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The Pact


Feb 3, 2024

Duwitt is invited to an exclusive gala where he is sacrificed to an ancient being so that they may have their wishes granted. That being corrupts the essence of Duwitt until he is more 'her' than 'him.'

There is a special version of this story on In which the protagonist starts as a woman Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself.  Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.


The following rules are for unOwned subs looking for a little extra fun, I know it may seem pretentious to some, but it's just for a bit of extra interaction for those who may enjoy it!

Rules for the sissy subs:

1.  While reading this story, you are mine.  It starts with saying “I belong to you Mistress.”

2. Feminize yourself. Lipstick at a minimum, full feminization if possible.

3. Your hands stay between your legs, arouse yourself, keep yourself aroused…  You may not cum until it is over.

4. Tell me what your wish would have been…

5.  Let me know your thoughts, also let me know the answer to the question at the end.


Mistress Dyvia presents:

The Pact

By: Mistress Dyvia

Death of Innocence.

He stepped inside the door, almost astonished that the invitation he had in his hand was accepted by the doorman. When Betty had given it to him, he didn't really believe that it was legit. He dressed in a nice pair of pants, a pair of dress shoes, a white button-down shirt and a blazer that was more intended for a job interview then it was an event like this. Everyone else here seemed to be dressed in tuxedos and very fancy dresses.

"Hey you!" A voice came from his side, he turned around and looked, it was Betty. She gave him the invitation, and he had no idea what a woman like that saw in a man like him. "Glad you could make it! Let me introduce you to some of the big wigs!" And then she wrapped her arm around his and pulled him along. Her red dress and matching heels was practically painted on her body, and given the fact that he was 22 and had never had sex before made it hard for him to resist her at all.

"Okay, so what exactly are we celebrating?"

"We're celebrating success. All the profits and dreams that are going to come true."

"Well that's a bit optimistic considering the state of the economy." he chuckled as he replied.

She gave him a questionable glance, before her painted lips formed into a smile once again and pulled him over to the first person, "Duwitt Kelly, I'd like you to meet Phineas Familyman." Oh course that wasn't the name she introduced him as, but it fits the story much better, as will all the other names you will hear. 

Phineas at first looked at Betty and then to Duwitt, "Nice to meet you, Betty told us all about you. So what brings you here tonight? What are you looking to have success in?"

He shrugged his shoulders, not really sure how to respond, "Interpersonal success, I guess."

Phineas looked at Betty, then grinned, "I see." Duwitt blushed a bit.

Betty grinned as well, "Mr. Familyman is determined to have great success in the name of his family."

"Wealth," he corrected, "for my family."

It was a little bit more of an exchange, but soon he was dragging Duwitt off to meet the next donor.

Jim Ratt spent a lot of time working out. He was really hoping to find a way to make a living off of his body. He worked hard to sculpt that body, and if the universe was a good place for him, it would pay off for.

Olivia Overacting seemed nice, she worked hard to have a nice body. She was doing alright with stage acting but wanted to break into film and become a household name. Despite her blond hair, she did seem to have a shrewd business mind, she just needed a jumping off point to get things rolling.

Ivan Investor preached the gospel of capitalism. He made a lot of money off of his investments, he never worked a day in his life, and he had hoped to gain some new insights into better ways to invest.

Willie Womanizer liked girls a lot. Even when being introduced to Duwitt, his eyes barely left Betty's chest. Not that she really seemed to mind, it was almost as if she liked the extra attention. He revealed that his ambition was to get himself so good, that no woman would be able to refuse him.

Duwitt was curious why he was being introduced to some of these older people. This gala was supposedly for a fraternity, yet he was being introduced to much older people. Betty explained that they were former fraternity brothers and donated heavily to the schools for the frats…

At one point he literally had to ask Betty what she wanted, "honestly? I just want to marry rich." Though she clearly saw the disappointment in his face, smiled reassuringly and said, "I don't really care if I marry one of these men, or if I get the right connections for someone who has the intelligence to become very rich and powerful. That's why I introduced you to these men, helping you with your networking."

He wasn't sure how to take that. But he rolled with it. She did most of the talking and he was the arm candy for this beautiful lady. At midnight a bell rang, in a series of names were called to the back. Much to Duwitt's surprise his name as well as Betty's were called along with a number of other high profile names, names that Betty had introduced him to. A few higher up University students that are in the fraternity rounded off the roster. It was a small room with a stone altar of sorts in the middle.

Betty told him that it was very lucky of him to be invited to such a secret ceremony. Everyone was encouraged to write their wish on a provided piece of parchment. Duwitt simply wrote that he wanted Betty… he almost hated the fact that he wanted that for a wish since she was clearly a shallow person. He always wanted somebody of more substance. Somebody came with an old box and everyone put their piece of parchment into it. Then it was sealed in place atop the altar.

Ivan stood in front of everybody and welcomed everyone. It had been many decades since such a ritual had been held. It had been many decades since such a ritual had been needed to be held. Many of the families here knew of its success just by the fact that their families had such success.

Truthfully, Duwitt felt very uncomfortable with this. Betty was excited so he held a stoic face, but as an atheist he didn't believe in all these ancient ritual stuff, nor did he really want to believe that people of power would be subject to such superstitions. It didn't really help to reinforce his beliefs when Ivan started speaking in a language that seemed like a mixture of Arabic and Latin. He wasn't even sure how such a mix could happen. But it went on for nearly an hour. In fact it would have been pretty boring if it wasn't for the fact that Ivan suddenly switched to English, "bring forth the Virgin sacrifice."

Betty whispered in his ear, "that's you."

"Wait what?" He didn't even have a chance to really comprehend what was going on when two larger men grabbed each of his arms and pulled him forth and locked him to the chains he hadn't even seen behind the altar. Two men pulled at a block of stone beneath him revealing a liquid. It looked like oil when it was undisturbed, but when the two men each reached into it and pulled up a handful to wrap around his foot, he saw that it was more like a slime that he might have played with when he was much younger. It was just black.

His protest fell on deaf ears as Ivan continued the chant and ritual. And then when he picked up that blade, it wasn't a steel blade, it actually looked like it was made of stone. Really thick and sharp Stone. And then Ivan closed the book, a moment later, he placed the knife into the black goo, and lifted it up saying a couple final words before jamming it right into Duwitt's chest.

Duwitt gasped in horror, pain was excruciating, his shock and disbelief emminated from him. It was almost like he was seeing in tunnel vision, no one seemed to care… at least not about him, they were all really focused on Ivan. Ivan pulled the blade out and the blood flowed freely from his chest hole. It was only a few seconds before he thought he fell unconscious. But that wasn't really the truth, he was looking at his own body, his own dead body. He watched them as they broke the chains and his body fell into the black goo and just sank.

