft.
So what did my favorite band, and my home team have in common? They were both making money hands over feet when they were in the same stadium. I may not be much of a football person, but damn, they won six Superbowls in that stadium and it wasn't even their home turf... again, not a football fan, but I sure do have home team spirit... And my favorite band? 70,000 screaming fans showed up every other year to see them perform there.
This year was the year they performed. The show started at 5, and wasn't scheduled to end until midnight... The first two bands each had a forty-five minute set, a little time for the road crew to set up and the next band was on. Both of those bands only had their first albums out.
The third band came on just before seven. They played till 8:45. They had four albums and had quite the fan turn out. And then after about a half hour of waiting, the band everyone has been waiting for started playing. With twelve albums over 35 years, they had fans. There was a train they were healing[?]. Everything seemed pretty normal until just after eleven...
There was a commotion at the south exit, a group of people tried to exit the property and found the doors had been locked. In the next few minutes, the crowd realized every lock in the facility had been engaged. Although the concert had roughly seventy thousand attendees, later estimates found that sixty two thousand people were still in the facility.
There was an assumption that there was a computer glitch, until the band went quiet... They were still playing and singing, but the speakers went quiet and a new voice spoke.
"Laboratory X has been responsible for deaths of many animals and people as they tested their drugs. They have kept secret what they have done, they have paid politicians, and the government to keep their secrets. Despite Laboratory X being shut down, the latest of what they have done endures. You have eight hours to declassify all documents regarding Laboratory X or we will make an example using the people in this stadium."
I, of course, looked at my watch, that gave us until roughly seven in the morning for someone to do something. I watched below as a group of women in tactical gear moved out from a door to the center of the arena. A truck came in, it looked like a propane truck...
No one was really sure what was in it... The whispers around us suggested that it was a flammable gas they would use to blow us up, to a nerve gas, all the way to as simple as helium to suffocate the stadium... We were all tense, for so very, very long.
They were courteous hostage takers, they actually set up two small tents at each end of the field for people who had to do their business even though they couldn't get to the bathrooms... It was set up more like a latrine under a tent, but it functioned as it was needed...
It was around 3am that the sobbing started to be heard, more than half the time elapsed and we... And by that, also the hostage takers had heard nothing. All attempts to make contact by the outside world were met with the recording earlier. They insisted that nothing else had happened at Laboratory X... The recording was played again of their demands...
Anxiety, that was the best word for it. There was no information, not from the hostage takers, not from the authorities, and the loudest silence was from the government. The large screen was showing news footage from the media. No one from the government said a thing, at least no one that counted.
There were some politicians who promised to get us out of there, they were doing everything they could. No one to say that they would release the information, no one to say they wouldn't. No one denied the allegations, no one confirmed them.
Half the country was asleep before this started, and I had suspected it would be over before they woke up... I was sure there were people glued to their televisions, and some who just changed the channel...
But we were a part of this. What was going to happen?
Time continued to pass, and the sun came up. There wasn't much time left. We looked at each other, so many strangers, me with a group of friends. The time was almost up and the TV still showed that nothing was coming. We had no information.
And then the clock turned 7. We thought they were going to make an example of a few of us. Maybe even the band first. I even suspect that's what the officials that were watching this expected. They never said they were going to kill anybody, they never said they were going to hurt, they just said they would make an example. But something happened that I don't think anyone would have expected. Each of the women that wore the tactical gear had their cell phone ring. They each opened it and looked, and a moment later... They each pressed the button that was attached to the wrist, and then they each sat down right where they were.
At first, no one really understood what happened. We all looked at each other in confusion, and then the tank released a thick pink gas. I remember the days after, seeing the videos on the TV, it almost looked like the sun was hitting the dome of the stadium. But it wasn't, it was a thick pink gas that flooded the entire area. It was so thick, we couldn't see our own fingers if our hands were outstretched. But the odd part was it never even hurt us. We didn't have trouble breathing, I think everyone was panicking, trying to get as far away from the gas as they could… but no one was in pain.
