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Lost and Found


May 25, 2024

Annika and Lyle find trinkets that compel them to find their new lives at the Lapping Kitty.

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.


The following rules are for unOwned subs looking for a little extra fun, I know it may seem pretentious to some, but it's just for a bit of extra interaction for those who may enjoy it!Rules for the sissy subs:1. Are you oprepared to surrender? The answer is “Yes, Mistress D, I am prepared to surrender, and offer myself as your property while reading this story.2. Have lipstick ready, apply it at the same time as whichever of the two characters you most identify with.3. Get your youtube or spotify accounts ready, have a playlist of The Devinyls ‘I touch myself’ and Katy Perry’s ‘Kissed a girl,’ ready, you’ll know when to play them.4. Tell me which you would have preferred to be? Performer? Or Front of House Escort.5. You may not cum until the end of the story. You should be a good girl and thank me when you are done. Good girl.


Mistress Dyvia presents:Lost and Found

By: Mistress Dyvia


Annika was looking through the produce department at the local grocery store. She was looking for broccoli, not just the crowns but the whole broccoli, some people only like the crowns, but she loved the whole thing. She had to walk around twice before she found them. She rolled her eyes because so many people buy the crowns now. She walked past the melons and decided to grab a cantaloupe. She scooped it up and was looking for a good one and something flashy caught her eye. 

It was… a bracelet? It looked expensive, and she didn't want to grab it in case someone accused her of trying to steal it, she looked around and saw one of the produce department clerks. “Excuse me, where is your lost and found?"

The college-aged kid turned and looked at her, ”it's at the customer service desk.“

“Okay, well I think somebody lost some jewelry. I don't know if you want to bring it up there…?” Her voice trailing off in the question.

He shrugged, "I'll check on it in a little while if it's still there, I'll bring it up.”

Annika inhaled and closed her eyes, letting out a slow breath before she opened her eyes again. This kid who was barely out of high school was not realizing that anybody could just come and grab this potentially expensive, potentially cherished, bracelet. She decided that she would just take it up there, she didn't want the confrontation, and it really wasn't worth it. She went back to the cantaloupe and reached in to pick it up.

This is where something strange happened. She seemed to lose all sense of her own control. She just immediately clicked it around her wrist. She inhaled deeply and gasped at the surprise of her loss of motor control. But then she just felt calm… and then inexplicably, she left her carriage there with her purse in it, she just started walking away. She kept walking right out the door, she didn't even walk in the direction of her car. 

Despite the initial uncertainty of what she was doing, she didn't know where she was walking to, yet she felt perfectly fine. Perfectly calm. She kept walking for a long time, barely aware that she'd been walking for two hours, she found herself on the proverbial wrong side of the tracks. 

She still had no idea what or where she was going towards. But she walked there with confidence, she was probably a little too well-dressed for where she was. But nobody got in her way, nobody spoke to her, she was perfectly safe. She was practically invisible to everybody. And then she started walking up the hill, she was vaguely aware that she would normally get extremely tired after such a walk especially with a hill like this. There was a ‘T’ intersection and she was about to cross the street, she was aware that when she looked to the left the houses looked all broken down as if they were crack houses. And to the right seem to be a million dollar homes. She looked both ways again and crossed the street, she started walking to the right past the expensive looking homes. She saw nobody, but now she felt like she wasn't dressed well enough. After a while, she came to a small industrial area. And nestled between a couple of large warehouses was an ornate alley. It was decorated with little-glow-in-the-dark cats. She started walking down the partially illuminated alley. And when she got past the warehouse, there was a little building, a business with a neon sign saying, ‘ The Lapping Kitty’ and small letters under it saying, ‘private club.’

Annika found herself walking right up to the front door, and opening the outer door. She slept inside, the inner door was locked, but her hand went up to the security pad and typed in a code into the pad and the door opened. She stepped inside and saw that there were a few people, all staff. All women.

“We're closed." The first person to see her said,

Annika ignored her and kept walking, but she did overhear another person say to her, "don't worry about it, look at the expression on her face she must be one of the new ones.”

She seemed to know exactly where she was going, took a left near a performance stage and through a door to a corridor which had several doors. She stopped at one, opened the door and stepped inside. It was a dressing room.

Suddenly, she seemed to be back in control of herself. She remembered everything that she had done, and didn't know why she came here. But it all started when she tried to put on that bracelet. She moved her hand to take it off, but couldn't seem to find the will to unclasp it. In fact she could play with the bracelet, but she could not do anything to remove it.

She needed to get out of here, she walked to the door and stopped, an invasive thought worked itself into her head, ‘I'm not dressed to go out there yet.’ 

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She said of the strange thought.

A tightening around her heart seemed to be proceeding an anxiety attack, she never had one before, but something seemed off. She needed to take her clothes off. And she did, one piece at a time until she was completely naked. And then she took all of her clothes into a single ball and walked it over to the trash, dumping it in.

The anxiety was gone, but she needed her clothes back, but every time she walked near that trash barrel with the intention to grab her clothes the anxiety came back. She couldn't just stay naked like this, could she? 

Checking her surroundings, against a wall was a number of drawers, and a door labeled closet. She opened up one of the drawers and there were a number of garter belts, she picked up a red one in confusion, and then started putting it on without intending to do so. Automatically she opened up the drawer below it, again without intending to… and found a pair of matching stockings. A moment later she was naked except for a garter belt and stockings. The garter belt was tighter than she would have expected, uncomfortably tight. But she did nothing to remove it. She opened up another drawer, it was a thong inside of it. It was red and Lacey, somewhat see through, just enough to be a tease. And again without any will of her own she pulled them right up, at least giving her some modesty. The waist band was tight, but the thong straps seemed to hang loosely, it felt extremely weird… like she was wearing somebody else's underwear; which she understood that she was, but the woman who wore this before her clearly had a smaller waist and a bigger ass than she did.

Then she found a bra, again to match what she was already wearing. Again the band around her back was tight, made for a more petite woman, but the cups were huge. They made Annika's B cups feel extremely insignificant. In fact, it almost was a hit to her self-esteem to look into the virtually empty cups.

She found herself once again in complete control, but as she moved her hands to her bra, she seemed to have no will to take them off, she felt uncomfortable in these clothes for many reasons: wearing another woman's lingerie, ick. Wearing clothes that seem made for a stripper… Ick. Wearing clothes that were made for a smaller woman with a big bust… ick. 

There were two firm yet quick knocks on the door, and the door opened up to an auburn haired woman dressed in a business suit. She sat down on a chair across from Annika.

“Hello sweetie, I know you must be confused, but I am here to help. My name is Ophelia and I own this place. What is your name?”

Annika had a million questions, but she understood that answering what her name was the first part of a conversation, "my name is Annika.” The woman smiled, but the awkward silence made Annika repeat herself, "my name is Annika…?" She wondered if the woman didn't hear her.

