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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don’t read this. Don’t read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. 


synopsis: Mistress Dyvia takes a trip to the mall and has some interesting thoughts.


Mistress Dyvia presents:

Mistress Dyvia’s Ravenous

Hi Girl! I’ve missed you. I didn’t mean to be away for so long, but you know how things get. So how have you been? Did you miss me? Awww, you’re so sweet. I missed you too. 

It was funny, I was in the mall the other day and I was soo horny. I couldn’t help it, it seemed like everything I looked at I was thinking about all these sexual things. I guess my libido has a ravenous hunger.

Oh, almost forgot, before we begin, the sub rules. 


1) You belong to me for the duration of this story. And until the time you press the send button to let me know your thoughts on this story, you are simply the property of Mistress Dyvia. 

2) You must be aroused before reading this story; I like my girls nice and antsy. 

3) High heels are a must for those who own them. If you don’t take a magic marker, and write, ‘Mistress Dyvia’s’ on your penis. 

4) Lipstick. I like my girls with nice creamy and smooth lipstick. The brighter the shade, the better. ;) If you don’t have any, take that marker and write ‘cocksucker’ across your chest with an arrow pointing up. 

5) Get in the role of a slutty girl. Try to think like one, and act like one as you read this. If you’ve got the clothes, dress up, if you don’t, I won’t be mad. ;) 

6) Enjoy yourself. 


Okay so where was I? Oh yeah! I was at the mall. And well I guess my mind was in the gutter. I didn’t even realize that I was in one of those moods. Well, I cut through a department store and I didn’t really look around, which is amazing in and upon itself. And I got to the main part of the mall. Now the mall as you may or may not know, has two stories.


I started on the downstairs and was walking around. I found this nice vendor that had all these cute paintings. I wasn’t going to buy one, but they were interesting to look at. But then this nice guy came over to me and asked if I was interested. I smiled and said, that I was just looking. But as I watched him sit down at his stool, with his ankles crossed, I had this thought. It was like I was looking at him with a different set of eyes than I had a minute earlier. First I envisioned him naked. Then piece-by-piece, I added a powder blue bra and panty set to him, imagined his breasts expanding to fill out the c cup. I added a cute navy blue chiffon skirt and tan blouse. His hair expanded from short black to a long dirty blonde, slightly curly. 


Well he looked up at me, and I realized I must’ve been blushing. I shook my head, and laughed a bit. “Excuse me, I’m sorry I guess I was day-dreaming.” And then I waved and continued down toward some other shops. I guess that might have been the beginning of what put my mind in that place, I dunno.


So the first store I went into was a clothing store. Yeah, big surprise right? Its springtime, so as you can imagine I was looking at shorts and skirts and tank tops. But I knew that I should want something fun for summer walks, and trips to the beach and all that. But I found myself continually looking at darker clothes. You know like black skirts, black tops. I realized I was looking for play clothes, not fun clothes. And yes if you look back at that sentence there is a difference between fun and play; think about it. 


Well I ended up buying a couple skirts, shorts, and tops for the summer, but I couldn’t resist buying this one black top. It was a sleeveless black midriff with a small red rose over the left breast. But I knew I wanted more.


Next I found myself wandering toward a jewelry store. Not an expensive one, but earrings and such. There wasn’t much of interest there, but one did catch my eye. It was this cute little gold necklace, but the pendent said, ‘Cutie!’ Now that isn’t something I would wear, but I couldn’t help but think about my girls and my future girls. How amusing could it be to clasp one of these necklaces around their necks and bring them out for a fun night on the town. By the time I did leave with a couple pairs of earrings for myself, but more interestingly as I’m sure, I bought the necklace.


A few minutes later I found myself in a lingerie store. I found some cute and sexy sets. But this was more of a respectable lingerie store and though I did find a few things that I liked, the mood that started with that vendor, quickly lead me to the mall’s other lingerie shop. I guess it was the sex kitten’s lingerie shop, or a-man-shopping-for-his-girlfriend lingerie shop. 