And then the oddest sensation fell over me. It was euphoria, I started giggling, did they release laughing gas? But then I started noticing that my arms were getting thinner, my nails were getting longer, even my hair seemed to come out of my head just a bit. I didn't understand what was happening to me. And then I noticed my chest started to rise, I was growing breasts.
I looked around me as the air started to clear. It was happening to everybody. Men were becoming women, women were becoming hyper-feminine.
It took nearly 15 minutes before the air had become completely normal again. By then, every single person in the arena had been changed. Men were now women. And women were so much more than they had been. Well maybe not everyone, later reports revealed anyone who was not legally an adult remained unchanged. Not sure how they targeted the gas to only affect she groups…
Even my favorite band was now a quartet of sexy women. That was going to take some getting used to. And even after all that, I wondered if they'd release more albums as women. What was going to happen to me? What would happen to all of us?
The women in the tactical gear were comatose. The authorities made their way in, took those women into custody, rumor is they never recovered. And each of us were sorted, quarantined, and tested. It became one hell of a week.
One Year Later…
Ava opened the door, she just got home from a day at work. She kicked off her shoes, and then slowly walked to the bathroom, where she quickly pulled off her work clothes. In a few moments she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. In a year, not much had changed since she was Owen. Even Owen had this similar ritual, while wear uncomfortable clothes when you could be totally relaxed at home.
She didn't have the largest breasts, hell she didn't really care to since in her mind she was still a man. Things had moved in a strange way for the 62,000 people who had been changed. She still liked women, nothing had changed in that regard, she never really embraced her femininity except for the mandatory obsession.
The obsession… It was an odd thing that was documented by every single person that had been changed on that fateful day one year ago. It didn't matter whether they were a man to start with, or a woman… Every single person who left ended up having an obsession with one simple thing of femininity. For some it might have been high heels, others it was lipstick, others it was fabulous hair… but for Ava, it was her nails. She had to have extremely long and beautiful nails. If she didn't, she felt extremely anxious. That was her obsession.
And she sat down, she looked at her nails, they were long over an inch past each of her fingers, and each one was painted with perfection. It was something she was extremely OCD about, if she found even a small scratch, she would clean it off and repaint it. She needed to have the perfect nails.
That was such a strange thing at first, when they had all left the dome, each of them feminized in a way they'd never really understood. Women who inhaled the gas found their breasts had grown larger, the lips a little more full, their waists were a little tighter. Men on the other hand, look like normal women, their breasts fit their frame, they almost universally look sexy. And as stated before, each one came out with a new obsession.
Of course everyone had to be tested, and by that, every single day for weeks blood was taken, and analyzed. They got back to their jobs, at least the ones you could still perform their jobs with their new bodies, and just waited for answers. The richer people tried to undo some of the physical changes, but in 24 hours they were restored to what they had. If a woman tried to have a breast reduction, it would last for 24 hours, and after her next full REM sleep, should be back to her full size. There was nothing that could be done.
There were of course results that they found, every single person had nanotechnology implanted in them through the pink gas. In the heart of every cell, there was a single nanotech robot that was attached to their mitochondria, from there they seem to be able to control every cell. If a person tried to reshape their body, the robots, hypothetically speaking, would communicate with each other and rebuild the body the way it was supposed to be when the body finally rested. That was a standing theory.
Ava as well as probably most of the other 62,000 people and who knows how many others, googled the hell out of Laboratory X. There wasn't much, the founder had actually passed away just days before the event at the stadium. Nobody in the government ever admitted to knowing what was going on there. The research had disappeared. It was just a black hole of information, nobody knew how to fix this. It was an entirely new form of research.
Of course that wasn't Ava's concern tonight, she chipped a nail. She spent a little time cleaning it off, getting the nail down to its base color, putting a coat of red nail polish on it, and then once it was dry she put a glossy coat on it. And she was happy with that. She had an action movie on in the background. She always liked that.
Just as Ava was finishing up, she heard a strange beep from her phone. She picked it up, put in her security pattern, and looked to see what the notification was. There was a laboratory X icon in the middle of her front page. She looked at it with confusion, and then all of a sudden it opened. She hadn’t even touched it.
As she looked at it there was a loading icon, it was looking for information, or maybe he was waiting for the information to load? She wasn't actually sure for a moment but kept looking at it. And then it said, 'synced.'