“What is your name?" She asked again.

There seemed to be a shift in Annika's head, it was… was it, aaannn… aaahh.. “Annie?"

“What is your name?" 

“Anne?" She asked with an odd sense of confusion, that name didn't seem right.

“What is your name?" 


“What is your name?" 


“What is your name?" 


“What is your name?" 


The woman finally smiled, “that's right, Lexi.”

"Where do you work?”

"I work as a software engineer at T.I.P.“ Lexi answered. 

Ophelia rolled her eyes, “this will probably go a lot faster if you close your eyes and take a deep breath before answering."

“Where do you work?" 

Lexi closed her eyes, took a deep breath as Ophelia suggested, and then just answered “I work at The Lapping Kitty.”

Lost and FoundLyle

Lyle was on his way to surprise his girlfriend. He was going to drop in, he had flowers in his hand, a poem in his heart, and a smile wide enough to swallow the Earth on his face. He had an earbud in listening to some music, a little pep in his step as he kept walking down the street. He took random pictures with his phone, pictures of animals, flowers, anything that inspired him.

He loved the pictures he took as they inspired his creativity flow, on the other hand, he was sure that she was going to love those pictures too! She seemed to appreciate all the things that he did.

As he continued, a little sparkle caught his eye. He looked over and he saw an earring just tucked away under a flower. It was just outside the shadow so it reflected the Sun's light just perfectly to catch his eye. He switched his phone over to portrait mode, somehow this seemed like the perfect picture that he would have to show her later. He snapped the picture.

He wondered briefly if he should just leave it there, something for someone to find later. Was this somebody's treasure? More likely, someone had dropped the single earring without realizing it, and somebody else inadvertently kicked it off the beaten path. It's not like a single earring would do him any good, he did not have pierced ears, a single earring wouldn't impress anybody. And who knows where that thing had been. 

He reached down and picked it up, at the very least he could have placed it closer to the sidewalk so that if the owner came back looking for it, they would find it. 

As he placed it in his hand, he found himself standing up automatically. He was not in control of his own body, and he pulled the earring up to his right ear and found himself pushing the earring right into his own ear. And it hurt like fucking hell!

He couldn't stop himself though, and a moment later he was done. He felt the odd weight danging from the one ear, and then he just turned his head and started walking in the opposite direction, leaving his phone and his flowers on the sidewalk next to the place where he had found the earring. 

He didn't exactly know where he was going, but his legs just kept moving one foot in front of the other. He knew he should have been freaking out, but his heart rate stayed steady, and his mind stayed calm and collected.

He was coming from the downtown area, and he started walking down towards the industrial area. There were a couple of miles, but he just walked at a steady pace along the sidewalk, even waited patiently for the lights when he was at the crosswalk. He just kept walking while wondering where the hell he was going. As he got down to the industrial area he saw a couple of business offices, but he kept walking past those until we got to the warehouses. Again, he kept walking until he stopped between two of them. Two were so close together that it made an eerie alley that was lit with glow in the dark graffiti… graffiti of cats. He started walking down the alley, surprised at how well lit was for a dark alley.

When he got out of the alley, there was a small nightclub nestled between a group of warehouses. ‘ The Lapping Kitty.’ He walked up to the front door, and as he opened the first door, it was unlocked. Then there was a second door, it was locked. His hands automatically went to the security panel and he pressed in a four digit code and the door unlocked. 

Lyle stepped in and he realized he was the only man there. But his pace didn't stop, he walked like he knew exactly where he was going.

“A man?" A woman with a black T-shirt with the word, ‘Security’ asked.

A red-headed bartender chuckled, “don't worry about it, Ophelia will sort it out." 

Lyle walked up to the performance stage, took a left, opened a door, and proceeded down the hall. He stopped at the door on his left, and opened it to step in. He closed the door behind him and realized that he was in some sort of woman's dressing room.

Suddenly, he was in control of himself. Remembering everything, he started looking around frantically. He need to get the fuck out of there. He started walking to the door, and his mind had a strange thought, ‘I can't go out there dressed like this.’

Where did that thought come from?

But before he could even give that some thought, his chest started tightening, his head was spinning… He needed to take his clothes off. And he did, throwing each article of clothing across the room and into a trash barrel. And soon he was just naked. And then he was in control again. He couldn't just stay naked, so he walked back to the trash barrel and looked into it, seeing all of his clothes. He started to reach in but his hand stopped, he couldn't wear clothes like that.

Again where were those thoughts coming from? He shook it off, and he started walking to the wall. It had a lot of drawers. Maybe there was something he could wear? He opened up the first drawer and there was some article of feminine clothing. Some kind of lingerie he didn't quite identify. It was pink and made of latex with straps and a belt. He picked it up, and then found himself out of control again putting it around his waist, and there were four straps that hung down his thighs.

He was back in control again, and he was so confused, it was some kind of latex-fetishized version of something had seen one of his girlfriends over the years where that held up her stockings. He opened up another drawer, and sorry latex pair of stockings that matched the thing around his waist, again out of control he reached in and then rolled the stockings up his legs and connected them to the straps. Still out of control he moved on to the next drawer where he found several bra and panty sets. He found a latex thong, and he pulled it up his legs, it did not flatter his penis one bit. And then the latex bra, which he had no capacity to fill, and realized that it was all very tight on him. He was too big, too tall, not busty enough to wear this properly.

He saw that there was a door next to the wall of drawers, he opened it, and almost wished he hadn't. They were just two walls filled with potentially hundreds of fetish costumes. He closed the door again. And he walked up to the front door, and as you reached for the doorknob he was overwhelmed with that thought of not being dressed enough to go out. He was not ready to get dressed up anymore than he already was, hell is penis was hanging out of his underwear. And… the underwear was riding right up his ass. 

He sat down at a table, and realized that the table was full of makeup and brushes… apparently it's just a selection of perfumes and every other feminine thing that a makeup table would have that he had zero interest in.

There was a knock on the door, a woman walked in wearing a business suit, she had auburn hair that was up in a bun, and she sat down on the couch. “My name is Ophelia, I own and run this establishment. I imagine we have a few things to discuss, what is your name?”

“My name is Lyle." He answered a bit defensively as he was wondering where this conversation was going to go. 

Ophelia rolled her eyes and let out a slow sigh, “what is your name?" 

He suddenly felt cloudy in his head, Chyle…”

“What is your name?" 

"Cheryl… “

Ophelia shook her head as if that still wasn't the right answer, “what is your name?" 

" Cherish.” and for the first time since this woman started playing this game, something felt right in Cherish’s head. That was his name.

“Very good, Cherish." The woman seemed pleased, and then asked a follow up question, “what gender are you?" 

Wasn't it obvious? "I am male.”

“I think you're wrong, what gender are you?" 

 Cherish was getting annoyed, “I’m a male.”

Ophelia shook her head, “what gender are you?”

