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Ghost of Christmas Presents


Dec 24, 2023

Chris is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Presents! He gets to see how life was and how life could have been had he made a few small choices differently.
Fair warning, this story is sweeter than my typical story and sorry, no sex.

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional. This story is a bit too sweet for the Rules for the Sub section, So my apologies to those that look forward to that.

But as always: Enjoy.

Mistress Dyvia presents: Ghost of Christmas Presents: A Tale of the Past and Future.

By: Mistress Dyvia

Chris woke up. Unlike the days of his childhood, he was not eager to race down the stairs to tear open presents. He was 24, and embarrassingly still living at home with his parents. But at least the rent was cheap, and by that it was non-existent. 

He picked up his phone and played with it for a while, but eventually the boredom got to him and he reached for his socks and pulled them on. He made his way down the stairs. And as he walked into a living room, he was staring at a woman standing in front of the Christmas tree. She was thin, she had large breasts, long dark hair, her makeup was pristine… and she was wearing a green latex crop top that amplified her cleavage, and a pair of red latex pants with matching heels. 

He did manage to stammer out a, “who are you?" 

Her facial expression seemed to be amused by the question, "I'm the Ghost of Christmas presents. And I am potentially here with a gift of the past and future."

His eyebrow lifted, "and what exactly is that supposed to mean?”

“Well let's be honest, you're not very happy with your life right now. We're going to go back a few Christmases and see what could change." She held out her hand, "take my hand, let's go back.”

He reached out his hand carefully, there was something about her that made him feel comfortable and took the woman's hand. He noticed that it was soft… But then there was a sudden cold breeze ran through his bones from all around him.

He looked around, he remembered this day. It was Christmas when he was 18. He remembered that this was the day his father tried to humiliate him. It was a memory that held close to his very core.

He watched as it played out just as it had… the family was seated and everyone was eating the Christmas dinner. His father offered him some squash. “No thanks Dad, I don't really like squash."

“Just like a woman." Chris's three sisters all stopped and looked at their father and their mother didn't even try to rein him in. “My biggest regret in life is not making you more of a man."

“I don't think whether or not I like to eat squash makes me more or less of a man" was what Chris had responded with.

“Sometimes I think you may as well just be one of them," he said as he used a shrug to gesture at his sisters. “What are you exactly? Some kind of sissy?" Now the odd thing was, their father always treated him poorly, but he always doted on his daughters.

In that moment his response would define a ‘something’ in his relationship, “of course not, why would you even think something like that?" And life would continue on… 

The mysterious woman held his hand as he watched the events play out just as he remembered, and with a snap of her fingers it reset. But suddenly he was at the table again. His father offered him the squash, "No thanks.“ 

And just like before, "just like a woman.” and the expected, “My biggest regret in life is not making you more of a man.”

“How does being a picky eater make me less of a man?"

His father's eyes narrowed, “sometimes I think you're just one of them, are you? Are you some kind of sissy?"

Chris was convinced that this is some kind of awkward dream, so a smirk pulled back at his face and he answered differently. “Yes, I am." 

Everything faded except for the woman who took his hand again. She looked Chris in the eyes and told him, “a promising first step. And though you would not make many changes in the next year, the following year do you remember what you asked for your Christmas gifts?"

“Video games."

She nodded her head, “but what would you have loved to ask for?" 

"I don't know…”

"Yes, you do.“

"Well, I guess… All my sisters get excited when they get clothes and makeup and stuff. I guess I might have wanted that.”

The woman nodded her head, “exactly."

And before him the scene appeared again, he was opening his presents, he got the games he had wanted. He was happy, once the gift opening was done he was able to go off to his room and play the games.

Suddenly, it was back to where it was just as he was about to open the first present. And he was in that position, she opened the first package, clearly a game. He opened it knowing it was a fighting game… except it wasn't. It was a major release, but not one that he'd ever been interested in.

His father glared at him from across the room, “don't look disappointed like that, you didn't really think we were going to buy you girls clothes, did you?"

Chris blinked his eyes a couple times, and suddenly understood. He admitted to wanting to be a girl, technically a sissy but in his eyes that was only a small step to a goal of being a woman. Which meant that over the year he would have made more and more comments or acted more feminine… which meant that when they asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he would have told them that he wanted a Christmas like his sisters.

“Do clothes really make a difference? If such a simple thing would make me actually happy?"