Suddenly her own face appeared, it said Owen Croft on the top left hand corner, but less than 10 seconds later the first name deleted itself and replaced itself with Ava.
A question appeared on the screen, upload core personality? And then the y/n below it, and before she could even respond there was a click on the y. She felt a strange tug in the back of her head, but nothing really happened.
Then another question appeared on the screen, delete core personality? And like before a y/n appeared below it. Ava's eyes went wide, and she didn't know exactly what was about to happen, but she had a bad feeling and clicked on the N, which immediately transformed into a Y, and then she felt the tug on the back of her head again.
She was completely open, her mind essentially gone, confusion was the closest thing she could describe. She was waiting for something, but she didn't know what. She wasn't even sure what she was looking at.
And then yet another question appeared on the screen offering to upload personality 'Hannah.' and again the y/n appeared on the screen, and the Y automatically pressed. She closed her eyes, and she felt a strange sensation feel her mind. And a second later she knew what she was missing, she was Hannah.
Hannah opened her eyes, she was different than she had been the last time she had opened her eyes. She couldn't remember back then, it seems so long ago. But she stood up, made her way to the bathroom. This whole room seemed so odd to her, she had never been in here before in her whole life, yet she knew it well.
She looked in the mirror, her hair was a soft purple, a lavender color. Her eyes matched it, even her lips had become the same color as her eyes and hair. Her finger ran over her lips, they were not covered in lipstick, this was a stain permanently made on her lips. Her eyes drifted to her nails, they were barely past her fingers, somehow there was some part of her mind that told her they should have been much longer, but that didn’t seem right either. That would seem counter-productive to her purposes.
Her sweater didn't seem to fit right, it lifted over her navel. It made her think that she had chosen poorly, the sweater might have fit better if her tits were smaller, much smaller. But her wonderful tits were each so much larger than the average woman of her body size. Each one a little bigger than the size of her head.
Her belt was loose. It's like it was belted around somebody with a thicker waist, yet her pants were tight around her hips as if they were made for a person with a smaller ass and thighs. Her bottom was a bit long for her, as she seemed to walk on the back of the pant legs. No, that wouldn't do it all.
Her phone was still in her hand, she opened it up and pressed the text button. A list of people she had never heard of had sent texts to this phone. She didn't know any of them, was this even her phone? It couldn't be, she didn't know these people. But she pressed the text button to start a new conversation. She typed in a number that was in her heart, and sent a text, it was simply three words: I am waiting.
With that she realized she could no longer wear these clothes that did not fit her properly. She crossed her hands in front of her and grabbed her sweater and pulled it over her head. She casually discarded it on the floor, she was glad that she wasn't wearing a bra that would have been made for a person who would have worn that sweater, it would have caused her a little bit of pain. She took off the pants, discarding them equally without care onto the floor, and then her panties. She rubbed her fingers along her slit, nice and wet. Using just her toes she took off her socks and left him right there in the middle of the bathroom.
She walked to the living room, where she unlocked the front door, and then proceeded to kneel on the rug in between two couches. Her legs were spread wide, her big toes were touching each other, and she placed her hands behind her back and kept her head low. Her phone sat face down just to her right.
Hannah stayed in a kneeling position for a long time. She couldn't stay how long she was like that, but it was probably a couple of hours, but this is what a good slave did when she was waiting for her mistress.
There were three knocks on the door, and then the door opened. Hannah did not look up. But she heard the high heels echo across the room as somebody entered and walked over to her.
"Hannah, are you ready to go?"
"Yes, Mistress." She spoke prepared to do whatever she was told to please her owner.
A bag was placed in front of her, and her mistress spoke, "put this on."
As she reached for it, she acknowledged the mistress with a, "yes, Mistress." She opened up the cloth bag, and found inside was a purple latex catsuit. It was slightly darker than her hair, and she wasted no time finding the zipper. Also inside the bag was a bottle of talcum powder. She would need a little of that to help herself get into the tight latex. A dry lube of sorts. It was as if it was made just for her. It hugged tightly to every single curve of her body. She placed the talcum party back into the bag and noticed the pair of black high heels. They were tall and on some level she thought that they should have been intimidating to her, but they were not… She had spent years wearing heels like this just for her mistress.