His head felt pressure, "am I a sissy?” He immediately let out a gasp from his mouth as he looked down and saw that his penis was suddenly very tiny and locked up in a little cage below the latex thong.

“I think that's still wrong. But you're getting close. What gender are you?" 

"I'm female…” Cherish’s voice admitted. An admission that ‘she’ felt was so alien and yet so right. And she looked down again and saw that the Chastity cage was gone, in the front of her crotch was nice and smooth.

“What is the business name of your employer?”

“Orange Triangles.” he replied, referencing the big box chain.

Ophelia rolled her eyes,”let's try this again, close your eyes, take a deep breath and then answer when I ask a question." She waited for a look of understanding to cross her face, "what is the business name of your employer?”

“The Lapping Kitty." She answered.


It was a brief moment when Lexi thought that the conversation was over. But she wasn't so lucky, Ophelia seemed interested in asking her some very tedious and almost seemingly unimportant questions. Questions they discussed in the past, more than once.

As she continued to stare at Lexi. It was an odd sensation for Lexi, it almost felt like the woman was staring not into her eyes, but right through her soul.

Ophelia licked her lip before she asked the next question, “Tell me about that rose on your forearm.”

"Rose?" Lexi asked confusedly, she looked at her forearm. There was nothing but pale skin, no flower petals, no tattoos, nothing that reminded her of a Rose. 

Ophelia seemed to be annoyed, “I told you this would be much easier if you closed your eyes and then breathed deeply before you answered." 

"What?” For some reason she just didn't want to give in to the woman. 

This almost seemed to amuse her, “Tell me about that rose on your forearm…” she asked again.

"There is no rose on my forearm." She looked at her forearm seeing bare skin. What was wrong with her? Something was so weird about this, but she couldn't quite figure it out… and yet she still wasn’t panicking.

The corner of Ophelia's mouth pulled back at a genuinely amused smile, "Tell me about that rose on your forearm.” And she seemed to be staring at something on Lexi's arm.

Lexi looked down at the rose tattoo that covered most of her right forearm. Did she always have that? No, she got that when she was 18, “ It was my first relationship with a woman, I got that to remind me that sometimes beauty can hurt." She said as she focused in on the glare design that seemed to reflect off of each thorn.

Ophelia continued, "what about that tattoo over your right shoulder?” It took a moment before Lexi could answer, after she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She gave a long explanation about the symbolism of the tattoo. And one tattoo after another, Ophelia and Lexi discussed each one, their symbolism, and the appreciation she had for them until almost her whole body was covered in tattoos from her neck down.

Lexi looked down at her body, she was experiencing jamais vu… almost like she was looking at her body for the first time. It only lasted for a moment, but in that moment she didn't recognize her own body. It was completely… wrong?

It only took a moment for her body to feel normal again, she shook off the strangeness… But she knew that wasn't right, she remembered all the times she got those tattoos. Each of them meant something to her, or at the very least was a fucking awesome night.

She looked at Ophelia and was about to ask her a question, but she asked first, “let me ask you this, Lexi." She paused for a brief moment, "why do you swear so much?”

Lexi paused for a minute, “what the fuck are you talking about?” why would that seem strange to her? They never really argued about that before. Did she swear a lot? A laugh almost escaped her mouth as she did in fact, have a mouth like a drunken sailor.

"You..." She used her hand to gesture at Lexi, “you couldn't ask me what I'm talking about, you had to ask me what the fuck I'm talking about. What do you call those two mounds on your chest?"

Lexi cupped her breasts, “you know O-," Using the single letter instead of using her full name, Ophelia, “you never fucking had a problem with my titties before, what the fuck's the problem now?" 

Ophelia tilted her head to the side, almost like a shrug, almost like she was trying to hide a smile. “I don't have a problem with your breasts. Nor do I have a problem with your vagina."


“What did you just call me?" Ophelia said as if she had been offended.

“I said ‘cunt,’ And I wasn't calling you that, I was referring to my cunt. I don't like hearing some passive-aggressive word like the v-word. I don't like boobs or breasts. We are women. We should not be ensconced to some patriarchal word that the patriarchy has decided for me. These are my titties, and this is my cunt.” She said as she squeezed each of her body parts lewdly. 

"But those are the same words that those same males objectify you with, that they use against you. Or I should say your parts."

Lexi didn't even seem to be aware that the personality was ingraining itself automatically at this point, “And I'm owning it. I am reclaiming them”

"Then just do well when you get out there and don't piss off the clients." 

“K. ‘Phelia.’" again, not using her full name. 

“I wish we could have talked some more, but I need to go see Cherish." 

“Cherish?” Lexi looked at her confused, "I thought she quit?”

"They said the same thing about you.” She said with a knowing voice and then Ophelia left.

Lexi thought to herself, she had thought about quitting, but it didn't seem like it was going to happen anytime soon. She opened up the closet and looked at her clothing options. She was looking for something that would really show off her body, maybe she'd have a little fun tonight. With the Red lingerie on, she decided on a darker red gown. It was something that you might expect a woman to wear to bed, and there was a little hook that would prevent her cleavage from popping the dress open prematurely… And she grabbed a pair of matching high heels. She sat down at the makeup table and started doing her makeup… 

Her makeup was thick, It was very colorful… sultry… In some ways it really was war paint, as it set the tone for how she would act. How she would perform. 

Lexi was a performer after all, and she was going to have herself all ready to perform in minutes… The doors to The Lapping Kitty would be open soon, and she wanted to be ready when the clients started coming in.


Ophelia looked at Cherish, still mostly a man, but she did have a vagina now, and she had admitted to being a worker here. The trinket would do the rest, that earring. She asked Cherish a question, “what size are your breasts?" 

“I don't have breasts." Was her only response.

Ophelia asked the question again, “what size are your breasts?”

It is a strange sensation in Cherish's head. Like something being remade, “38A?”

“That doesn't sound right. What size are your breasts?” She asked again.

And again, Cherish's heads seem to buzz, “34B?" 

Ophelia shook her head as if to tell her no, and then asked again "what size are your breasts?”

Cherish looked down, and as she looked at her breasts, how did she not know that answer. “They are 30C's” And this time with confidence.

"That's what I have written down somewhere." She smiled what seemed like a friendly smile, and Cherish couldn't think of any reason why she wouldn't find Ophelia to be friendly, “how tall are you, Cherish?" 

"I'm 6 feet four inches.” Cherish responded immediately.

“How tall are you, Cherish?"

"I'm.. uhhh…” She struggled for the answer, “ I'm 5 feet 8 inches tall…"

Ophelia rolled her eyes in that annoyance that she had been getting off and on, “seriously, Cherish, close your eyes. Take a deep breath and think before you answer. How tall are you?" 

And like she had done a few minutes earlier with the other questions, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath and then answered, “I'm 5 ft exactly.” She opened her eyes, and looked down at her body, she could have sworn a moment ago, not only were her feet flat on the ground, but that her knees were above the chair's seat's height. Now her toes barely touched the ground.