He was dead.

"Don't worry, this is not the end of your story. This is the beginning of when things get interesting." A woman's voice seemed to whisper into his consciousness. 


"Interesting?" Duwitt asked the voice.

"Well, you are dead now, we may as well have a little bit of fun. We're going to have plenty of time together over the next year."

'Dead' was an extremely daunting term for him. He had dreams and ambitions, excitements and hopes, bucket lists and so much more. But his life ended at the hands of a bunch of rich and powerful people trying to get richer and more powerful off of his corpse. He never believed in an afterlife, and yet he was floating over this submerged carcass of the instruments of his aspirations. But the only thing that he managed to ask the strange voice was, "what did you have in mind?"

"I'm so glad you asked." And then he felt what seemed like a curtain falling over his vision. And suddenly he was back in his body. But, this wasn't in the black murky soup that his body was submerged in, he was in the bathroom of his off campus apartment. His cell phone propped up in his pile of pants, that is one pair of pants dropped into a pile with his cell phone leaned up against it. And he was jerking off to a woman. Her magnificent breasts, the shape of her waist, the way she moved. He wasn't even jerking off to porn, it was some old music video. And then he came."That was definitely the first time I came by my own hand… or at all. So what next?"

Then the choice came back, "well, that looked and felt like a lot of fun. I assume you did that a lot?"

Duwitt would have shrugged if he still had shoulders, but he was already leaving his body and looking at it as if it was just a bubble floating in the air. This old memory. Actually it wasn't that old; it was literally the night before he was murdered. But despite that he still managed an answer, "most days or nights." 

It was almost strange, he felt like he was floating in soda or sparkling water. Just so many bubbles around him, but the force of the voice gripped him again and he was forced into another memory.

He was under the covers, his hand slowly jerking himself, his eyes closed imagining a girl he knew. She never really liked him that much, never really gave him a chance, but in this fantasy he met her at a coffee shop, and she recognized him. Things started going well. They went on a date and back to his place, he took her clothes off and she had the most magnificent pussy. She took his clothes off, and she lowered himself onto his cock and told him it fit so wonderfully. He let go of his cock right as he was on the verge of cumming. He didn't want to ruin the sheets. He wanted to go to the bathroom and finish, but it was late and he needed to get up early for class. He forced himself to roll over and close his eyes.

"Well that was disappointing." The voice said, you should have finished yourself off.

"I had more important things to do." He defended.

He could almost hear the eye roll in the voice, "that's the problem with being human, sometimes you just feel too much guilt in self-gratification. And I'm not talking about just sex."

"I hope we're not going to spend the whole night just reliving my masturbatory fantasies."

"No, not at all." And then he was plunged into another memory. And another, and another… 

It seemed like weeks later, and they had re-lived every single masturbation session he had ever had. Re-lived every single fantasy during one of these masturbation sessions, and the only thing that really seemed super odd, was that every single one of those memories were still fresh in his head. Every detail was still so vivid. The voice explained to him so long ago that his memories are no longer bound by a brain, a physical receptacle. His Spirit remembered everything much much better especially as he re-lived everything. But it still seems strange.

"Do you know how long you've been dead?"

Duwitt really had no idea, "a month or two?"

"Ten seconds." A slight pause, "time moves very differently here."

Earlier he felt like he was in soda with all the bubbles, but now the bubbles were gone he'd experienced every single one. The bubbles were all of his experiences with sex. But then a new one appeared, it glowed a purplish color. As it came closer he wondered what kind of memory he would experience at that moment.

And suddenly he was in a throne room, he was standing in the center, and in front of him five short red steps to a throne. There were no walls, just a universe surrounding the throne room. Sitting on top of the throne was a woman with a pale purple complexion, glowing violet eyes, and shimmery eggplant colored lips. "And now we meet."

Somehow he hadn't realized the voice was female, but now seeing the source he couldn't believe he never recognized it. She stood up and approached him, let him look at her. "You may look, you may ogle, enjoy the appearance. It is the person you're going to lose your byvirginity to after all. You may as well get intimately acquainted with my body."

"Lose my virginity?" He asked as he looked at her.

"Of course, and then I will share with you some of my memories of sex."

"Well, I'm not sure… " he drifted off, the truth is he definitely found her very enticing, but he was unsure of his lack of prowess.

"Do you find me attractive?"


"Do you want to have sex?"


"Would you like to have sex with this body?"

"I think so…"

"I am going to use my powers on you so that we will both get the most out of this." Her eyes flashed, "get hard."

He insisted deeply as he did in fact get hard. "Wow… um that was impressive."

She smirked at him, and then her eyes flashed again, "you will not cum until I tell you." And then she dropped to her knees and started sucking on his cock… she did this for what seemed like hours, before pushing him onto his back and mounting him. She pulled his hands up to her tits and rode him again… for hours. Letting him enjoy every single moment. She spun around, put her hands on his knees and pulled his hands to her hips and again she rode him. For what seemed like days she spent an unnecessary amount of time in each position. Every motion bringing him closer to his desperate release he craved more and more. But never given that release.

After weeks of sweet, sweet torment, she took them by the hand and walked him up to her throne. She sat him down and then she straddled him, using her hand to bring him close. And then she impaled herself upon his cock and brought his lips to her tits and she rode him until she felt her own orgasm and just as she was about to cum she commanded, "cum now!" And his penis started squirting deep inside her. She came all over his lap, their cum mixing together and their bodies shuddering together. 

As they were calming down, she dipped her finger into her jizz-soiled cunt and pulled out a mixture of his cum and hers and started suckling on it. She smiled as she loved that flavor.

Suddenly, Duwitt was alone again. Floating in an empty sea with a single bubble in front of him. And suddenly he was in another memory. It was one of her memories. The last time she had sex. Sex with him. 

She walked up to the young man, enticed him to get intimate with her body. She used magic to make him hard, made it so he couldn't spill himself from inexperience… Duwitt experienced every single position that she had subjected him to from her point of view, from the sensations she felt. And it was intoxicating. And then finishing the young virgin off and around their own. Swallowing their combined fluids, and that divine flavor… and he didn't even have an idea that only 15 seconds had passed since his death. And then her thought whispered by her mind, that by the time he had relived this memory that she was going to force on him, only 20 seconds would have passed in the mortal world.

And then he was in the darkness again. And then he heard her voice, "and that was just my most recent memory, I'd like to share some more of my memories with you. Are you ready for that?"

