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The Rep


Apr 13, 2024

As a rep for my firm, my job is to take people like Marco and transform them into the hyper-feminized sluts they were meant to be for their sponsors.

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional.


The following rules are for unOwned subs looking for a little extra fun, I know it may seem pretentious to some, but it's just for a bit of extra interaction for those who may enjoy it!

Rules for the sissy subs:

1. If you wish to be an owned as a slave, get on your knees right now and declare your unyielding service to me. Repeat after me, “I am the slave of Mistress Dyvia.” good girl.

2. Prove you are a good slave. I want you to write on a piece of paper, ‘Mistress Dyvia, please be my rep.’ sign your sissy name and seal it with a kiss (be sure to wear lipstick), and send it to me. keep in mind that I may post it on social media, so nothing that can identify you onit please.

3. Edge yourself whenever something truly hot happens to our protagonist… but you may not cum without my permission.

4. Stay aroused.

5. Be sure to let me know what your thoughts on the story are. And when you send it, you may cum. Be sure to thank your mistress!


Mistress Dyvia presents:

The Rep

By: Mistress Dyvia

It was almost time for my 9 o’ clock appointment. I quickly double checked my appearance in the mirror, grabbed the manila folder with Marco's name on it. I took a moment to re-familiarized myself with his details, and then slid the folder back into my bottom desk drawer. I only had two folders in there at the moment, one for him and one for a client. 

I grabbed my tablet, and then tapped a few keys to let my secretary know that I was ready for Marco to come in. A moment later there was a soft knock on my door, my secretary showed him in and introduced Marco. I stood up and shook his hand, “I'm Ríona nice to meet you, Marco."

He shook it back, “and nice to meet you as well!" 

"Have a seat-” my open hand pointed to the chair near him, "-and we can get started.“

Marco was eager to see what I had to offer. I could see it in his eyes, there was constantly a little bit of a grin tugging at his eyes, so I have to admit he did do well with holding a mostly straight face. He didn't seem too over-eager, his body language was even; very well controlled. “I've been thinking about this ever since I got that invitation. What are all these new advantages?"

"As I conveyed in the email, we help people in need of a change. Usually these are people who are looking to move or change careers, sometimes both. Of course money can often be an issue, and there are very wealthy people who are willing to sponsor these changes. I am a rep for a company that represents these people.” I paused for a moment to let him take that in… “You submitted an interest through our website that suggested you both wanted to move, have a lifestyle change, and a new career. Your personality test also suggested that you needed guidance as you aren’t exactly sure what you wanted to do next.”

“Yeah, figure it's time to get outta Dodge, so to speak.“ He cracked a smile. “The way my life is going right now, I feel like I'm going to be working a minimum wage, barely able to pay for a one-room apartment for the rest of my life. I don't want to be like that. I need to get away from that. Also I have no idea what else I can do, I've been doing minimum wage jobs since I was a teen, what else can I do? Guess I need a self-confidence boost as well." 

"You'd be surprised at how many skills that people have no idea that they have. Even getting away from my company, people who have worked retail jobs for years, for example… often have no idea of some of the jobs they're qualified for that are not retail, and pay very well because of their experiences.” 

“What kind of jobs do I qualify for? I mean you have my job history right there." 

"That's not what we do.” I told him bluntly. 

“But didn't you just tell me that there are options for me because of my job history?" 

I nodded my head, "I did. I also said that was getting away from my company. We represent people interested in sponsoring a new life.“

“What's the difference?" He asked pointedly with a raised eyebrow. 

“A job agency can help you find a new job, get training, and encourage you until you land on your feet. I represent the sponsor, we sign contracts, and we push you for the sponsor.” 

“So you're not really here for me at all?" 

"How much money are you paying for this? How much are you paying to change your life around?”

"Your website and email said that I pay nothing.” He started. 

“That's right. How much are they paying?" 

"I don't know.“

“A lot. Probably more money than you've earned in your entire life to this point." 

His eyes widened at that thought, "So how do these contracts work?” he asked, which was a fair question.

“Once you sign, you are committed. There is no backing out unless you can financially pay back any amount of money that was spent on you. Of course our company does support a level of consent. Sometimes sex is requested, per the contract they can request it as often as they want. But you have to agree, you can refuse it every time as well. Hypothetically speaking, if you agreed to be sponsored by a guy who wants a weekly blowjob in exchange for his money, he still can't technically make you give him one. You can always say no. However, he can make you sign up for classes on how to give blowjobs. You will have to attend, but it is up to you how well you do in those classes. You both will have signed a contract, so you both will have everything spelled out for you." 