She put the heels on, which completed the look, and then dropped back down to her knees in the same position she had been in while she waited for her mistress to arrive. Her mistress stepped up behind her and pulled a collar around her neck, just the right couple of pulls and Hannah knew to stand. She was a good girl. Her mistress handed her a new phone, and then took the old phone and walked into the kitchen area, she heard the garbage disposal activate and some crunching sounds. And then she returned to Hannah and led her out of the building.
There was a limousine waiting for them, her mistress stepped in first and pulled Hannah down.
"Open your phone."
Hannah did as she was told, and saw the logo for a Laboratory X. It took a moment to sync to her, and she saw that the top of it had said Ava Croft, Hannah had no idea who that was, but a moment later it changed to Hannah… with no last name. For a second she thought that was strange, she didn't know why, she didn't have a last name.
Then there was an update awaiting her confirmation…
Delete personality 'Hannah?'. Hannah felt a little pang of sadness, she thought she had performed well, but she was not worthy of an upload. However her fingers found their way to the 'yes' confirmation button. She felt it as the software deleted her mind slowly but surely over about 10 to 15 seconds.The unnamed drone stared at the screen as another update appeared, download personality Melissa. She automatically pressed the yes button as a good drone should.
Her mind flooded with knowledge and memories, she was loyal to Laboratory X. She knew her purpose, she had to recruit others for the greater good of Laboratory X.
She looked up at the woman in the seat beside her, "I am Melissa," she told the woman.
A smile curled a woman's face, "as am I." And she reached down to remove the collar from Melissa's neck. Melissa knew enough about Laboratory X to understand exactly what was happening. They needed her in so many ways that she had her personality spread amongst many other recruits. The night of the mass feminization event, they are all severely recruited that evening. All 62,000.
She looked down and was surprised to see that the software had not adjusted her body to her default Melissa. In fact she looked like a Hannah. Maybe that was to keep things simple for the first evening. She was fine with that, they're getting used to the massive tits might take a few minutes. She sat back in the seat and crossed her legs.
It wasn't long until the car came to a stop at a red light. She knew what to do, she simply opened the door and got out of the car. She stepped over to The crosswalk, and waited. And moments later another limousine pulled up, and she walked to open the door and got in. This limousine was empty. At least it was empty of people. They were, however… five boxes. She looked at her phone and then repeated an address to the driver. She confirmed the address to Melissa and started driving.
A few moments later she pulled up to a small house. She picked up one of the boxes, the one with the address that she was going to. She walked up the path to the front door and knocked three times. She heard a voice in the other side invite her in, and Melissa did. She walked in and saw a woman on her knees awaiting her new mistress. Melissa approached her and put the box in front of her, "get dressed, pet."
She responded with, "yes, mistress."
Melissa walked into the kitchen area and waited, she noticed another woman on the ground unconscious. It didn't take a lot to understand what happened there. When this Hannah had emerged with her new body, this other person probably tried to figure out what was going on, trying to stop her. But when a Hannah is present she has purple lips, and anyone she kisses that does not have nanobots would be rendered unconscious within seconds. The woman would wake up in a few hours and they would both be gone.
She took Hannah's cell phone, and replaced it with a new one and took the old one to the sink hoping to find a garbage disposal. There wasn't one so she simply removed the SIM card and smash that with a hammer. Technically it was a meat tenderizer, but the SIM card was rendered useless, and then she had to go into the settings of the phone and did her best to reformat it. It would take a while to recover the information, but by then it would be too late.
She took a leash and clicked it to Hannah's collar, and led her to the limousine. They drove off to the next location. The amusing thought going through Melissa's head was that she looked like a Hannah and she was taking a Hannah. And almost looked like twins.
They pulled into another home and then another, Melissa in Hannah's body, kept collecting other Hannahs. Once there were six of them in the limo they drove to a parking lot, there the other five received downloads themselves, three of them transforming into Melissa's and both mind and body. But two of them had transformed into Melissa just in mind.much like she had. One at a time, Melissa had removed each of their collars.