"I don't know, that was intense."

"That was just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me, you will enjoy every second of what I have to show you."

"What's your name?"

There was a hesitation, "Cerverrant"

"Like a servant?"

She laughed with true amusement, "no darling, but you would not believe how many beings, humans included, summon me because they do think just that. It's a mystical name, and for some reason that even I do not know, my name sounds similar to a servant in every language." He was about to make a comment about that, but then she cut off that conversation by asking again, "are you ready to experience pleasure like you have never dreamed? "

And he did. Many bubbles. Many dreams. All from her point of view. For each of these bubbles he had become Cerverrant.

She was a noble woman in a Roman house. She started the very first orgy that became a common theme in the noble houses of Roman culture. So decadent of a theme, it was almost an insult not to be a host of an orgy in the centuries to come. And she fucked so many men, so many women and manipulated so many of them into doing the most degenerate things. 

She was a whore, her body was diseased, but it didn't look so. She enticed men into the most complicated of positions, trying things that their wives would never allow. Spreading disease, and making that disease get spread to their wives and beyond. Syphilis was fun, at least for her. Ruining lives made her so aroused.

She was a flapper in the 1920s in America, she would dance late at night, wearing garish makeup and smoking cigarettes making the older women look down at her while the older men lusted after her. She had fun fucking her way across all the men that thought that they were too good for her. And one in particular that was fun as she made him eat his own cum out of her pussy while his horrified wife watched. He was probably a good man before, not so much after. And she delighted in that corruption.

She was a peasant woman during a viking raid. She was the most beautiful around, and she showed an eagerness to be amongst the pillaged. Most women were forced, she invited, her resistance was barely vocal, and mostly ignored over her lustful smile, and naked body. Three of the Vikings started to fight over her, and when there was only one left she let him have his way with her. Even as she was fucked, she looked at the body of one, Erik… A man who was destined to build an empire spanning continents that would last over a thousand years, cut short in his prime over her… Oh, how her history altering fuck made her cum so hard knowing that without him, that empire would never happen. Mmm… so fucking hot.

Memory after memory, experiencing all her ambitions in each of them, each of her thoughts and desires. Until he started losing track of himself. He was more her than him by the time the memories were over. Duwitt had only lived barely over two decades. Cerverrant had been alive for millennia. 

And then he was back in the throne room, his body warped, it looked like hers except it was human and without the purplish tone to the skin.

"Duwitt… that was your real name, you remember?"

He nodded his… her head, "oddly, I do. Like it was yesterday, yet I've been called Cerverrant for so long that it almost seems more comfortable for me."

"It's almost been a year since you were murdered in that ritual. You will go back in my place. You will look as you do now."

"What do you want me to do?"

She smiled wickedly, "by now you've experienced enough of my memories, you'll figure it out. And you've experienced enough of my powers, that you'll know how to do it."

The two Cerverrants kissed again. A very intense kiss from two experienced lovers. And as the Cerverrant formerly known as DuWitt closed her eyes she felt herself overcome by the darkness. And she woke in darkness, thick black gooey darkness that was putrid. But she did not panic, she had no difficulty breathing. And a moment later, a light slowly expanded above her, and she could see her exit. She swam up to it and emerged. Noting the slab of rock moved to the side. With a single finger she covered the hole again… with a single finger that her old body would never have been able to budge. Of all the memories she experienced, she did not know that she was physically stronger than any man she had ever met.

She looked around her, she was surrounded by all the men and women who were there for her murder stood in expectation. A smile formed across her lips.A sense of Cruelty.

Her eyes locked on Ivan. He spoke first, “you are the servant?"

Cerverrant smiled and nodded her head, “my name is Cerverrant, not to be confused with a servant. And you should probably consider me your partner. As we will be working together to make-" she tapped the box with all their wishes, ”-these come true. 

She took in the surroundings, making note of each person that was there. She recognized them all. Even Betty. How ‘he’ had lusted after her just a year ago, though at this point it felt like several lifetimes ago, which it may as well have been, since he earned thousands of years worth of memories.

Ivan spoke again, “well, in that case, partner… I should introduce you to your other… ‘partners.’”

Cerverrant let out the softest laugh, "no need, Ivan. I know who you all are. Ivan…” and then as she walked along the room making eye contact with every man and woman there acknowledging their names Phineas, Betty, Jim, Olivia, Clark, Bob, Anna, Milton-” and to each and every other person. 

Soon Cerverrant found herself back at the altar. “You have each made a sacrifice to bring me forth. But I will need another sacrifice from each of you so that I may make your wishes come true. Each of you one at a time will approach me, repeat after me. And then you will cut open your finger and give me a single drop of your blood while holding that wish in your heart. And I will take 20% of any profits you make from my wish.”

There was murmuring among the crowd, and she did nothing to alleviate their anxiety, but eventually they quieted when the first person stepped up. Ivan seemed the most skeptical, but everyone else lined up. Cerverrant spoke in that demonic language slow enough for everyone to be able to recite their demonic pledge. And one at a time they would do so, cut their finger, and put a single drop of blood into the palm of Cerverrant’s hand. She would whisper something in that same language and place her hand into the box of wishes. Ivan hesitated, but he relented and repeated the words and completed the ritual.

Cerverrant showed her appreciation to the crowd, “thank you all so much, I will need a few things before we begin and I will be in touch with you in the days to come. Ivan I'm sure we'll be able to provide what I need so the rest of you may go."

They all filed out one at a time, and she looked at Ivan.

He looked back at her suspiciously, “and what exactly do you need?"

“You are rich and powerful. You can get a hold of the things I need. A residence, make sure it's luxurious and close to here. A cell phone so I can be in communication with most of you. And a car. If it's not too much of a hassle, arrangements for an ID as well… but I really don't care that much about the latter, it could just make things easier.”

He almost seemed surprised, but agreed.

Less than a day later she was in the penthouse of a luxury hotel. She had an expensive cell phone and a sporty car. To her surprise she even had a driver's license.

She used her cell phone to make arrangements amongst her wish-makers. She started the accounts, some of the more Banks, others at trusts, some investments and so forth, when you are dealing with money like those amounts she would be with these people, it wasn't feasible to leave it in a simple savings account.

Soon she started meeting them one at a time.

“Hello Phineas, I'm glad you could make it."

He eagerly and yet somehow nervously shook her hand. “Thank you, Miss Cerverrant. I can't believe this is happening, I can't wait to finally get my dream started with the seed money.”