"Well I'm certainly not interested in guys who want blowjobs, from me at least…” he said in a tone that would be pretty obvious. His eyes blinked rapidly for a moment, “they have blow job classes?" 

"And that's why I used a pretty extreme example. I don't think we have anybody that requests that." At least not so blatantly. "And with the amount of money these people have, they have ‘whatever they want’ classes available.“

Clearly getting away from the idea of him taking a blowjob class, he got back on track, “So you have a number of sponsors that are interested in me?" 

"Sorry, no. Just one. Your personality test, skills, and willingness to relocate was ideal for one of our clients at the moment.”

“Oh?" Such a basic and disappointed response, but I can see the disappointment in his eyes that he thought he was in high demand. 

“Don't get too down on yourself, that's how they are around here. We don't have a huge queue for people, we usually find someone quickly and fill a request." 

He nodded his head and shrugged his left shoulder. “Very well. Who is interested in me?” 

I bent over slightly and opened the bottom drawer, there were only two files there, one for him, and one for the sponsor. I withdrew the one for the sponsor. It wasn't the full file of course, just one with the basic information of who wanted to pay the money to sponsor someone's new life, and what they were looking like in a sponsee. I straightened myself back up, and slid the sponsor file across the table to Marco. Give him a chance to see if he's interested in his potential new sponsor.

“If you do agree, you will be provided a new luxury living space a couple thousand miles from here, and a weekly stipend." 

I could see the wheels turning in his mind. Madeline was looking for someone who was willing to work as an employee, she would put them up in a nice fancy hotel, provide plenty of amenities and a generous stipend, but there would be an NDA signed and a job that required minimal hours, but was highly paid. On top of that it would provide job training for a plethora of opportunities in the future. 

In some ways it could even provide assistance with a brand if Marco so chose. The downside was that it did require people skills, and dedication to service. Marco of course, came from a retail background and would be very confident that he would stand up to those requirements.

He looked at me, “I'm in!" 

I handed him a pen and waited patiently for him to sign. I was almost a little disappointed that he didn't read it over, we spent so much time making it look like it was above board. Spent so much effort making sure that any red flag was muted. And he just went and signed it.

As I took back my pen and the signed contract, I slid it into my briefcase, I told him with a positive voice, “I'll let you know when the moving day is, and I'll be there to help." 

"I can't wait. What should I tell my friends and family?” He asked for the sudden urgency. 

“Be vague. You agreed to an NDA, you signed it in the pile of papers here. However I don't see a problem with you telling them that you took a high paying job and might leave you out of contact with them for a little while. At least until you can get the rules for the job.”

3 Weeks Later

I picked up Marco from the airport. He wasn't used to the luxury car at the airport service. Sooner or later he would. We arrived at one of the city's more expensive hotels, the driver opened the door and let me out, and Marco followed quickly behind.

“Wow! This place looks expensive. How long am I expected to stay here?" 

I tilted my shoulder in consideration, "It is expensive, and I would assume for the duration of your work contract." 

"Wouldn't it have been just cheaper to rent me an apartment?” He asked in such a naive way. 

“I don't think you comprehend exactly how much money these people have. It would probably have been less expensive-” 'cheap' was not in their vocabulary, “-to buy you a house than to put you up in this hotel for as long as they're planning to keep you." I told him with all sincerity. 

"And this Madeline expects me to return this profit by whatever job I'm working?" He asked skeptically. 

"I can't say for sure. They may expect you to turn a profit, they may expect you to have a minor role that is a perfect fit for you just to break even. You never know.” It also could have been a lost bet, revenge for a slight in grade school, or just because Madeline was curious if she could do it.

We reached the front desk to check in and much to Marco's disappointment the suite was not ready. It was still occupied until Friday, but until then they offered a very nice suite that was still very expensive. Truthfully, his disappointment wasn't all that great, he had never stayed in a hotel that accommodated everyone's whims and needs like this one did. The room Marco did get was almost twice the size of his previous apartment. I walked him up and helped him unpack his luggage.

When we were done he asked, “what now?" 

"Now I give you her requests-” and I put an itinerary on the table under the television, "-and your first stipend card.” Again I placed a small gray card next to the schedule. 