Once they were each prepared, each of the new five new Melissa's stepped out of the limo, and into the parking lot, each of them knowing which new vehicles were their’s to sit in. Each of them started driving to their own locations for recruitment.
It only took a moment before the door opened again, there was a brunette woman wearing jeans and a blouse, she recognized the face. This was a Jean. Jean held two boxes in her hand, and she placed each onto a different seat, left and repeated the procedure until all five seats were filled. Then she closed the door.
Melissa looked at the address on the first box and instructed the driver to drive there. Over the next few hours, Melissa repeated the procedure to collect recruits until she had picked up seven more carloads. And distributed them to different limousines to recruit others.
As the last carload was distributed, Jean did not appear. Instead she got the notification of an update to her phone. Delete personality Jean?
No upload… everything she had done that night would be forgotten, but she supposed that was expected. After all you couldn't keep thousands of Melissa memories for one purpose. She confirmed. And then she saw the next notification…
Tamzin opened her eyes… she had been drinking heavily, but she didn't feel drunk anymore… a moment to contemplate, nor did she feel hungover! sweet!
There was a bump, and suddenly she realized she was in a car. she looked around, she was in a limo. she saw a phone, it was hers, she grabbed it, except… was that her phone? oh yeah, the woman in the latex gave it to her, said it would have a signal on the ship. Her normal phone wouldn't.
She looked down, she was wearing latex as well, though it didn't fit her perfectly. especially in the chest. she scowled for a minute, but remembered that she was going on a cruise. A fetish themed one, but who cared? hot tubs, cool clothes, and getting away. if her parents found out they'd probably pull her from the college campus faster than you could say 'road rash.' but what they didn't know couldn't hurt them.
She remembered being hammered when she saw the fetish outfit on the other woman and wanted to try it out. The woman said that would be fine and offered to trade outfits as she told her about the fun cruise… she went to the girls room to change, then it went black, then here she was.
The limo kept going until they arrived at the dock. She was led to an area, and when she got out she approached the crew and showed her phone. they waved her on in, barely even checking anything else. Tamzin felt a little bit off since her outfit didn't quite fit her, it was saggy around her breasts. That was a bit awkward.
There was a blonde girl behind her, she said,"you know it's smart latex right?"
"I'm sorry I was really drunk when I put it on, what's that?"
She realized that the other woman seemed to be praising her just as much as she was appraising her. but she quickly reached around Tamzin and squeezed an area near her armpit and suddenly the entire latex outfit seemed to conform to her shape. "holy shit that's awesome!" She paused, inspected her outfit, and looked up at the other girl,"I'm Tamzin, what's your name?"
"Kayla, nice to meet you." The two women exchanged latex clad handshakes. As the two moved up they were led to an area on the ship that seemed almost like a lobby. They were told to meet in an auditorium and each given a map to navigate the ship. As they made their way in, there was a giant hallway for the cruise ship. Tamzin was actually surprised that such a Room would exist on a ship like this.
As the two new friends made their way around until they found a place to relax, they chatted and talked about the things that they were going to do. Swimming and looking to see if there were whales…tomorrow. maybe see if they can get really, really drunk, flirt with the boys the usual… Though neither seemed to notice that there were no boys on the ship… They were both really into the discussion when a speaker appeared at the podium.
"If I could have all of your attention, I would like to tell you about something that you may find hard to believe. each and every one of you ladies in this room is fictional."
There was a little bit of awkward laughter, but Tamzin started to realize one thing she hadn't noticed earlier, everyone that she had seen on the ship was female. She was just talking to Kayla about hooking up with some guys, but as she looked around they were none.
She wasn't sure she should be worried about that, but she was suddenly very much interested in what the speaker had to say.
"A year ago each of you were recruited, at random…sort of. I'm sure each of you are aware of the event at the concert last year."
Tamzin actually had heard about that, everyone that was there got infected with this pink gas that's turned them all into girls, or girls into like super girls. But she wasn’t one of them, would she be in trouble for being here?