Cerverrant held his hand warmly, "believe it darling, it is happening. And to get you started all I need you to do is sign some paperwork.” She pulled out a folder that looked like a dictionary. "I am in a hurry so I will need you to sign this paperwork quickly, there are little yellow arrows and stickies just make sure you sign each page as quickly as you can and I will get you sorted out."

“I should probably read over this contract, or better yet get a lawyer." 

“If that's what you want, but I don't think I'll have a chance to meet with you again until next month. If you want to hold things off for a month that's fine, it's all up to you." 

Phineas bit his lower lip, his impatience getting the better of him, and then he started signing at each line by the yellow stickies.

"Thank you Phineas, just don't forget I get my 20%.”

"How long will it take?"

“A week or two."

The next day Cerverrant met with Olivia Overacting. “Hello Olivia, welcome to my place.”

They talked for a few minutes, mostly small talk. Olivia admitted that she had hoped that she would have hit the big leagues before Cerverrant came. But she was glad to finally get her acting career off the ground.

Cerverrant grinned widely as she said she'd already made arrangements with the director. And on top of that, she already had a lunch meeting arranged with a director and producer in a couple weeks when they were going to be in the city.

Olivia's eyes went wide, “really?"

“Absolutely, but… " she pulled out a ream of paper, “but I am now your new agent, and I will be getting 20% as I mentioned during the meeting."

Olivia signed quickly.

And a day later it was time to meet with Jim Ratt. He was proud of his physique, spent every day working out, and was frustrated that he hadn't made more money from it.

Their meeting was actually very brief, they talked about his ambitions. And she simply handed him a business card. And sent him on his way. He left with a huge grin on his face.

Cerverrant met with Ivan, who seemed very irritated that he wasn't the first person to talk with. He was not happy with the amount of money he had made in the last couple years through his investments. He still did quite well, but apparently not well enough for his ego.

Cerverrant was sitting at a table sipping tea with another man named Thomas when Ivan walked in. I haven't seemed annoyed that he didn't get the exclusive time that everyone else seemed to. But she put up her hand and introduced them. Thomas was to be Ivan's new financial advisor. She made it clear that any investments that Thomas suggested, he would invest in and not to forget her 20%. 

She entertained both of them for a lunch, it was the longest meeting she had as of that moment. But that was just to appeal to Ivan's ego.

Saturday brought Willie Womanizer to her room. She fought not to roll her eyes as he described how he was tired of putting in effort at getting women to sleep with him. He wanted to get to a point where no woman would be able to resist him.

Cerverrant smiled trying not to laugh, “I think we can make that happen." And then she got up and sat on his lap and started rubbing his crotch. He gasped as he felt his manhood rise under her manipulations. She unzipped his pants and freed his cock. She looked him in the eye, “I want your cock."

“And I want you to take it."

She smiled as she chanted something briefly, and simply pulled it off of him. It had become a dildo, and he had a new vagina where his penis was.

“What the fuck?"

She placed the dildo on the table, "shhh… " her grin widened, “This is a good thing.”

He looked terrified, "stop."

“Too late for that now… but you'll have to give it a try before complaining. I think you'll find that orgasms as a woman are so much better and so much more frequent.”

“A woman?"

“Yes, now why don't you grow some tits for me… yes just like that…”

He stared in horror as a pair of breasts seemed to sprout from his chest. 

"bigger…" and when they stopped growing, she said again, “bigger… perfect… now let's improve that ass of yours…”

Nearly an hour later, Cerverrant and Willa walked down to the lobby. Cerverrant saw her look at a woman by reception, "go ahead. Try something that should not work on any woman."

Willa shrugged then approached the receptionist, “give me your phone number, and I'll let you give my pussy a tongue bath all night long!”

The receptionist looked horrified for the briefest of moments, and then an odd calmness fell over her face, followed by a vapid smile as she started writing her number down a piece of paper and handed it to Willa.

Around midnight Cerverrant received a text message, “you were right, it is more intense and it is more frequent!" Cerverrant smiled knowing that ‘she’ hadn't figured out the downside yet… 

Sunday, Betty walked in. She knew what that girl wanted, she was a gold digger, she wanted to marry rich and powerful. Of course there was one other wish that had been made in reference to her once, Duwitt wanted her. And today he was about to make both wishes happen.

“Hello Betty! So nice to have you here."

“Thank you, I'm so excited to have this happen!"

“I see that you wanted to marry somebody rich and powerful, and today we're going to make that happen."

“Wait, I'm getting married today? What about the engagement and the parties and all that stuff?" 

Cerverrant rolled her head, “you'll be legally married today to somebody very rich and powerful. And if it's a concern, you can play the part of engaged until a very public ceremony can happen at a later date."

She nodded her head, “I can work with that!"

“Now. Let me see your hand." 

Betty offered her hand to Cerverrant.

Cerverrant held on a black evil looking ring with a ruby in the middle, and brought it towards Betty's ring finger, “with this ring, I thee wed.”

There was a sudden look of shock on the woman's face, she was just about to pull her hand back when the ring locked itself onto her finger. Her body seemed to freeze.

"Betty, give me your other hand.” Betty lifted her other hand mechanically, her eyes lacking any emotion or awareness. Cerverrant placed another ring in the palm of her right hand, “your turn."

Betty with a very monotonous voice slid the ring onto Cerverrant’s left ring finger and said, “with this ring, I thee wed.”

Cerverrant walked to another room, and looked back to see her beautiful bride staring vacantly at a wall with her hands still extended to put the ring on her finger. It made Cerverrant smile. 

"Betty come here, my pussy ain't going to eat itself.” Betty blankly put her hands down and started walking towards Cerverrant… Threw the Looking Glass…

-Phineas Familyman.-

I couldn't believe that everything was coming together. Cerverrant actually helped us make our dreams come true. I just needed 2 million dollars, I know that sounds like I'm being entitled when I just say, ‘just’. 

That kind of seed money could make my dreams of starting a business and taking care of my family a reality. My children would finally look up to me. My wife would accept me for everything I was. It was the perfect moment.

Cerverrant called me, “we are almost there. I have made arrangements, you will receive two and a half million dollars by next weekend. However, I need you to send your family away. You'll notice in your email I have sent five plane tickets. Tell your family it's just the beginning of your success. I'll have a car pick them up Wednesday morning at five a.m.”

A smile pulled back at my lips, "thank you so much. I can't wait to tell them.”

"We’ll be in touch.” she said to me and the line went dead.

I opened up the email and saw the plane tickets. They were going to a Caribbean resort. My eyes went wide when I realized exactly where they were going, up until her affirmation, there was no way that I could make that happen. No way I could afford that. And now it was already paid for.