“Schedule? Has my job started already? Before I meet Madeline?" 

I shook my head, "no, not at all. There are requirements to the job and you'll be expected to meet people that will maintain your wardrobe, monitor your diet, and provide an education as necessary for your roles within the company. These first few days will be merely meet and greets, maybe a couple measurements taken.”

"I see. How much money is on the card?" 

"Enough to get you through to your meeting on Friday. Enough to keep yourself entertained, fed, and to travel around the city. Otherwise, I guess I'll see you on Friday.”

 He nodded his headnadn echoed, "guess I'll see you on Friday.”

I received several communications over the next couple days that he had actually adhered to a schedule, he had met with someone who took his measurements. He had met with someone for his dietary purposes, they asked what kind of foods he was traditionally known to eat both by himself and with others. And the educational director spent time analyzing his response data to a series of videos. And then all that was left was waiting for the meeting with Madeline on Friday.


I walked in the front door of the restaurant with Marco right beside me.. I walked up to the host stand and spoke both of our names. Better than escorted to a table where a woman in an elegant dress sat waiting. Her breasts were larger, rounder, and fuller than mine, a telltale that she had breast implants. I wasn't judging, but I wondered if Marco was aware of that.

“Hello Marco, nice to meet you, finally.” she offered with a warm smile.

It took Marco a moment to take his eyes away from her cleavage, barely made eye contact before his eyes met her nails and he seemed to be locked on her extremely long fingernails. He took her hand and shook it and then realized that he might have been doing it a little too roughly, and corrected himself into more of a dainty hand shake. She and I made eye contact and we both started giggling. Marco got over that, and simply added, “nice to meet you too."

The meal was good, all of us enjoyed the cuisine, and there was small talk abroad. Almost like all of us were avoiding the big subject of whether or not he would be allowed to stay and take the job. Madeline paid the bill, and left a generous tip. 

Finally, she made eye contact with Marco, "I like you, I want you. Your valuations met up with what I'm looking for, you've already signed the NDA. If you shake my hand right now, you are accepting the terms of the employment and if you change your mind you will pay back every dime after today. Otherwise, I expect you to follow all of my rules, for the schedules outlined, if for some reason you cannot follow the schedule, provide notice and we can reschedule it. I'm flexible. And you will be at my beck and call every Friday and Saturday evening from 7pm to 5am. Do we have an accord? Or would you like for me to provide you a ticket home?”

“You have yourself a new employee!" Marco said with eagerness that bordered on manic excitement. Madeline left and we did shortly thereafter.

We arrived back at the hotel, and were informed that his new hotel room was ready and someone had already moved all relevant items from Marco's old room to his new one. We were each given a key card, I got one since I was responsible for making sure he shows up to all his appointments. And then we went up.

The suite was huge. It was a penthouse suite, it had a pool and a hot tub for his private use. Had some little kitchen area. A walk-in closet that was already full of clothes. And his mouth was hanging open in shock. Was it because the room was that big? Or maybe the fact that it was clearly intended for a woman?

There was a large 10-piece sectional couch in the middle of the living room, and in the middle of it was a pink dress, stockings, a thong, and a pair of matching high heels. On top of it was a small note, ‘you may have noted in our contract, I choose what you wear everyday, this is what I picked out for you to wear for the rest of today. Love -M’

“What? No fucking way!“ Marco practically yelled as he threw down the letter.

I walked closer giving him a look, I picked it up and read it as if I didn't know what was on it. I folded it gently and placed it back on the couch near the clothes. “You're the one who agreed to the rules. She gets to choose what you wear. Every. Single. Day. And she gets to choose whether you go to classes or such. And in exchange you get this nice place and a wonderful little card full of money." I said to him with little sympathy in my voice.

“Rìona, she can't expect me to dress like a girl. This should have been outright in our contract. I can't dress like this, it would be humiliating! It's just not right."

I looked down at myself, "I don't have a problem wearing clothes like that. Well, at least not in certain circumstances.”

“Were you born a man?" He asked with an eye roll.

"No not at all, but clothes are clothes. Gender assignment through clothes is in your head. It's just a societal norm. But realistically speaking if you're in the middle of a snowstorm, and you only had a t-shirt on, would it really stop you from putting on a pink winter coat if it meant the difference of living or not?” 