“What are your waist and hip measurements?" Ophelia asked. 

“They're 36 inches...“ but before Ophelia could even say a word, Cherish put up her hand in defeat, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and thought for a moment, she realized how absurd that answer was. “My waist is 22 inches, and my hips are 32 inches." And looking down at her waspish waist, how could it have been any different?

Ophelia asked her some more questions, and Cherish didn't seem to understand the point of those questions. Most of them could have been answered just by looking at her.

Ophelia moved on conversationally, “why do you work here?"

Of course Cherish had learned by now to think before she answered. " Honestly? I'm a bit of a slut. I really have trouble with commitments. I prefer women to men. And working here, I can cultivate a style and persona that appeals to women. I can flirt with them, I can engage with them, and they can appreciate me for what I am. I have no problem sleeping around with other women every single night. And this is a great place to meet people.”

"So you just work here because you're a slut?“

"Not exactly, I guess… I am a slut, but I feel like this job helps me cultivate the way I want to be perceived. Plus it's super sexy, I'm always getting wet. Or I should say I'm just always wet.” She giggled at that last part.

"What else?”

 Cherish thought for a moment, "well no doubt, the pay is good, and I really like to be looked at. And given the outfits, as well as the atmosphere. I'm always having people look at me.” Oddly she felt like she was hiding her ambitions from Ophelia, she knew them, but said nothing.

Ophelia seemed amused to know, "so you got a little bit of an exhibitionist in you, huh?

This time Cherish didn't even have to think about it, "Yeah. I wouldn't say ‘little’ though, I have a huge exhibitionist streak in me.” She thought for a moment, and then added, "And I'm loving the fetish wear. It's another kink I have, and it also seems to enhance my exhibitionism." 

Ophelia looked at her watch, “Well, I seem to have taken up enough of your time, you do have to get ready for your shift. I won't need you when we open, but I will need you at your station no later than nine.”

"No problem Ms. Ophelia. I'll be there, with a bright smile on my face”

Ophelia stood up, straightened out her dress, and walked towards the door, "I'll be watching you tonight. Do me proud." 

“Don't I always?”

“You do. But I'm going to pretend like tonight is your first night." And with that, Ophelia left the room, closing the door behind her.

Cherish decided not to wear the bra after all. She put it back in the drawer, and then walked to the walk-in closet. She found a latex dress, pink, though a darker shade than her panties and stockings. Her lingerie, despite being latex itself, was more of a pastel pink, and the dress she picked was more of a fuchsia color.

She sat down at the makeup table, and there was a strange feeling of jumais vu, despite doing her makeup almost everyday for years, she felt like it was the first time she had ever done it before. She didn't know where to begin. She didn't know how to do it. There was a slight moment of panic and anxiety. And then she thought back to what Ophelia had been saying. She closed. Her eyes took a deep breath, and knew exactly what to do.

Foundation was always essential, as was the contouring in this kind of business. She needed a light to really emphasize everything, which meant she was controlling the way the light looked. Then she used bright colors for her eyeshadow and lipstick, her eyeliner was fabulous, and exaggerated. She glued fake lashes, which she enhanced with mascara, and then she spent about forty minutes on her hair. But when she was done, she didn't just look hot. She looks slutty as fuck, and a wet fetish dream walking. 

All that was left was to pick the perfect high heels. And she did, and almost fell flat on her face. Again, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and focused on her shoes. And it all seemed to come back to her. She got up and walked that exaggerated walk that a slutty woman like her would walk. Not just one foot in front of the other, but one foot crossing in front of the other. It made her ass move in such a sexy way. She gave herself one last look in the mirror, was happy, and she stepped out into the club…



She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she exited the back room area and walked into the club. She was still in an employee-only area, but she was out of her dressing room.

She made her way to the stage, it was almost her time. Jenna was out there right now, did Jenna always look like that? Shaking her head, Lexi asked herself why was she so off today?

Lexi started stretching, making sure she was nice and limber for the performance that she was about to make. Stretching out one arm and then one leg at a time, she recognized that she probably should have done this in the dressing room.

Jenna finished up her performance, grabbed her tip money and started walking towards the curtain. Lexi held out her hand for a high five. And Jenna gave it to her, they both giggled, but Jenna didn't even slow her stride out as she made her way to the back. The announcer was setting up the next music, and she was getting ready.

Through the sudden fear, Lexi didn't know how to dance, she didn't know how to strip. No, she did not… Did she? Oh no. She had no idea what the hell she was about to do. One of the other girls came up to her, “Don't worry Lexi, you'll be fine. Just take a deep breath, and think about what you want to do. It'll all come to you.” 

And Lexi did take a deep breath. In fact, with her eyes closed she took a few deep breaths, and when she opened them she was filled with confidence. Once again. She knew exactly how she was going to do this. The announcer finally finished their spiel, and announced Lexi's name.

The music came up, the divinyls, ‘I touch myself.’ Lexi started bumping her head to the music, and as she walked out with confidence, she didn't just walk in her heels in a straight line, she was making sure she was crossing her feet to get the most out of her ass. The whistling told her that she was doing it just right.

When she reached the center of the stage, she was dancing to the music, making sure she was showing off every curve to every person in that crowd. Plenty of twists, and turns, but there are very slow twists, and excruciatingly slow turns. And then she unhooked the front of her dress, and got the whistles of everyone in the crowd. Slowly as she danced to the music she was bringing the dress down to her arms, showing off her bra. Showing off that wonderful cleavage. The song said drop to her knees, and she did. She left the dress open and on the floor as she leaned forward showing everyone the depth of her cleavage.

She slowly made her way to the dancing pole, and as she danced with it, She wrapped her leg around it, and leaned back… her bra clashed in the front, so she simply unsnapped it and let her bra fall to the ground. She got more collapse, and pressed the pole between her tits, and then started thrusting her ass to it like she was ready to fuck it. Again, There were plenty of claps and applause… The song eventually faded, and another one came up. This time. It was something nice and fast. Katy Perry's I kissed a girl.

Given the location, that might have been the perfect song for a strip club known as The Lapping Kitty. As the second half of this song kicked in, she abandoned the pole and started walking to the edge of the stage teasing and tormenting the closest patrons. Offering air kisses to the far patrons, and leaning in close to almost kiss the close ones. They started reaching into her panties, leaving wads of cash, some were just throwing in it right up on the stage.

And there was a lot of money on the stage by the time the song was over. It took her just a moment to collect her dress and bra, and grab all her cash, and start working her way to the back.

Cinnamon was about to go out next, and they gave each other a high five. Lexi started organizing her tips with her bra over her shoulder, in her dress still under her elbow.

Ophelia walked up to her, “That was a pretty good show. You just put on. One of your better ones.”