I ran down the stairs, and I asked the family to join me in the room. And I brought up a picture on my phone, "do you know what or where this place is?”

My wife knew, even if none of the kids did.

-Jim Ratt-

I just finished working out, I was looking good. Tensed my muscles, showing them off, it really was hard not to.

I saw one of the new girls, I got her number. However, I was still frustrated, I should be able to make some real money. Most I had really accomplished with this physique was being able to do some side work as a personal trainer. That wasn’t getting me fame or fortune, though the fame was secondary.

There was a buzz in my ass. I pulled out my phone and looked at it, the chick pulled it off. There was an address, said to make sure I looked my best because I was about to make some serious money off my body.

I put it on a nice fitted suit. That was taking it to a tailor just to make it a little bit more perfect for my god-bod. I went to the address at the specified time, and it was a nice mansion. I knocked on the door and introduced myself and was led to a room.

“Good evening. Mr. Ratt. I am Davina.” We exchanged pleasantries and she offered some tea. Some hot girl came out and poured it for us.

“So I'm told that you have some opportunities for a man with my physique…"

She pursed her lips for a moment, “to be entirely honest, you're not quite in the shape I was hoping you would be, but I was assured that you are not afraid of putting in the time at the gym or anywhere else to make sure you're at the level I need you to be."

“I'll do whatever I need to do." I told her as I made a muscle and gave it a quick kiss.

She laughed, “Oh, I think you'll be splendid!" 

I started feeling a little bit lightheaded, "Whoa, sorry I think I'm feeling a bit dizzy all of a sudden.”

She didn't look too concerned, but was sympathetic nonetheless, "why don't you lay down on this couch here.” And she helps me over to it and I swear as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

-Olivia Overacting-

I ordered a small chicken caesar salad and waited as both David the director and Paul the producer ordered their food. Both of the men seem to be very professional, though I had never heard of them before.

“Do I need to audition?" I asked them. Cerverrant had told me that I was going to be introduced to these big wigs in the film industry.

They laughed, but it was Paul who answered, “with your connections, I'd be silly not to sign you on the spot. You have the look that we're looking for, I saw from your resume that you have some experience even if they were minor roles. And with the calls I got I was promised that you were the ideal actress. Honestly, I just wanted to get to know you to see if you were the kind of woman who had her head above the clouds or someone that was down to earth. I would have taken you either way, I just needed to know what I was dealing with.”

I honestly wasn't all that comfortable with the way the questioning was going, so I simply asked, "and how do you feel now?”

David answered, "I like talking with you, you're intelligent, eager, and I have no doubt that you will do perfectly as the lead role.

My eyes just about bugged out of my head, “lead role?" I knew it was all possible, but I don't think I had actually prepared myself for this. The magic had actually worked.

“Yes, absolutely. We'll reach out to your agent and get a contract ready for you by end of day!"

The rest of the meal was perfectly wonderful!

-Ivan Investor-

By the end of the first day, my net value had gone up 3%. In one fucking day. All I had to do was listen to this twit, Thomas who had no charisma whatsoever, make a call and money was being made.

I was skeptical, was this too good to be true? Some of the investments seemed random, while others were predictably positive investments. I wasn't sure how he figured out that the random ones were as good as they were.

I reached out to Cerverrant, she wasn't interested in discussing it. She just told me to make sure I got her her fucking 20%. I was infuriated because I knew she was hiding something, I knew it and I just wanted to know what it was.

I knew the magic that she used was not good… evil. She was not doing it for my benefit. But at the end of the day I had to go along with it because every positive investment I made, was making not only myself richer, but her too. But if she truly was a demon bitch, did she really have any value in dollars or any human currency?

-Willa, formerly Willie Womanizer-


I still don't know how the hell she made me into a woman, some sort of irony to it. It was a part of me that now liked to dress sexy. I liked wearing high heels, makeup was fucking addictive. I like smelling girly. What the fuck did she do to me?

I like being a woman, I hated the fact that I liked being a woman… but I loved how no woman could resist me. I was sleeping with three different women a day, having between three and five orgasms with each one. I wonder if this was the way a chick became a nympho?

I decided to stop at a bar, I was already getting used to getting people staring at me, even the men. But I made sure the thing they would all know was that I was only interested in women. I don't know what came over me, but I really wanted to see how far I could push my luck.

I was flirting with a woman, we had shared a seat at the bar, our legs were touching as we sat at the bar. I kept her interest, not that it was hard, but the truth was I was more interested in seeing if I could steal a woman from somebody else.

And then I saw the couple, married and sickeningly in love given their body language. I waited for her to use the ladies room, and I followed after her. 

It was hot, it was wet, and she was both eager and tight. Just the way I always liked my women. We left the lady's room holding hands, and the husband was pissed. He confronted her and she just told him that she found her soulmate. I could barely contain my laugh as this man was clearly crushed. That was the better man for his wife even if I was a woman.

“Hey her back here!" He yelled after us as we reached the door.

I stopped, I turned around still holding her hand, and I did in fact, walk right back to him… 

-Betty Backstabber-

My brain felt like mush. Most of my time in that fog, like my thoughts were trying to swim through molasses. It's like when you're trying to think of a word, and it's just not there, only it's every single thought, every single moment I’m not doing something dshe tells me to do. And the only time your brain really wants to work is when you're told what to do. 

I was never really that attracted to women. I kissed other girls before, usually it's just to tease men. Actually I did like breasts, but pussy was kind of an ewww thing. But here I was, married to some woman, a demon I think. And my thoughts were moving only half as fast as normal, but only because I was licking her pussy, while jamming my finger in and out of my own. She told me to do it and everything just seemed to make sense.

I think I was just sitting on a couch staring at a vase for the last 6 or 7 hours. Then she came in and said my name, my eyes looked up to her, and she told me to get my hot little ass over there and eat her out. I'd say about 80% of my thought processes around that right now, making sure she's happy, and a small part of me is just able to contemplate what's going on.

I wished to be married to someone rich and powerful. I didn't specify a man, that was my fault. I didn't deserve this, and this ring on my finger bound me to her will… I'm sure of it.

-Phineas Familyman-

I was sitting on the couch watching television when the phone call came. There had been an accident on the way to the airport, and I needed to get to the hospital right away.

There was a drunk driver, and a massive car accident. I rushed to the hospital, I got to the receptionist at the emergency room and gave them my name. I was told to have a seat, and they would page the doctor for me. My heart was beating so fast, I think I was on the verge of an anxiety attack, but I needed to hold it together for them.