“That's not the same, Madeline is literally putting me in a position to make me feel uncomfortable."

"That doesn't really matter. It was the agreement you made and it was in the NDA you signed. But if I have to get really deep into convincing you. You had to fill out a lot of paperwork in order to get the offer for this position. It included personality tests, and you might remember a few essays where you had to think outside the box. They were all evaluating your personality constructs. To put it short, we knew that you like dressing like a woman in private. It's why Madeline wanted you. We are just taking your private time and making it public.”

His face paled, his deepest, darkest, secret exposed so utterly casually. “No, that's not true." 

"Oh, but it is. I can see by the look on your face that we both know it's very true. It's half the reason Madeline wanted you, to turn you into the girl that you always wanted to be, and the woman she wants you to be. She took you halfway across the country to make sure that no one you knew could interfere. All in all, it was a kind of meeting in the middle of sorts. And the best part is she knows you like mind control, so that will be some of the activities you'll be partaking in during the week. So to make this simple, Marco… you're going to dress up. The real question is, can I offer you assistance? …unless you think you can do it on your own.” 

He turned away from me and looked down at the clothes on the couch again. His face was burning pink from the embarrassment. He touched every single one of the clothes. “Can you help me?" 

"Of course I can.” And I walked over to the couch and sat on the arm, "start with taking everything off. In fact, let's take this to the bathroom. Get you washed off and start fresh.”

Don't get into a lot of details about what happened in the bathroom, but he showered. And by the time he came out he was hairless from his eyebrows down. And his skin was nice and soft due to some of the other creams and such that were in the bathroom waiting for him.

We returned to the couch. There wasn't a lot for him to wear. I grabbed the thong first and brought it to the ground, “step in." And he stepped inside, and then again with his other foot. And I pulled them up. They weren't a typical thong though, it had a little bit of a pouch that pulled his penis right up into his crotch giving him a bit of a smooth front. But that thong definitely went right up his ass crack. I can tell by the way his ass moved that he was not used to this. 

“Have a seat," I told him, and waited as he complied. I showed him how to roll up his stockings and then slowly rolled them up his legs. I showed him the little silicone inserts at the thigh level to show how they stuck to his legs so they wouldn't fall down. I made him do it with the other stocking. And he did it with success. 

He mumbled a simple, “thanks." 

Then the high heels, I pulled them out of the box, and brought them to his feet. I wasn't going to do all the work here, I didn't even say a word, I just gave him a look and if you stepped into them one at a time. But when he was done, I had the coup de gras. I reached into my purse and withdrew a box that Madeline had me take. I knelt down at Marco's feet. It was just a couple little swipes, a couple of mini padlocks or attached to his heels.

I told him simply, “you are going to have to get used to wearing those. You will not be allowed to take them off until I say you can. You'll have to wear them even to bed." 

"You didn't tell me that.” he seemed ready to argue.

“I didn't have to. I'm telling you now. And according to your contract with Madeline I'm perfectly within my rights." 

He gave me a look of defiance, but didn't say another word. He stood up. It was definitely a higher heel than he was used to, but it was clear he had worn heels before.

Finally, there was the dress, I helped him get into it, granted he had no tits, and there were no falsies or anything like that, no bra. Nice and simple. He walked over to the mirror at the side of the room and blushed more. This is not what he was expecting. 

“Come with me." I said as I led him to an office area. Except in the office there was no actual office. It was a makeup table. A small closet, and so many shells and places that were empty. “The makeup table is for you to practice your makeup. You are expected to spend at least one hour a day practicing different looks. If you decide to buy anything feminine, this is the space for it. Accessories, shoes, whatever.” Then I walked over to the closet and opened it. There were four mannequins. "In your room, you will find that there are several outfits. You will be expected to dress the mannequins up and submit pictures to Madeline. If they are approved, she may allow you to wear the outfits from time to time as opposed to the ones she will pick for you. You also notice that each mannequin has a different colored wig and style. You will pick which one you want to wear. Here's a hint, women who have naturally red hair typically don't like to wear red.” 

“Okay… are you going to help me with my makeup?”

Today I will. And also for the first time you go out at Madeline's request… But like I said, you're going to be expected to do this on your own. Now, which wig are you going to pick?

I found it really amusing to watch ‘her’ trying to hide her face behind locks of hair. I mean it's not like her makeup was already hiding her real identity. To be entirely honest I was really impressed that she was able to walk so well in the heels as we walked on the sidewalk.