Lexi smiled at Ophelia, " I fucking know how to play the crowd, don't I? And they like to look at my big fucken titties, so I make them wait and then I show them my tits. They want to see my ass, and they can dream of what they want to do with it.”

She felt someone tap her shoulder, and finally met Ophelia’s eyes, "someone paid for you for the next couple of hours.”

"Fucken-A, could use a few extra bucks. What are they looking for? Private dance? Something a little more intense?" Lexi put on a playful smile, “maybe a little role play?"

Ophelia rolled her eyes, "She's paying enough where you'll do whatever the fuck she wants you to. Do you have a problem with that?”

Lexi knew for Ophelia to drop a statement like that, that this woman was paying a lot more than the average woman would for a little time with her. Special treatment stuff. "Got you boss, they better not be fucking expecting me to watch my mouth are they?" 

“I told her about your Potty mouth. It encouraged her. So either she likes a dirty talking tramp like you, or she's really looking forward to correcting you.”

Lexi held her hand out for a key, "Well they both sound advantageous. Time to get my wet on… And slide on down." 

Ophelia placed the key in her hand, “behave… unless she tells you not to,” And gave Lexi a wink.

Lexi made her way back to a room, found an outfit with a few more straps, they'll be a little bit more fun to take off… Taking a little more time to take off. She started walking towards the play areas, and then she looked at the key to see exactly where she was going. 


As Cherish walked down the hallway and reached the club's Maine floor… She took a look around, the place had been open for about an hour at this point, and there was already a decent crowd in here. Most of the women were dressed to look easy, that was the point. Many of them were sluts, many of them were dominant, and many of them just wanted a little bit of eye candy to sweeten their night.

She saw the hostess stand and started walking towards it. Given her fetish outfit, she wasn't surprised that she caught the eyes of many women on the prowl.

When she reached the hostess stand, she was excited to see Adriana. She smiled and gave Cherish a quick hug, “hey Cherish, glad to see you made it in tonight. There was a rumor going around that you would quit, but I'm glad it was just a rumor." 

She pushed her hair behind her head, “thought about it, but I think I just belong here. Where am I tonight?" 

Adriana reached under the hostess stand and pulled out a leash and a collar. The leash was already attached to the collar when she secured it around Cherish's neck. “Front of House." 

Cherish found herself biting her lower lip in excitement. She hadn't done that in a long time, and this might just be what she needed to work off some of her frustrations. It felt like it had been months since someone had their way with her, and she needed that.

Adriana wasn't a domme, but she certainly knew how to take control of a lead. She walked Cherish down the haul and passed the guards. This is a special entrance for the more risque part of the club... ie, the entrance for the high paying members. As they approached, there were already three other girls in position. Adriana walked Cherish to the next open spot, and Cherish found herself dropping to her knees. Her hands behind her back, her head down, and her ass slightly lifted off of her heels. Her knees are spread to shoulder length, and Adriana attached her lead to a little pole right next to her.

Cherish knew the rules here, she was not to look up, she was not to interact, she was there as a piece of meat to be sized up, and picked out. People could touch her, but she could not thank them, she could not complain about them, and sooner or later somebody would pick up her leash.

Over the next several minutes, Cherish had three separate women squeeze her tits, pinch her nipples, walk around her, feel her ass, test how wet she was. And she stayed there without moving, until somebody picked up her leash. 

The woman simply pulled Cherish to her feet. “And you are?" 

"I am Cherish.” The latex slut told the domme. 

“Of course you are…” The woman replied with amusement, "You may call me, Mistress V." 

“Yes, of course, Mistress V.”

“I'm hungry, let's go get me some dinner.” And Mistress V led Cherish to the dining area of the club. She sat down, and then had Cherish dropped to her knees between her legs. She pulled up her skirt, and guided Cherishes head right between our legs. The single command, “Lick,” jump started Cherish’s ambition. She slurped away for a while. 

She heard Mistress V order food. She kept looking even as her mistress kept herself entertained. Barely giving any acknowledgment to Cherish. Time passed and food was served, Cherish got none of it, she just kept lapping at the mistress' pussy. Lashing her tongue at her cunt. The woman was wet, and the woman tasted magnificent. The woman had just the perfect amount of casual disinterest to make Cherished try harder… Hoping for some acknowledgment.

Time passed, and Mistress V got up, she clearly already paid for her food. But she walked back to the hostess stand, and Cherish saw Adriana.

Mistress V asked if the arrangements had been completed. Adriana acknowledged it, and gave Mistress V a key. The mistress was actually very kind as she thanked Adriana, and then walked towards the VIP area.

They were right outside the door when something had caught Mistress’ attention. There was a girl being suspended in bondage. There was a bright, beautiful, red rope, and she was rendered immobile with it, and as interesting as it was for Cherish, the mistress holding her leash was also amused. But what had caught her off guard, was that the mistress simply said, “amateurs." 

The statement kind of seemed out of place. Granted, Cherish was not as familiar with such activities as some of the others were. She liked it though. But she didn't see anything wrong with what they were doing on the stage in front of them, and yet Mistress V did. She must have had a lot more experience than some of the people in this club.

There were twin doors being blocked by two guards. Mistress V showed them her wristband, and the one on the right bowed, and then opened the door for her so that she could enter the VIP lounge. Things here seemed more free, more expensive, and as much as everything looked cleaner, she was pretty sure everything was dirtier.

The mistress did not stop. She knew where she was going, she had clearly paid for a specific room. She reached the door, stopped and looked at the guard, “is Lexi inside?”

The guard bowed, and then said, "Yes, she's actually been waiting for you for almost an hour and a half. Ophelia made the arrangements as soon as you had asked her to." 

Mistress V seemed to consider that for a moment, then she turned to Cherish, “ I wish I knew those arrangements had been made so quickly, we could have had some company for dinner. I'm not sure whether she would have joined you, or joined me. But it would have been interesting to have three of us at that dinner table." She seemed to laugh at herself and her own joke for a moment.

They approached a woman sitting on a couch. And introductions were made, Mistress V introduced herself to Lexi. Then she introduced Lexi to Cherish, the two of them did know each other, but they pretended to be introduced for the first time.

Mistress V looked at the two girls, "Where to start…?“


Lexi made it down to the basement level. She looked at the key again, confirming where she was going, and walked right past the guard, and into the ‘kinky area’ as she liked to call it. But she stayed on the path, following the red and black brick pathway. It snaked along all the displays and all the patrons taking advantage of the eager and slutty employees.

Soon, she was approaching a special door. Of course the guard knew who she was, but continued to block the door, at least until she held up the key, then he stepped to the side. And she walked in. There were only four doors in this area, each a private room. She matched her key number to the door, and opened it. She closed it behind her and walked in. It was one of the private dungeons.

She was actually surprised that no one was there yet. She'd been in here a few times, but she never really had a chance to just look around.