I wish they would have just given me the room number, it would just be so much easier if I could see them for myself. I had to wait for about 10 minutes before there was a doctor standing in the doorway asking for my name. I ran up to him quickly.

“Where's my family?"

“There were a lot of injuries. And we went through a lot of blood, and surgeries. We did the absolute best that we could. But I'm afraid it just wasn't enough. I am very sorry, sir."

I felt tears rolling up in my eyes. My wife? Or one of my kids? Did the others know? That's all I got out of my mouth was, “who? Who died?"

The doctor had the most pained expression before answering the question, “all of them."

I went numb, he spoke about words, but they were meaningless to me. I was alone, I was finally about to start my dreams, for my family… and they wouldn't be there. What was the point of it all if they weren’t going to be there for it?

I walked back to the seat that I had sat in while I waited for the doctor. I was left alone as I sobbed. What was I supposed to do next? Was the money even worth anything without them?

My phone buzzed, I opened up and realized there was a text message from Cerverrant, ‘now that the hard part is out of the way, it will only take a few days for you to get the insurance settlement from their life insurance policies. Your wife is worth a million dollars, each of your children another half a million each. Don't forget my 20%.’

-Jim Ratt-

I awoke and I had no idea where I was. But I was restrained. I was tied to a table.

“Hello, sissy."

I looked up to see Davina, “what's going on?"

“I decided to take you. Change you into my sissy bitch. You're going to get an exciting new exercise routine everyday. We're going to get rid of those big muscles and turn them into girly muscles. Lock up that little clitty of yours. You'll never use it again. And then you're going to be my little whore. You’ll serve all the clients I need you to.”

“Like hell I will!" I yelled at her definitely. 

Suddenly there was just pain, it started in my penis and balls in which its way all around my body. "Close enough,” she said and followed it up with, "every time you refuse, I press this button and it will hurt like hell.” 

"Go fuck yourself, lady!"

Pain, I screamed in pain until I finally begged for her to stop. And she shut it off.

“Now the first thing I want you to do is say, ‘my name is Sissy slut Jamie and I love being a sissy.’"

I think she could see the defiance in my eyes because just as I was about to tell her to go fuck herself again, she held her finger over the button, and then I just said, “my name is Sissy slut Jamie and I love being a sissy."

“Good girl!" She said with excitement, “let's go put some makeup on you and find you a nice dress and a pair of heels to wear, doesn't that sound exciting?"

I couldn't even look at her eyes as I said that that does sound exciting. How the hell did I end up in this situation? I needed to get ahold of Cerverrant, surely she could fix this…? I’m a man, not some sissy!

-Olivia Overreacting-

I was giving an address and I typed it into the GPS and I was there on time. It seemed kind of strange to me, it wasn't a studio or even a set, but a house. Don't get me wrong, I had heard of some directors coming from a school of thought of using genuine locations as sets, or limiting themselves to a single location.

I saw Cerverrant, she gave me a smile and two thumbs up while I was rushed into another room. Some woman with absurdly large breasts started doing my makeup. We're halfway through, another girl walked in and put a dress and heels on the counter. 

The dress didn't really have that Hollywood expensive outfit feel to it at all. It almost seemed kind of cheap, why haven't I got a copy of the script yet? I didn't expect to be filming today, I expected to be learning more about what we're going to be filming. Once I was in the dress I stepped out and saw Cerverrant talking to Paul and David.

“So I still haven't seen the script, how am I supposed to know what's going on?"

David laughed for a moment, “we usually don't use a script per se, just kind of wing it, one of you will find a reason to start taking your clothes off. Start with a little bit of oral…” My eyes went wide, I was expecting a drama role or something that would catapult me to fame.

There was a look of confusion on David and Paul's face, and a look of amusement on Cerverrant's face. "Can you excuse me and my… agent for a moment, please?"

I took Cerverrant's arm and pulled her quickly walked over to the restroom, “did you just sign me up to be a pornstar?"

“Absolutely. Going to make you the most famous porn star in the world over the next year. I've got you filming twice a week, every week."

I gave her my death glare, most people crumbled with it but she seemed to be immune, or almost amused with it. I wanted her to crumble. "I am better than some chick that just spreads her legs on screen. I am to be an A-list actress, not some pornstar.”

“That's not the wish that you made, you needed a jumping off point to get onto the screen from where you are on stage, and you wanted to be a household name. This is how it will happen." She told me matter-of-factly.

“I am not going to fuck anyone just because I'm directed to." I told her in words that were not going to be questioned.

In response, she grabbed my face and looked into my eyes, her eyes seemed to glow for a second, “you are a woman of your word. You signed the contract, you do the deed. And you will even show some enthusiasm for every cocky that you swallow, every cock you feel thrust in your ass or your pussy and you will have a big smile on your face every time you get ready to eat a pussy or have yours eaten. You will be an eager porn star… In fact, your enthusiasm won’t be faked, you are very much enthused."

I felt dazed for a moment, what the hell did she just do to me? "I got to get back to Paul and David.” And I left her in the bathroom.

I approached them and Paul asked me, "everything all right?”

I nodded my head, "so who's the lucky guy that gets to go balls deep in me?” They laughed, I giggled… 

-Ivan Investor-

Thomas, that little weasel walked in with a list of investments. He wrote in amounts that he wanted me to invest in, prices and percentages at which I should buy at, which ones would be long-term and which ones would be short-term… even a few that would be extremely short-term, that is day trading, I never cared for that too much as I always had my eye on the big picture… 

But that God-damn Cerverrant told me to do what he told me to do. Don't fuck with the demon, do what I'm told. Get richer… I made each of the adjustments that I was told to, and watched as my net values soared. 

At first 3% seemed relatively small. But I knew numbers, and 3% a day was not 30% in ten days, it was more. 3% of $100 was $3. 3% of $103 was $3.09… 3% of $106.09 was $3.18… only do that multiplication with billions of dollars. Most people just don't get that if they make the national minimum wage, and worked 40 hours a week it would take them 69,000 years to earn their first billion dollars, and it probably wouldn't be saved. Of course everyone thinks that they have the potential to get rich, and that's what keeps the idiots in line. Hard work will get them right where I am, they couldn't be more wrong.

My phone buzzed, not my cell phone, the actual phone for work on my desk. My secretary was trying to get a hold of me, I hit the speaker button, “yes?"

“There are some men here to speak with you… “ I was about to tell her that there was nobody on my schedule for this time of the day, but before I did she added, “...they have a warrant." 

I immediately got up and opened the door. There was a small group of men in business clothes, as far as I knew everything was above board, but I looked to my secretary and told her to call Lionel my lawyer… 

“What's this about?"