“I can't believe you're making me do this." 

"I'm not making you do anything. Told you many times in the last 2 hours-”

She interrupted me, "-I can go back to me and be normal all I'll have to do is pay off what Madeline has paid already. I know. I know.” so I'm pretty sure we both knew that she didn't have the money to do that anymore. 

We walked up to the window for the movie theater. I held up my cell phone and let them scan the QR code, and we were told that we could go to theater 10. I went straight to the ladies room, and she followed me. I heard her whispering something about how she couldn't really be doing this as she went into a stall. I, on the other hand, just put in a couple of special contact lenses, and then a couple of special earbuds, which I covered with my hair. 

We entered theater 10. And it was completely empty, of course she had to ask me what movie we were seeing, and I was extremely vague, just reminding her that we're seeing the movie that Madeline wanted her to see.

Then the screen came to life, a high pitch noise started right off, and then images of naked bodies, sex, and soon the messages appeared both in volume and words. They essentially meant nothing to me since my contacts had special filters along with my earbuds. But one look at Marco and I could tell that she was falling into a deep hypnotic trance.

Once the tendrils of the videos had worked their way into her head, I stood up and exited the auditorium and simply gave one of the attendants a card, and they locked the door behind me. I set the timer on my phone and went about my day.? 

I left her there for about ten hours. I walked back into the theater, at this point it was actually crowded. The last movies were playing, and people were leaving. I went to theater 10, and found an attendant and paid them to let me in. I walked right back up to Marco and sat right down next to her. I sat there for several minutes until the movie finished its final scene. 

Several minutes after the movie ended, she started blinking her eyes rapidly. And she looked over at me, "I thought the movie was about to start?" 

I looked over here and smiled, "remember how I said that Madeline likes you because of your interest in hypnosis? Well that's what this was. You just tranced yourself through the whole movie. All 10 plus hours of it.”

Marco gave me an odd look, “you don't really expect me to believe that to you?" 

"You tell me, what time is it?”

She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone, her eyes signed as she realized how late it was. “What did you do today?" 

"Just helping you to…“ I couldn't stop the devious smirk from stretching across my face as I triggered her, “cum out of your Shelby." 

Her eyes rolled a bit, and then her body language loosened up more than a bit. She bit her lower lip for a moment as if experiencing an intense burst of arousal. “Whoa, that felt weird. What did you just do to me?" 

"Just a personality shift, tell me… what's your name and favorite color?”

“Shelby, pink." Her eyes went wide yet again as she realized that shouldn't be her answer, but it was definitely her truth.

“What else did you do to me? Is it permanent?" 

I giggled for a moment, "myself as well as Madeline can trigger you back and forth at any moment. You'll have memories both ways, but as Shelby you will find yourself compelled to behave in the sluttiest ways possible.” 

“Really? I don't really feel that different. And I don't feel like a slut, I don't even feel slutty." 

"And what exactly does feeling slutty feel like?” I opened my shopping bag and had another little baggie filled with a flesh colored dildo. It looks very much like a very realistic penis. I held it up and waited for her eyes locked onto it, there was definitely no disgust in her eyes, she didn't make a move for it or anything like that, but as soon as I touched the tip to her lips of her mouth, she immediately opened her slutty mouth and she just kept letting it slide in. Her lips suctioned tightly around the phallic intruder. “Okay, so you may not feel slutty, but do you think you are slutty?" 

She nodded her head up and down without ever removing the fake cock from her lips, eventually it popped it out “yep, total slut.” 

On the way back to her suite, I triggered her back to her normal self. Marco was confused, on one hand she was horrified by the idea that she had been sluttified like that, however… given her mind control fetish, she was really turned on by it. 

I said my good night and as I was walking down the hall to the elevator she called back after me, “so what happens next?" 

"Well, we sluttified your mind, next comes your body.”

“What about my body?" she asked. 

"You'll see, it'll get very interesting for you.” I told her. “Why? Are you saying that you are not interested?" 

"I'm not consenting to anything.” She declared almost as if tempting me to force the issue. 

“Cum out of your Shelby." I waited for the personality shift to be blatant on her face, “do I have your consent to change your body irreversibly? Give you fantastic tits, get rid of that pathetic penis of yours, and make you truly the woman any man would love to fuck?" 