The speaker continued, "Believe it or not, each and every one of you in this room were in that audience. It infected you with a nanotech cluster that infected each and every one of your cells, it can affect your body and even your minds. it allows us to place new personalities, or shift other ones. I know it sounds like a cool or maybe scary sci-fi movie or book doesn't it?"
Everyone seemed to agree, including Tamzin… though she was a bit skeptical, she knew who she was.
"In a moment each of you will notice a notification on your phone, more often than not your body will have the option to accept or reject the changes, but not right now. now it's time to let you see a little bit more."
Tamzin was unable to stop herself, she looked at her phone and waited for this notification. A moment later, almost like a phone call, it took up her whole phone. and she is very curious what exactly that was supposed to mean… but she felt compelled to press the 'yes' button.Ava (more or less)
Ava was suddenly aware that she was awake again. The last thing she had remembered was looking at the cell phone app as it wanted to upload her. and now suddenly she was here.
It was very disorienting, but there she was looking at her cell phone again with a confirmation of a download of her personality. Her personality was downloaded?
What really threw her off was that her hand was not hers. it was smaller and daintier. but she was holding a cell phone, and she pressed the camera button, and when it focused in on her, that was not her face, nor was that her hair. It was the wrong color, the wrong style, and what the hell was she wearing? she mentally paused, her face looked familiar... Did she know her?
She looked down at the fetishy outfit that she was wearing, and she was very much thrown off, what the hell was going on?
"Can I have your attention please?"
She looked up and there was a presenter at a podium. Yeah, right about now, she was all about answers. So yeah, that person had all of her attention.
"All of you here have been part of an experiment. Clearly the thing that you probably noticed was that your face and body were not your own. but believe it or not, it actually is your body. The nanotech that you were infected with last year allows your body and mind to be interchanged. As going with the experiment, we're going to give you all a little while to find yourselves. And by that, I mean you are going to be given the opportunity to find a person that has your face. Once you find that person, and everyone else has... I will resume the presentation."
And all the sudden they were left on their own. Sure, the speaker was still up there, but she was silent... Everyone continued to look around as people moved slowly through the crowd looking for someone with their face...
"Excuse me." she turned around and was staring at an Asian woman, very petite, "I think you have my face."
"Hi, I'm Ava, nice to meet you." she automatically responded, offering her hand to shake.
"Jaime." she said with a more masculine hand shake than she was expecting from the dainty girl. Clearly, Jaime saw the expression on her face, "sorry, never gave up most of that, just had an obsession for pink scarves. And yes. my neck feels really naked right now, and I'm more distracted by that, than the fact that I lost almost a foot of height..."
And holding her hand up to the Asian woman’s, “And change of Skin color as well.” There was an awkward laugh, but. her laugh broke, something caught her eye, another woman, really her face… literally, Ava’s face. "I see me, wanna come?"
"Absolutely!" Jaime said.
Ava opened with, "Hi, you're wearing my face!" but her eyes went down to her nails and chest size, "and the rest of me!"
"Oh hi!" she said. but got distracted by Jaime, "and she is me!" but her eyes drifted back to Ava, "oh my, your Jaime Heffal."
Ava's eyes went wide, the lead singer from the concert that started everything, no wonder her face looked familiar. "Oh wow, I didn't put that together," she looked at the Asian woman who looked a bit sheepish, but Ava's eyes went back to the Ava look-alike, "and your name?"
"Katsume! but everyone calls me Kat!"
So at that point, standing in a circle, Ava, Jaime, and Kat, started talking. One might think that the circumstances of their 'kidnapping' would be a priority, but it wasn't. Ava and Kat kinda fan-girled over Jaime, but then Jaime started asking questions as well, and they were getting along really well.
Then there was an announcement, "our systems tell us everyone has found their faces! you'll notice that all of you are in groups of three! To demonstrate this next part, I want each of you to stand in circles of three, with the girl who has your face to your right. This is what we call a 'Triumvirate.'
There was a little bit of murmuring, as no one seemed to know what a triumvirate was. Ava only knew the term from ancient Rome, the ruling body before Julius Caesar...