“We suspect you of criminal activity."

“Like what? Money laundering?"

“Shut your mouth, Ivan." Lionel said entering the door, did I mention his office is only two doors down from mine and he didn't wait for a phone call when he saw the group of unknown people walking past his office toward my office.

“May I see the warrant, please?” The room fell into silence for a moment.

“It's valid." Lionel says you're scanning over it, they're going to take all of your electronic devices, including your cell phone, and work computer. They're going to want your laptop from home too… “

One of the men chimed in, "there's already a team at your house right now serving a warrant to take them as well.”

Lionel looked at me, "do you know this individual?" And there was Thomas' name.

"I do know him.” Not telling him any of our professional dealings, at least not here, where the walls have ears.

Then Lionel added, "I hope you haven't been taking any financial advice from him. According to this, he sits on the boards of directors for many, many companies with far reaches… and if you've invested in any of the companies he's either a part of, or his companies have been doing business with… they're probably going to come after you for insider trading…”

Well… fuck. I needed to get a hold of Cerverrant. If she wanted the gravy train to keep flowing, she needed to fix this.

-Willa, formerly Willie Womanizer-

What the hell is wrong with me? I was gargling with mouthwash. Did I seriously just suck off that dude? Yeah I got his wife to do all sorts of things with me, and then he caught us leaving and he told us to come back. I did. He asked me just what I plan to do with his wife, and I told him. He was furious. I'm not sure if he was more furious with her or me.

He told me to get in his car, any deal with this at his place. I just did it, strangely I wanted to get in his car. We got back and he just yelled at both of us, and then he asked me what was going through my head when I thought it was okay to just take his wife. I told him that it seemed like a fun idea.

“It seems like a fun idea? Me ramming my God damn cock down your throat. Doesn't that sound like a fun idea?"

I don't know what came over me, but I just nodded my head, “that does seem like a fun idea."

He seemed to be stunned for a moment, he looked at his wife and then back to me… “well? Get to it."

And the next thing I knew I was on my knees sllobbering at his cock until it got hard. And then sucking it in every way that I would have wanted another woman to do it to me back when I was a man. He held my head as his fucked my mouth, in front of his wife, rubbing it in her face..

I heard his wife crying behind me, she didn't know what overcame her anymore than I knew what had overcome me. I swallowed on his command, and then he kicked me out of his house. I was halfway home and I realized exactly what I had done, when I got in my house all I could do was gargle and get that taste out of my mouth. It seemed to linger, though I knew it was in my head.

I opened my phone and texted Cerverrant. ‘Something is wrong, I just sucked a dude off…’

It only took a couple moments before she responded, ‘nothing's wrong, just as no woman can refuse your commands. You can't refuse any man's commands. But don't worry the more you do it, the more you'll crave it. ‘

-Betty Backstabber-

“Time to get out of bed, my sweet wife." I heard Cerverrant tell me. I have been awake for a long time, but my brain hadn't really been engaged, but I got out of bed and walked over to her and stopped and gave her a kiss on the lips. She told me to do that whenever she walked into a room where I was. And then my brain shut off again

“Betty, it's time to shower!" My brain seemed to kick on again, the light in the room was different from when I kissed her, at least some time had passed, hopefully just minutes. I walked to the bathroom and kissed her again, and then I started taking off my clothes since it was time to shower.

In a rare moment of something like aggression I just looked at her with a lost confused look, “why did you do this to me?"

She seemed genuinely amused at the question, “more brain power than I would have given you credit for." She told me, "so hard to think unless you're actually doing something I told you to. You were having some intense dreams last night, I guess your subconscious still works fine, so don’t worry your pretty little head off.”

I didn't remember the dreams, but as soon as I was done taking my clothes off I jumped into the shower. I washed myself as I was thinking about everything that I could, I knew it wouldn't last too long.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. 

I heard her voice, “come in here, my lovely wife… time to get you dressed up and made up so that we can go meet your parents.”

I felt an awkward amount of embarrassment about this. She couldn't really have me go meet my parents when I was acting like this. They might have been mortified that I wasn't married or engaged to a woman, but if they saw that I was acting like this they would know something was wrong immediately. But it got worse. She had me dress up like a cheap slut. I had the dumbest smile on my face. The dress seemed more like the leftover pieces of a real dress.But no,I wasn’t going to do this. I was going to put my foot down, I picked up a small hand mirror, and and winded back, my movements were so slow, like my mind, I threw the mirror, and it only went about the length of a couch before smashing on the ground. She seemed amused, and just told me to come along. …And I just followed her when she commanded me.

Why was she doing this to me? As soon as I sat in the car, my mind shut off.

And so the world turns. 

Everything had gone as it was supposed to. And here I was with my beautiful bride, I held her hand as the limo drove down the road. Eventually we came upon a large home, almost a mansion… more like the kind of large home that rich people buy to pretend like they're not trying to show off their wealth. The car slowly came to a stop, and we waited for the driver to get out and open the door for us. 

I stepped out first, and reached back in offering her my hand. “Come along, dear." 

It was fun to watch as her mind slowly responded to what I told her to do, it was fun to watch as intelligence was trying to pull back into her mind only to withdraw when she had finished obeying. I watched her up to the front steps and knocked on the door.

The door opened and there was an older, beautiful lady. She was clearly in her late forties, maybe early fifties, and age had treated her well. She looked at her daughter, my wife in surprise. “Betty, what are you wearing?" 

She barely reacted, her eyes slightly dazed and moved slowly to meet her mother's gaze. But I was the one who encouraged the answer, “go ahead, Betty… tell her what you're wearing.”

Intelligence seemed to claw at her eyes, never fully emerging, “I'm wearing the dress my wife told me to wear." 

"Wife!?” Her mother asked in shock. 

At that point I took her hand with my left hand and held up her hands with our dark little wedding bands. I grinned mercilessly, “Hi mom, nice to meet you." 

Well not to be surprised, Betty's mother went and got her husband, and we let ourselves in and sat on the couch in the living room. A moment later the two walked in and formal introductions were made.

Her father was the first to speak, “what have you done to our daughter? I'm going to be quite clear on this, you will not get our money. Whatever drugs you've used on her daughter, whatever you've done to make her so passive… you will regret it.”

“I understand that the two of you are in a related fraternity and sorority respectively. Same donors, same partners and activities and fundraising, same political and financial advantages.” I started, but paused going for a confirmation or some acknowledgement that they knew what I spoke of.. 

“Is this blackmail? Upset you didn't get into the sorority?" Betty's mother asked. 