His father stood up from the chair, “you are not a woman. You will never be a woman. So get with the program, and start acting like a man. Or get the fuck out of my house."

Things faded and the woman was there alone, “not the best Christmas you could have had. Certainly not the best Christmas a 19 year old could have."

Chris studied her for a moment, “I've often wondered how he would react to such a thing."

In the months that followed, had you chosen to stick with it, not only would you have been kicked out of the house, he would have stopped paying for your tuition at university.” she let out a soft sigh, “let's take a look at Christmas when you're 20 years old."

Oddly, Chris did not remember his 20th Christmas. And as such, the woman didn't show it to him. After all it was just a normal Christmas. What he did see was very different.

He saw himself wearing makeup. His hair was longer, and he was wearing slightly effeminate style of clothing. He was in a small apartment, and had a female roommate. They seemed to be platonic. They exchanged a few gifts, and Chris's new feminine self seemed very excited. Makeup palettes, shoes, a feminine pea coat. In some ways a dream came true, but his family was not there at all.

The woman skipped ahead till later in the day. He was driving to see one of his friends, apparently Jason didn't give a fuck what his gender was, they were best friends. Chris stopped at the gas station, filled up the car and went inside to buy a bottle of water. And that's when he came across his sister, Cori.

“Chris, I haven't seen you in so long I missed you… a lot."

Suddenly the woman made a hand gesture, and Chris was in the proverbial driver’s seat and suddenly seemed almost infuriated by her calling his feminine self by his male name, “I go by Natalia now." He… no that definitely wasn't right anymore, she said

Cori looked her up and down, “Natalia… I can get used to that, but I don't think I can get used to you not being in my life. I really don't care how many brothers and sisters I have in my life, I just care about how many siblings I have…and I'm one short right now.”

"My phone number hasn't changed.” it was rude, and he was being defensive.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to call you. None of us were after the conversation between you and Dad.”

“This last year would have been better if I could have had my sisters.”

She looked at her watch, “I have to go, but you'll let me call you? You'll answer?"

"Of course I will.” 

The scene in front of him faded. He had returned to his male form, he once again stood next to the woman. “You're 21st Christmas…” she gestured in front of them, the scenery changed. 

His father called over to him, “son, I'm proud of you. I know sometimes I’m an ass to you, sometimes you infuriate me. But when you find the perfect gift like you did, you impress me. Fuck it, you're 21 now. Have a drink with your old man?”

Chris let out a half scoff, "sure.” It was oddly a good memory. So hard to get his father's approval sometimes, they just had a shot of whiskey, and his father seemed eager to spend the time together.

And just like last time, the scene changed. It was the same apartment that he shared with that woman in the alternate version. The place was decorated pretty well for the holiday. Natalia was more feminine, clearly she was on HRT of some sort. Many of her facial characteristics had softened, she had a few curves, and it looked like she started to grow breasts. There was a knock on the door, Chris watched as Natalia got up and opened it and saw all three of her sisters, Cori, Caroline, and Celine. 

The four sisters hugged. Cori had met Natalia’s roommate before and greeted her, however Caroline and Celine did not, and they were introduced. They gave quick hugs and moved to the living room. There were gift exchanges. Natalia always was good at giving gifts, and her sisters loved them.

Chris was suddenly Natalia again, it was weird to be in this body. He never dreamed that he would actually have breasts before… Cori handed her a small box, she opened it up and it was a bra and panty set. 

“When we were out Christmas shopping a couple weeks ago I saw you staring at it. And since I had already gotten you to tell me what your size was. I stopped back in."

Natalia couldn't stop herself from hugging her sister tightly, “Cori, you are amazing!" 

Next Caroline brought her a small package, “I suck at gifts."

Natalia opened it, it was a gift card for Seforia, a store dedicated to make up. She looked up at Caroline, "no you're not.” And pulled her into a hug… 

Then it was Celine's turn, a slightly bigger box, “hope you don't mind if my gift is a little selfish."

Natalia shredded the wrapping paper and looked at some sort of… reservation? 

“I booked us a spa day, you know, we’ll get the full treatment: pedis manis, mud baths, massages, treatments, and all the fun stuff. Get pampered. And quite frankly, I haven't gotten any alone time with you yet.. I kind of want to get to know my new sister.”

“If this is going to be your ‘selfish side,’ then I'd like to see it everyday." And they too, hugged. 