The speaker went on, "The person to your right will obey your instructions without fail, assuming they will not hurt themselves or someone else... with one other exception, they cannot retaliate against their Dominant within the triumvirate. So if A has B sleep with someone outside the triumvirate. she will, happily. But if she regrets it later she cannot have C punish A for it..." she paused, "if you women would like a chance to practice this, we can give you a minute..."
Ava struggled for the briefest moment with that, then realized it was easier to just say, the person with her face obeyed her... So Kat would obey her, Jaime would obey Kat, and if everything worked as they were supposed to, she would obey Jaime...
Kat laughed, and looked at Jaime, "I so wanna tell you to show me your tits, but fuck, they're mine!" Jaime laughed as well.
But then Jaime looked at Ava, narrowed her eyes and said, "Tell me as sexily as you can that you love to eat pussy."
An urge filled Ava, she really wanted to obey her, was it even obeying if she was doing something she really wanted to do? hard to to say. She bit her lower lip, and in her huskiest voice, "I really love to eat pussy!"
When it was done, she laughed, but now that the command had followed through, she was a bit embarrassed by the public announcement.
Kat moved up next, "Jaime, let's here you use my voice to do the chorus on your song 'Two.'"
With only the slightest pause, Jaime started singing the chorus to 'Two.' which was very different with her tiny voice, but she did have one hell of a belt at the end."
Both Ava and Kat clapped. Jaime took an exaggerated and feminine curtsy and bow. The curtsy surprised Ava, but then she remembered after being changed, the band agreed to stay together and had to learn a few things, and curtsying was one of them, for international tours. Or was that one of their obsessions? She couldn’t remember. But yeah: Weird.
Not knowing what else to do, Ava took her turn and commanded Kat to give her a shoulder massage, which was absolutely glorious! It only lasted a couple brief moments, but Ava had a feeling that that was not going to be the last time she was going to be commanding Kat to do that.
As Ava looked around, she noticed that everyone was doing things just like them, testing their limits so to speak. There were some people commanding themselves to show various body parts, some being commanded to stand on one foot and clap their hands, and others that were commanded to drop to their knees and worship them. She was under the impression that those, and yes there were more than one, was more for fun than some strange sociopathic need to dominate someone.
A little time passed, and the announcer took to the speaker again, "this is just a small part of what is in store for our experiment. Now if you will all just take a moment, and we are all going to walk to the front of the ship where we have an amazing, and probably very surprising event about to happen."
There were some murmurs in the crowd, nothing negative, but in mass they all started walking out the door until they were in front of the ship…
Epilogue:It was reported to the world that in less than twelve hours, 62,000 people had disappeared. Many of their family members reported that they acted strange in the minutes before their disappearance. Many showing strange colored lipstick, and upon kissing a loved one on the lips, cheek or hand rendered them unconscious.
Most disabled security systems where they could, and those that could not, had strange people arrive at their homes, and take out one of five women... Thousands of security systems across the globe had reported the same five women disappearing, likely a hyper-realistic body suit and face mask to hide the identities of those who left.
Ironically, over 98% of the people who disappeared in that twelve hour stretch were present at the concert that changed the genders of men, and enhanced the sexual characteristics of the women. This suggested whatever happened to the 98% was likely related to the concert, and the less than two percent were unrelated.
Several cruise ships were reported as disappearing... Their transponders had been disabled, but the five were found in the Pacific ocean about a mile from a small deserted island... An island that was less than 4,000 square feet. No signs of the missing 62,000 people have been found as of five years after the original event at that one concert...
Of course this hasn't stopped the internet conspiracy theorists from spreading rumors far and wide. Some day this was Laboratory X’s founder's original plan. Others say the nanotech was delivered from aliens who took these people home. Others even suggested that they were all apart of a suicide pact, and were all in the ocean, drowned... somewhere near the cruise ships and Island? Will we ever know for sure?
The End.
I currently do not have any plans to revisit this story, but I’d love to know what you think happened to the crew? Thoughts about the story? The idea of a mass-feminization event? And a reminder of rule #4, what feminine obsession that you adopted.Kisses for now, Reach out, I love hearing from you!Email: Mistress_dyvia@yahoo.comTwitter: @Dyvia16Website: Mistressdyvia.comFetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/10443296And if you wish to support my writing, Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23024772
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