She bit lip and inhaled deeply, "oh yeah, I don't just give consent, I really want you to do it right now.”

And with a simple whisper in her ear, she was back to the Marco personality, “looks like you just gave me your consent." My smile widened, “in fact I'd argue that you’ll give me your consent anytime I need… or want it.”

The tent forming in the front of her dress told me that she did in fact want it. And she loved how I could force it from her, and that the changes she wanted more, would be the things she fought the hardest again; oh, such irony… 

Friday night I brought her to Madeline again. This time there were no restaurants, not a dance club, not a typical social visit. It was Madeline's place of business. A brothel. Madeleine owned it, she ran it, and she treated it like her own little baby. 

Marco was dressed in a sexy little dress, it didn't give her a lot to hide anything. The chest was covered more so than any other woman in this place, it gave her a chance to hide the falsees that were glued to her chest. The makeup was done well enough so that the average person wouldn't be able to tell that Marco was a man at all. 

Marco was less than comfortable. There was an area where women with barely-there outfits stood on display for people to pick. They were areas around the sides for public sex, and by public I mean anyone in the brothel could see them, of course there are theme rooms. But Marco didn't get to see them that night. It was very hard for Marco not to look as men and women took advantage of the prostitutes. For the most part we just sat on a couch with Madeline watching, even if Marco tried to keep her eyes cast downward.

It did become interesting when Madeline triggered Shelby. Shelby was very interested in watching. She even claimed she could do a few things better, openly gawking at some of the men and women. No, that woman definitely had no shame. And when Madeline told her that she was planning to add her to the whores in the coming months, Shelly's eyes lit up. Though they got a little sad when Madeline said that she could not start that night.

The following Wednesday there was a doctor's appointment, measurements taken, consultations made, a plan for progression, and hormones. She had to take several pills every day, an injection once a week, that should speed everything up. The next day we met with a nutritionist that planned all of her meals, and she got a personal trainer that she would have to meet with every morning that would help tone the right body parts, and get her arms, legs and torso into a more feminine shape. 

Much to Marco's surprise, not only had the exercise worked to make her waist narrow, but her ass and thighs were big, her arms were small but toned. But the biggest surprise of it all, was that by the end of the fourth week she already had a pair of b cups and had to wear a bra. 

The second month brought a series of surgeries. Implants in her lips, her jaw, her cheeks to truly feminize her face. Then came the breasts, the ass implants, the piercings… her new pussy… and so many other things that utterly destroyed the masculine image of Marco and brought to life the feminine alter ego that was Shelby.

Madeline still hadn't had sex with Shelby, nor had she allowed anyone else to. On the four month anniversary, Shelby's surgeries had all been fully healed, and she was invited to a boat. But this wasn't just any boat, it was a business trip, it was on a yacht and featured a number of women as well as rich, very filthy rich clients. Before Shelby there were nine women who were bid off for the weekend. And then came the moment that Shelby didn't even know she had been waiting for. She was to be auctioned off for the weekend. I was lucky enough to witness it all, or at the very least heard some of it from Shelby later.

She listened as Madeline bragged about her. Told everyone exactly how she was a man that had been changed into a woman. How she had the most magnificent tits, the nicest ass, and a fresh virgin pussy.

Shelby was shocked at how much she went for. And suddenly she realized what Madeleine's plan was all along, to turn her into a whore. In fact she was realizing that this weekend alone would probably make up any money that Madeline had or would spend on her this entire year. And once the weekend was over, she would spend her weekends at the brothel making her mistress even more money. 

Even as she sat waiting in the bed of the man who won her, she bit her lip in anticipation. She couldn't wait to lose her virginity in the name of Madeline and all the money that her mistress would make off her pussy. She started with a blowjob. It was her first. Sure she had played with plenty of toys in the last couple of months, but this was the first real one. Has she licked it up and down, getting him hard… Before she took it all in her mouth…

The folllowing Friday was Shelby’s first night in the brothel. And her first client was Madeline. She hadn’t expected Madeline to have a cock, but when her MIstress told her to sit on her lap, she was more than eager to sit on her lap, nice and slow and feel that amazing cock slide up between her legs…I could see something on her face, a thought that both horrified and excited her at the same time… neither Madeline nor myself had triggered Shelby, this was all Marco acting as Shelby… on her own.

The End…  Looking forward to your thoughts, don’t disappoint me! Connect with me!



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