And things faded again. “And how was this Christmas for you?"

"I'm disappointed that I didn't see my parents, but I'm very relieved to see that my sisters accepted me, relieved to see that they didn't think of me as some kind of perv.” he paused, “what next my 22nd? The best thing that came out of that one, was when I drank my father under the table. He was passed out, I wasn't, though I wasn't much better. 

The woman smiled, and snapped her fingers. Chris's father was passed out on the couch. Chris himself was on their reclining chair with a glazed look on his face as he stared at the bottle of whiskey knowing that there's only a very small amount in there. Was it worth drinking later? Or should you drink in it right then in there just to finish it… 

The woman looked at him with a smile, “I guess you don't need to relive that." And things changed again.

Natalia was sitting in a new apartment, a little more upscale than the old one. She had a new roommate, it was a man. Not someone Chris knew previously.

There was a knock on the door. Natalia looked at Julio, “that's my sisters, I can't wait for you to meet them. Be on your best behavior." She poked him in the middle of the chest with a giggle. Then she opened the door. Chris was suddenly in charge again, but his mother was there. “Hi… Natalia…? Should I call you that?“

“Hi Mom… yeah… do you want to come in?” it was an argument for her, she felt like she should have been angry, her mother sided with Dad and chose to reject her.

Natalia looked behind her mother and saw her three sisters. They looked hopeful. Until she reached out and hugged her mother, not sure what to expect… it shouldn't have been a surprise, but it was… her mother hugged her back, and she hugged her so tightly in a way that her mother had never hugged her before. “My sweet baby…” 

“I'm just glad you're not mad anymore." She felt tears dripping from her eyes, oh fuck, it was going to ruin her mascara. 

“I was never angry at you for that…” using her hand to appraise her daughter, "for this.” She looked down, "I was just weak, and I didn't think it was right for me to stand up to your father over it. And that's what I'll have to live with.”

“I'm sorry Mom. I know that's tough." And then she made a bit of a smirk, “so if you're not angry about that, then what are you angry about?" 

"Well… if you want an honest answer, your father and I put in a lot of hard work coming up with the names for you and your sisters. We had a pretty good theme of everyone having a name theme with the letter ‘C.’ If you got to choose a new name, legally… couldn't you have come up with something with a ‘C?‘

“I suppose I could have, but hell no… do you have any idea how many years I've tried to be different from my sisters because of that? That was the perfect reason to change it right there.“

Her mother glared for a moment, then it cracked, and she laughed, they all laughed, and her mother held her face for a moment, “Merry Christmas, Natalia."

Natalia felt a presence behind her, but started with a, "Merry Christmas, Mom. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend… Julio.”

And once again things faded. And things started to come back together again, but this time they were outside. It was Christmas morning and Chris was 23. He watched as his father gave a big speech about how Chris had graduated college. Got a nice job with his degree, thankful he didn’t bring up how little it paid…, and was doing the family proud. He opened up the garage and it was a brand new car, everyone was surprised. Everyone clapped as his father gave him a set of keys. He truly got the approval of his father. That was a nice Christmas.

The woman snapped her fingers, and it faded away and a new location appeared. It was their house. Chris noticed that his father's car wasn't in the driveway. And watched as Natalia knocked on the door and her mother opened it. They hugged. And that's when Chris noticed it, Natalia got a boob job. They were much bigger, and given her frame, they definitely made her look a lot more feminine. That combined with all the hormones she was taking, there was no mistaking her for a man. She wondered for a moment if that thought was wrong, after all ‘he’ was taking a crash course in this ‘transitioning thing.’

Cori was the first sister to hug her and she flat out asked her sister if she could feel them. Chris was suddenly Natalia again. “Sure… why not?”

There's a little bit of relief as Cori felt her up, it was not in a sexual way at all. More of a curious way. “I'm sure you get this all the time, I remember watching a video about a woman who got a boob job and said that right after she got them, they didn't feel like hers anymore because everyone wanted to touch them."

Natalia laughed, “that's… accurate." And of course Cori flagged over their other two sisters who also began feeling her up. “Where's Dad?"

Her three sisters each gave each other a look, “he's… went out for a little while.”

“He just didn't want to see me. Not sure why that's a surprise.” She felt tears in her eyes. She expected that, but for some reason she had higher hopes, and it still hurt. She felt hands come from behind her, it was her mother.