There was a big king-sized bed in the middle of the room. It seemed to be covered in a leather sheet, but The frame had rings all around it. Clearly meant to be able to secure a chain, or some other kind of restraint to it.

One wall had several little shelves. One might have expected a series of bookshelves, but it was not. Each shelf was only a few inches deep, it was a half circle, and each shelf was drilled into the wall. Each shelf had a different toy. Most of them were clearly intended to insert into some orifice or another.

Another wall was dedicated to bondage equipment. Several different styles of hoods, blindfolds, cuffs, collars, restraints of all kinds. Almost made Lexi shivver just thinking about the kind of adventure she could have with somebody who actually knew what they were doing.

The third wall had instruments of discipline. Whips, crops, zippers and so many things she didn't even recognize. Part of her was looking forward to finding out, part of her suspected that she never wanted to know.

Some of the objects on the shelves were different from the last time she had been in here. She wasn't sure if the room was customized from customer to customer, or season to season… or sometimes things just went missing and had to be replaced. Though maybe if she spent some more time in this room in the future, she would find out. 

Lexi sat down on the bed, and waited. She kind of wished that she brought her cell phone. At least she would have been able to keep herself entertained. But apparently whoever rented her, had decided to keep her waiting. But considering how much Ophelia wanted her to make the client happy, she was perfectly content to stay in the room until the client either showed up or Ophelia sent her home.

Lexi tried some provocative poses. In different places. Sitting on the bed, lying on the bed, hanging off the x bar seductively. Leaning against a wall… ultimately she just sat on the bed and waited. 

It was well over an hour later when she heard the familiar click as a key card unlocked the door. And then the woman walked in, Cherish walking behind her. Cherish worked more individually with clients, whereas Lexi was more of a display piece for everyone to look at. Though for the right price anyone could be for everyone or anyone could be for any one… 

The woman approached Lexi, “hello, nice to meet you Lexi, you may call me Mistress V. And this is Cherish." 

"Hello Mistress V, and hello Cherish… it's a pleasure to meet you both.” Lexi already knew who Cherish was but played along with introductions. And she knew that Mistress V was very rich. 

Mistress V walked to the night table. And removed a pair of scissors. Slowly walking back to the two girls. Using a single finger she gestured to Lexi, and the performance artist stood up and walked over to Mistress V. 

Lexi held a breath as she watched the scissors in Mistress V's hand. There was a snip, and another. And soon Lexi's dress was on the ground. So much for the strappy dress that would be fun to remove over time… And then her bra, and then her G-String… “That was fucking rude." 

The mistress looked back at Lexi, "I wasn't aware that I was paying polite rates.” Sarcasm was strong with Mistress V.

There were plenty of retorts that floated through Lexi's mind, but she kept herself quiet as she watched the mistress approach Cherish. And just like she did with Lexi, one piece at a time each of Cherish’s pale pink dress and bra were destroyed by the shears. The two girls were left standing in their stockings and heels.

Mistress V stepped in nice and close to Lexi, her hand slowly explored her sexy body. Squeezed her fake tits, slowly moving down and around as the mistress walked around her new toy. Eventually her hand found its way to her ass, she gave it a good feel, and then a good squeeze before walking back to the front. “Are you hot for me?”

“Yeah, I'm pretty fucking horny. You want to do something about that?”

"In fact, I do…" And She continued her circle around Lexi, standing directly behind her back. Then she leaned in, resting her chin on Lexi's shoulder, and then sneaking her hand around her waist until she found her very wet and moist center. Sliding a finger along her clit until it just sat ever so delicately along her soaking wet slit that threatened to spill over it any moment… 

Mistress V summoned Cherish over with seductive words, “come here pet.” Cherish stepped closer, and without another word the mistress re-positioned her, she stood in front of Lexi, until Mistress V's other hand reached out and grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her into a kiss with Lexi… their mouths explored one another's, which was enhanced for Lexi with the way mistress knew how to play with her cunt. When the kiss broke, Cherish was aroused, but Lexi was almost out of breath…


Things happened fast for Cherish. It seemed no sooner than introductions had been made, than Mistress V was walking to the nightstand and coming back with an intimidating pair of shears. It only took a few moments, and both her and Lexi had all their clothes removed, sliced off them one bit at a time until all they were wearing were their stockings and heels! She teased Lexi, and all Cherish could do was watch. At least until she was summoned over to her.

Mistress V was standing behind Lexi and resting her chin on Lexi's shoulder rubbing Lexi’s pussy as she called Cherish over with a finger. A moment later Cherish felt Mistress V's hand on the back of her neck as she was pulled in to kiss Lexi. Here's a soft kiss at first, but then Lexi was very hot with the Mistress V teasing her pussy, she was very eager to kiss. Her tongue invaded Cherish's mouth, and it was definitely invited. Cherish kept her hands at her side but kissed back with just as much eagerness.

After a couple minutes, Mistress broke their kiss… they were left facing each other and told not to move. The mistress walked to a wall and started coming back with restraints. She made them hold their restraints in their hands so that she could take each one individually. There were a pair of belts that went around their waists, it was just a simple piece of leather, but it had several D-rings on them. There were wrist cuffs, and ankle cuffs, And within moments both Lexi and Cherish had them on their wrists and ankles. Both of them found themselves with these strange little head harnesses that wrapped around their head like a headband, but also had another band that went over the top of their heads to under their chins. And then they were the two gags… 

Mistress V pulled Lexi back just two steps and Cherish felt that it was just so that she could see everything… almost as if it were for her entertainment, not Lexi's… The gag that Mistress had was a double dildo gag. A small dildo that was inserted into Lexi's mouth. And then pulled around and strapped shut, and then a slightly larger dildo stretched from the front of her mouth forward. Then Mistress V turned her attention to Cherish, with a gag of her own, a ring gag. Cherish’s mouth stretched open wide as the ring was placed between her teeth, preventing her from closing her mouth... Then Just like with Lexi, it was locked behind her head. 

Mistress V gently put her hands behind both of their necks, and then brought their heads together again for a kiss. But this kiss involved Cherish taking the dildo protruding from Lexi's gag right to the back of her throat. And once they were held like that, Mistress V took another strap from their hands, and attached it to the head harness. And now neither of the girls were able to move their heads away from each other, trapped in such a lewd and perverted kiss.

Mistress V guided the two women close to the bed. And help them get on it. And put the two girls on their knees. She took a moment And secured each of their hands behind their backs using the D-rings on their wrist cuffs. Then she took a moment to secure a D-rings on their waists, forcing them to stay waist to waist, and tit to tit… this might have been one of the first times that Cherish actually felt a bit intimidated by a woman that had larger breasts than herself. But it was making her so fucking wet to be stuck like this. Mistress V then took the opportunity to use the D-rings that surrounded the bed to spread the two girls legs wide open, and locked them in their position on their knees. They were not going anywhere.