"You will get nothing.” Her father insisted. 

I laughed in utter amusement, “I have everything I wanted. I just started with that, because I assume that means each of you given your positions… know what a ‘daemonium postulavit gratiam’ is…?

Betty's father worked it out first, for the very least it came pretty close, “you wanted our daughter." And of course her mother's eyes made the connection just before her husband's words said it. “The demon gave you our daughter in exchange for the sacrifice." 

"Oh darling, ever so close. Your daughter wished to marry someone rich and powerful. Apparently she enjoyed growing up with your advantages, but had no real ambition to work for it as you had. On the other hand I have power, I have wealth. And most importantly… I didn't make a wish from the demon, I am the demon.” All right, not entirely accurate, I mean technically I was Duwitt, but my memories as immortal are very minimal, I truly am more demon than human at least in my mind. 

“What do you want?" Betty's mother asked. 

"Let me tell you about my favorites that were present during the sacrifice. Taking inspiration from the tales of Genie's or Djinn’s gone bad that I so love… let's start with Phineas Familyman… this was a man that was willing to sacrifice an innocence for money, not a huge amount, well at least not by rich people standards such as yourself… but he wanted to do it for his family. And I gave it to him, through the life insurance plans that his family had. Now Phineas is by himself, he has money but his motivation is gone. Amusingly, I have sent another woman to meet him, she looks strikingly like his now dead wife. She will comfort him, she will make him love again, and then she will take him for everything he has while breaking his heart.” 

“What does this have to do with our daughter?" My lovely wife's father asked. 

"I'll get there,” I said briefly before continuing, "it was a man named Jim, he's worked most of his life to have the perfect physique. He was angry at the world for not giving him the recognition for the body he built. So I introduced him to someone who would pay him for his body. And she decided to resculpt it into something more feminine. He is always humiliated, but he makes more money than he ever did while his body looked masculine.”

I didn't give them a chance to ask, I just moved on to the next… “there's a woman named Olivia Overacting. She wanted to get away from stage acting and do film. She wanted to be a household name in less than a year. And she will be, she will be known for the most profane pornography. She shows eagerness for the sluttiest of things. And by the end of the year, everyone will know her name, and that name will be known for its lewdness..”

My in-laws looked horrified, but they both stayed quiet. 

“Ivan Investor was already rich and powerful. But it just wasn't enough for him. He wanted to get richer and more powerful faster. I introduced him to someone, a new financial advisor. His wealth skyrocketed, but he had not thought about investigations and in weeks he was found to be involved in insider trading. He had no idea, but his financial advisor was tied to far too many companies that Ivan was putting money into. He will lose everything, and he will spend years in jail. He did get richer and he did get more powerful, but such things are fleeting.”

I watched the couple hold each other's hands wondering how much worse the next thing would be.

Willie Womanizer wanted to have no problems getting women. He wanted to be able to say anything to a woman and have no difficulty getting them to sleep with him. I gave him his wish, but I made him a woman in the process. Not only would no woman ever deny him, they would never want to deny him. And just to make it more fun, he would never be able to deny any man, and once a commitment is given he would never want to deny a man. And whenever he is done he is truly horrified at what he does.” 

Betty's mother spoke, “What about our daughter?"

"Well… she wanted to marry Rich so she wouldn't have to do anything. And now as you can see, she doesn't have to do anything, not even think. But if it will put things at ease for you… it is not permanent, once I'm done granting everybody's wishes, I will leave. Your daughter will regain her mental faculties, and I will even be nice enough to leave her my vast fortune. But I do expect that publicly, you will treat me like the beloved daughter-in-law that you would have preferred your daughter to have. Agreed?”

The two excuse themselves for a few minutes. I could hear them arguing for a little bit before they returned. Her father held out his hand, “agreed."

Sometime later, I was telling my gorgeous wife to get in the limo, as I sat in behind her, I thought about another… Milton Mamasboy, and how he wished his mother would live to be a hundred years old and enjoy every moment of it. If only he knew then that his mother would have loud screaming sex every weekend night for decades to come… and of course I had every intention of sticking around until that day.


The nurse walked into the room, she had a tray full of food. And she walked up to one young man who never really spoke. She asked him if he wanted applesauce and he offered his hand. She handed it so we moved on to the next. 

The nurse approached a young lady, she'd been in a horrible traffic accident. She was barely responsive, usually only acknowledging with grunts. She asked the girl if she wanted an applesauce, it was a grunt. The nurse placed the applesauce on the tray in front of the girl, she should be back in a few minutes to help her eat.

Next, the nurse walked towards a little old lady. She always just stared out the window, and as she approached the woman, she often asked her if she wanted an apple sauce. The nice little lady always just smiled and it took her a moment to nod her head. It was a struggle for her to eat her applesauce, she wondered what happened to this little lady that made it so difficult for her to do even the simplest of tasks. She approached the woman knowing that she must have been beautiful in her youth, “Hi Betty, would you like an applesauce?”

There was a moment, and then suddenly she blinked quickly, “um.. no, thank you… where am I?”

The nurse's eyes went wide, this woman who had been virtually catatonic for years was suddenly very aware of her surroundings. She wondered what would have happened to wake this woman up. Was it one of the meds?

The little old woman spoke, “my wife has passed away." And a moment later, “I'm free…" and she looked down at her hands as if recognizing her age… or at least trying to recognize she was no longer young… But she remembered so many things Ceverrant had said, and she knew if she was awake, Milton had…  she shivered not wanting to think about that…  Oh, she was so old now…

Meanwhile, in another realm. Cerverrant walked into the throne room only to see a version of herself sitting upon a throne. Her true self. 

“And did you enjoy your little adventure on Earth? Are you ready to be one with me once again?" Asked the true Cerverrant. 

The Duwitt-Cerverrant smiled as she approached her better half. "I am. Give me the final kiss, take all that I am into you. The memories I have borrowed and even the pathetic memories of the man this body once was. Corruption is complete, and corruption is spread.”

The true Cerverrant stood and walked towards her human-tainted clone. “You have done well. Bring my memories back to me, and I'll take the soul of the sacrifice with them." 

"Freely given.” was all the flesh-colored Cerverrant could say. And she wrapped her arms around her purple-skinned counterpart and their lips pressed together. The human Cerverrant slowly faded and all that was Duwitt, his corrupted soul, and the borrowed memories from Cerverrant for now all part of her.

She returned to her throne, and waited for the next sacrifice… 

The End. Think about your wish, Pet… share your wish in the comments, and maybe I'll let you know how she would corrupt your wish! 

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