Her mom looked at her, “so what's this I've heard that you started dating Jason?" 

The answers came freely, almost like she was writing her story as she was explaining, "as you know, Julio cheated. Kicked his ass to the curb. And Jason was there, as he always was even before I transitioned. But something was different that time, he made sure I didn't fall into depression, he was kind to me in a supportive way, and then one day I kissed him…”

And then it faded again. “Well I am 24 now. I don't think there's any more Christmas memories to experience. At least if we're going to stay on this linear path.”

She nodded her head, "that's right. But now you have a choice to make. Natalia or Chris. Do you want your experiences as Natalia to just be a cherished memory? Or do you want to wake up once again this morning as Natalia? 

Chris was kind of thrown by that question. He had seen small insights into that woman's life. The woman he could have been. Things were as he always wanted them with his father, he had finally had everything he tried to do to get his father's respect… as Natalia he could never have that. But Natalia was a dream that ached in his heart. Natalia or Chris? A decision had to be made.

The alarm went off. The alarm clock got smashed. Eyes did not want to open. Adjusting the sheets, there was no denying that there was not enough time to just lie in bed. Stepping into a pair of slippers, and stopping into the bathroom to do the morning ritual. Check the cell phone, that is emails and text messages… and then look in the mirror. Seeing Natalia look back was somehow freeing. But for the first time he noticed something, he couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it before, she looked like the woman in front of the Christmas Tree. He looked like the latex-wearing ghost of Christmas presents.

That's how she made her way down to the kitchen, there was already a cup of coffee waiting for her. She kissed Jason good morning. That was the first time she had ever kissed a man, she was never interested in men before. She heard that hormones could change that somewhat, though there had to be some interest. They didn't magically change someone's sexuality. It made her wonder more about herself. Heh, ‘herself.’ that was going to take some getting used to, even if she did have all the memories now. Memories of both lifetimes up to this moment. But only one of the memories would go forward. Chris was gone.

A few hours later, the bell rang. No knocks this time. Natalia walked to the door, and opened it. A man stared back at her. The only thing that came out of her mouth was, “Dad?" 

"Hi there.”

“What are you doing here, Dad?" 

"I've had a bit of a change of heart. You may not have been the son that I was hoping to have, but someone pointed out to me… that you could be the daughter I've never had.”

Natalia nodded her head rapidly, tears in her eyes. “Come in." fuck, mascara…

He smiled at his daughter, "don't forget your mother and sisters.” 

Natalia stuck her head out the door, and saw her sisters and mother waiting near the car, and of course she yelled out to them, “get your butts out of the cold and into the house!"

The day was nice. They exchanged Christmas presents, they even had a nice meal together. And as they were exchanging fun stories Jason tapped the glass. “Everyone, can I have your attention? As most of you have known, the last year and a half have been the greatest of my life with Natalia. I'm not ready for that to end." He reached into his pocket and pulled up a small box, “Natalia Christine Green-” he dropped to one knee in front of her, “-would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

‘Oh fuck, not the mascara again!‘ That's when she felt tears start forming in her eyes. She covered her mouth and nodded her head. Barely able to articulate the word “yes!”

She could barely see Jason put the ring on her finger because her eyes were so watery. This truly was the best Christmas of her life up to this point. She couldn't imagine how it could be better. 

A little later she saw her father sitting by the TV. She took his arm and brought him up to the bar, she still had a memory of Chris having a first drink with him. Natalia never had that memory. She poured them both a drink, “To new memories, Dad." 

They drink together for a few minutes, and then her father added, "you got a good one.” He said looking over at Jason, "he asked me for my permission to marry you. He told me a lot of things when I said no. He was relentless, and he made me realize two things. I have been an ass. And you are amazing. I know you invited me into your home today, but there's a difference between sharing a meal and a drink, and making things right. I want to make things right.” Natalia hugged her father, and that was a start. She understood, Jason was the one who convinced her father that he was missing out on a daughter…

And then she walked up to her fiance. Yeah, her fiance. Something else that was going to be taking some time to get used to… In such a fun way. She kissed him, and then said thank you in the form of “Merry Christmas!"

And to you as well… my dear, sweet reader… 

Merry Christmas! 

Not my usual style of story, but the last couple years had fun kinky Christmas stories, so I thought I’d try something sweet. Let me know your thoughts by commenting or emailing, or messaging!

Christmas Kisses!

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