It was hard for Cherish to follow exactly what Mistress did after that, but she walked to the wall that had all the sex toys. She felt the shutter in Lexi as she was clearly inserting a toy into her ass. And then told her not to worry, she'd use plenty of lube. She walked away again, and this time Cherish felt the cold at her own ass. And a wet little ball pressed inside her ass, And then another, and another, and so on until she lost count. Her ass was full… so very fucking full.

Both of them were in heat. She could tell just by the look in Lexi's eyes, that Lexi was just as fucking hot and horny as she was. Cherish could feel her own wetness dripping down her thigh. She didn't know was coming next, she probably shouldn't have wanted it, but oh how she fucking needed it.

Mistress V did not disappoint, but this time she made Cherish go first. She held up a very large and very round dildo. It was black as night, and any other night that would have been intimidating as fuck. But with how hot Mistress V had her in that moment, she wanted that beast inside of her. The mistress did not hesitate, just teased. And then brought it down and started teasing her clit with it, and it wasn't until Cherish’s third moan that she thought it was fully pressed inside of her. She was wrong. It seemed to stretch her out, but with her ass full, it made her pussy seem even fuller. The mistress worked it in slowly over the course of about 2 minutes, just pushing in a little bit, pulling back, pushing in further, then pulling back, and then deeper… Until it truly was fully inside her… And then the sound of ripping tape, and something pressing against her tummy all the way around her ass, confirmed that she just taped it inside of her.

And then it was Lexi's turn, And this time Cherish could only feel her own fullness in the shutters of her partner as the mistress did the same with her. But Lexi's dildo was steel, probably cold and coated in lube. Cherish felt Lexi's breath vibrating off of the dildo in her mouth. She felt every shutter through their tits, And every other body part that was touching. And then she heard the tape again, and knew that Lexi was in the exact same position.

She didn't know it was about to happen next, but then she heard it. The unmistakable sound of a vibrator echoing off the walls of the room… 


Lexi's mind was spinning, so much was happening so quickly. After being edged as they were, Mistress V wasted no time taking things to a new level. They were gagged, one with a dildo gag, the other with a ring gag, and trapped into a kiss with their heads locked together. The two women found themselves bound to each other by their belts, the d-rings allowed their mistress to lock them together, and then their arms were restrained behind them. Their asses and their pussies were filled. And their legs were spread widely, using the d-rings around their hips to attach to the bed. They could not close their legs.

Mistress V teased them for just a moment, she had a riding crop, though it didn't appear as though she wanted to hurt them. She just traced it along their skin, almost as if it were an extension of her fingers. The goose flesh rose on both of their skin. It also became clear she spent more time tracing Lexi’s skin… Outlining different tattoos. 

Lexi's hard fake tits felt the difference in Cherishes natural smaller ones. They were soft… They were inviting… She felt Cherish's breath from her nose on Lexi's chest… and that was arousing. The fullness of her cunt, and the way her ass was filled to the brim was driving Lexi insane with heated lust… She knew that Cherish was in a similar position, and together they felt their body’s desire… the horniness… Mistress had driven them to a level of submission, a very slutty submission…

Mistress slid her crop between their tits. She lifted Cherishes nipple so that it would have been touching Lexi's if the crop wasn't between them. And then she started moving it in small circular motions, the girls started moaning. The buzzing started, she wished it was in her dildo, but it was in her ass. The dildo seemed to mold to her, pressed against her clit, the vibrations would have done a lot more right there… as it was the vibration seemed to send some vibes through the dildo, but not enough. It was starting to drive her crazy. Even as she moaned into the dildo, she knew her sister slut would feel it as well.

Lexi felt the shutters in Cherish. Cherish had also started to shake, trembling at the vibrations flowing from her lower body. Her arms behind her back. Her tits pressed against hers. The fake cock jam to the back of her throat, connecting the two in a perverted kiss. Mistress was just entirely entertained.

But despite no direct stimulation, Lexi felt an orgasm starting to build, a pressure in her core, she knew she was going to cum… to cum hard… The way that Cherish moved, the trembles, the desperate breathing, it didn't appear as though she would be far behind her… 

And then it stopped. No more vibrations. Just an amused laugh from Mistress V. She left the two girls alone for a moment, and she came back with a joyful stride in her heels. She had what looked like electrical tape, but that's not what that was… Lexi knew that was bondage tape, it didn't have an adhesive like normal tape, but it stuck to itself.

Surprisingly, the mistress was nice enough to put both of their hair up into buns. And then put a cap for a wig on both of their heads. A moment later, she started taking the tape and partially wrapping their heads, securing their heads in place… making sure there was plenty of room to breathe… but then she continued down to their necks, and that's when She started getting very specific and meticulous. She was rapping their entire necks, right down to their chest. It was around the point where their tits were touching, that she stopped wrapping them individually, she started wrapping the two sluts together.

Their mid torsos became like a single entity, shoulder to shoulder, and waist to waist. Their tits disappeared, as it almost looked like they were wrapped in a blanket. But they weren't. They were bound very much together. Their arms protruded from the backs of this odd figure. And then their legs were tied together right down to their knees… so tight, barely able to move, just about enough room for them to squirm. And they squirmed like a couple of wet and horny sluts.

Lexi heard the hum, Cherishes vibrator came on, and she reacted. She squirmed, she tried to kiss, and she did not know what to do with herself. It was very clear to Lexi, but Lexi did not get the same treatment. In fact, a moment later she felt a crack across her ass. It wasn't a very painful crack, but Mistress V clearly decided to spank her. Ten forceful cracks across her ass, again. It did not hurt very much, but there was the pressure across the bondage tape. It was almost humiliating not being able to stop her. Having no capacity to protect herself. Completely exposed to Mistress V. 

After the tenth crack, the sound of the vibration stopped. Cherish seemed to start to slow down, and then a buzzing in her pussy. Told Lexi that it was her turn. This one wasn't in her ass, it was firmly in her pussy, teasing her clit, bringing her ever so close to the edge once again. And she heard the cracks one at a time as Mistress V took her time spanking Cherish.

Just like with her, there were ten aggressive spanks that rippled through her sister's sluts body. Ripples in her tits, she felt the desperate moans of a very wet slut vibrating through the dildos that connected their mouths in their perverse and prolonged kiss… 

And after the tenth spank, the buzzing stopped right on the edge of her own orgasm again… Lexi let out a frustrated moan. She needed to cum so very badly right at that moment… 

But that's where they were left, a repeating cycle of one girl being spanked, the other girl brought to the edge of orgasm only to be denied in the last moment. Over and over until Mistress was bored. And then she left; leaving the two girls bound together for hours, until the cleaning crew came and let them out… 

Lexi said goodbye to Cherish, and went to her changing room. She put on her normal clothes, which almost seemed new to her. She knew she wore them in before her shift tonight, but for some reason they didn't seem like the normal clothes she was used to. An odd sensation crossed her mind, as she looked at the strange clothes in the garbage. No, those definitely weren't the kind of clothes she would wear. She preferred her ripped jeans, they showed off her ink pretty well. She stepped out of the club, it was time to go home. She got on her motorcycle and as she started it, she had the strangest feeling that she had never driven a motorcycle before. But she knew she had been driving… err riding a motorcycle since she was a teenager. Right? 

This was such a strange evening, everything that should have been so familiar felt new. She shrugged her shoulders, and started to ride off… 


As if the ring gag in the cock, gag weren't enough to hold their kisses together. The way the mistress had bound them by their d-rings brought an entirely new sense of eroticism to their situation. She felt the mistress play with her riding crop along them, coming to the penultimate moment when she lifted it between their breasts, teasing and lifting their nipples until they're oppressed together. Cherish couldn't help but notice how much more firm Lexi's tits were compared to hers. But hers were so much more softer and supple. Two very wonderful and very different sets of tits.

Then the vibrator came to life in Lexi, and Cherish felt it buzzing through her as well. Their tummies were pressed together, there was no way she wouldn't be able to feel that. Of course, Lexi started pressing her dildo forward, pushing it even further into Cherish's mouth. It was their perverted kiss again, like it had ever ended…. And then the dildo started buzzing.

Once she had them near the edge, she stopped. She took a moment to pull their hair into buns, and then came the bondage tape. Upon closer inspection, it might look like an actual utility tape of some sort, it was not. She bound their heads first, making sure they could never separate their kiss even if they weren't locked together. And slowly moved it down. With their hands behind their backs, they didn't have to worry about their hands being mummified together, but they were being done just like that. They were being mummified. Their tummies were wrapped to their tummies, their tits to their tits… Well maybe not, their torsos were tughtly bound, foring their tits to compress into one anothers… thighs to thighs, crotch to crotch. Even with their legs spread lewdly the way they were, They were still bound together in the same angles.

She felt the vibrations in her cunt before she heard the vibrator starting. She felt her head instinctively move forward to her chosen lover. The lover Mistress had chosen for her. In a moment later an impact, not to her but to Lexi. It only lasted for about ten spanks. And then they switched places… 

This continued on and on for what seemed like hours, though Cherish had no sense of time. One of them will be brought to the edge of an orgasm through the vibrations in their toys, the other would be spanked until a deliciously wet submission overtook them. Then switch, then repeat over and over again. She had no idea how long they were like that, and then out of nowhere it's not so much as a goodbye the mistress left.

And just like that, they were alone, propped up on their knees, unable to lay back or move forward. In their eternal perverted kiss. The fake cock. Teasing the back of each other's throats, their tits constantly stimulating one another. Their brains dripping out of their pussies with just the slightest movement. 

And then the maids came in. It must have been the early hours of the morning, the club would be closing shortly. It was one made, Mimi, and she started undoing the tape. When the tape was gone. They were still bound to each other by the d-rings, and Mimi took a moment to undo those. Once they could move on their own, Mimi said she'd come back in a few minutes and give them a chance to clean themselves up.

Both Cherish and Lexi remove their gags first, removing the giant dildo and ring gag from their mouths, amusingly. They both took a moment to stretch their jaws before they tried to remove any other of Mistress V's toys.

They both laid back, comically at the same time, spread their legs and reach between their legs to remove the dildos. Their was an echo of tape peeling as the two women removed the tape that held their toys in place. Somehow Cherish felt that she was lucky that Mistress V had been kind enough not to leave those vibrating in them when she left. 

Cherish looked at Lexi, “ummm… can you help me with my anal toy?”

Lexi looked at her awkwardly, but not in her head. As Cherished turned around on the bed, her legs hanging off and giving a good view of her ass, she felt Lexi's hands probe. And a moment later there was a little plop, and another, and another… There was a gasp from Lexi and Cherish realized that they must have had different toys in their asses. After several little plops, Lexi told her that she was done.

Cherish turned around and set up, and looked at the pile of little silver balls connected by a tine string that Lexi had placed beside her. Anal beads.

Lexi smirked at her, “Your turn!” it was a smirk that said she didn’t need help, but was just being Lexi… putting a person on the spot.

But Cherish didn’t blush, "No problem.” And she waited for Lexi to turn around, and she did, but not on the bed. Instead she turned around and made her ass face Cherishes head. And then she bent over and used her hands to spread her ass cheeks wide.

Cherish suppressed a giggle, And worked her fingers between the butt plug's base and it's stem, And she simply said… "relax babe… “ A strange thought, ‘Did Lexi really have an arrow pointing to her ass tattooed on her butt? yup.

Lexi let out a little groan as the toy pulled out, “I'm used to hearing that before it goes in, not when everything's over." They both laughed right before the plop as the toy was finally free of Lexi's overused hole.

With that, the girls did their best to put on their clothes again, and made their way back to the dressing rooms. They waved goodbye, and walked into different doors.

Cherish walked inside, and needed to find her clothes. She found yoga pants and a hoodie that was typical of her out of work style. Why did that seem so strange though? She always preferred yoga pants with this hoodie, but the yoga pants just seemed so strange to her, like she wasn't used to wearing clothes that were so tight to her body, but that was just a crazy thought. 

But something else caught her eye, she saw that there were some men's clothes in the wastebasket. Had someone sneaked into her changing room? That would be creepy. She'd bring it up with Ophelia later. Probably the next day.

She grabbed her cellphone and ordered an Uber. She lived only a few minutes away, so she grabbed her purse and left. She waved goodbye to the bartender, and wished the bouncer a good night. She reached the parking lot just in time to see Lexi drive off on her motorcycle, with her ripped pants.

Cherished got back to her apartment. It was small and a little run down, she could definitely afford something better, but she always saved her money for something more exciting. She could have fancier clothes, but she had ambitions, she was going to go to school, and take all this money and learn how to invest it properly. She wasn't dumb. And yet… There was a nagging feeling today, that something was off and she couldn't quite put her finger on it… cuz like every part of her life was brand new, but that was just wrong. She did this everyday.

And then she saw the envelope, it was just stuck to the fridge, she opened it. “You must be the new one, I've been enjoying it for the last 2 years, now. It's your turn. But don't worry, if you do figure it out, know that it will end and the reward will be good for you. And if you don't, you'll just think that this is a strange person's prank. Love, Cherish." 

The freaky thing, it was signed in her own handwriting… it was definitely her signature. She wondered if she wrote that when she was drunk, or maybe she was she a secret sleepwalker? But seriously, she was the next what?

This wasn't the first time she had read such a letter, and she had a weird feeling that it wouldn't be the last.

The End. 

Hope you girls enjoyed! Let me know what you thought!I want to know your experience with the Lapping Kitty. What feminine trinket did you find? What was your experience with Ophelia like? What did you do in the club? Were you an escort like Cherish? A stripper like Lexi? Something else? What is your new name?I look forward to hearing your thoughts…

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