Crotchless panties and cupless bras weren’t really my thing, but there were some clothes that I definitely wasn’t going to find in the other shop. Stripper clothes I guess, but that can be fun, for both my girls and myself. Needless to say, I bought a few things in my own size as well as other sizes just for the right play-date. hehehehe


I stopped in a music store and I didn’t buy anything, but I continued on to the DVD store and looked around. I saw one guy looking at some documentary DVDs. Something didn’t seem just right. I tried to be inconspicuous, but I figured him out. He was trying to catch some sideways glances at porn videos. He hadn’t the courage to just grab one, or maybe he was intimidated by the fact that the clerk was a woman. It was amusing to watch.


I walked over and stood right in front of the porn section myself. I grabbed one. Something about facials, so I looked at it, and then I looked at him, “This is too cliche isn’t it?”




I showed it to him, “‘Facials,’ there just can’t be any plot at all to a video with that title.”


“Uh.. Uh, I guess so.”


I guess he was about 23. I put it back on the shelf and pulled out a lesbian one. I looked at the back and it did have a little description. “How about this one?”


“I guess that could be good, if you’re interested in that sort of stuff.”


“Lesbians? From time to time that can be fun.” He blushed; he was adorable. I think I was getting horny, and I tend to do silly aggressive things when I get that way. But I didn’t even notice right away. Next I pulled out some TS video with a bondage theme. It showed a ‘shemale’ holding her cock wearing a corset and some other obviously bondage themed attire. I held that one up to him, “Any girl can wear clothes like that, but it takes a real man to wear corset that small. “


“Well, it’s not my thing.” he was as red as my lips, “but I guess you’re probably not wrong.” I imagined having him hog-tied in a cute little dress with a ball gag right next to me as we watched the video. That’s when I realized that I was getting horny and that tingly sensation between my legs. 


I smiled, and handed him the video, “Well I have to be going, it’s been fun talking about porn with you.”


“Uhh yeah and you too.”  I imagine his eyes were firmly locked on to my ass as I walked out of the store. I just wonder if he immediately put that DVD away, or if he was staring at my ass so intently that he forgot he was holding it until I had turned the corner. Though I suppose on one level I would like to think he bought it, but I doubt it. 


I was on the top floor at this point and I was walking back. From time to time I like to window shop. Sometimes I’ll see something fun like a bean bag couch that I just have to sit in, and other times I’ll just see the goofiest trinkets that I take a picture of with my cell phone’s camera. Now in all honesty, when I’m not in my sexy moods, I’m often a geeky girl. I walked by a video game store, I thought about going in and seeing if there was anything I was interested in, but I decided I had other things I’d rather do, or maybe because I was a bit horny: other people I’d rather do. Hehe.


But as I walked by I caught something. Or more appropriately, something caught my eye. I looked in and I saw a dance pad. I’m sure you’ve seen them; they are dancing games where you dance on a pad. I had seem them before and thought I would love to try and see if it was fun, but given the horny mood I was in, and that ‘ravenous sexual hunger’ of mine.


I had other thoughts with it. I imagined myself in that stereotypical mistress garb, with a little flogger. I imagined one of my girls in a black latex outfit: corset, hot pants, skirt, gloves, collar, wig, penis gag, arms tied behind her back, and of course, five-inch heels. I smiled. I imagined the television hooked up to the game console and the dance pad on the floor, and of course my girl standing as the game started. I’d let her play for about fifteen to twenty minutes free of discipline. But after that if she missed more than three beats I smack her ass with my flogger. If she failed a song, twenty swift flogs. If could be such a fun game, I wonder if the designers of the game and pad had any idea of its kink-potential. 


I had to keep moving. I didn’t buy it, but believe me; it will eventually be sitting in the living room. I’ll have to tell you about an experience once I get around to getting it and trying it out on an unsuspecting girl.


Before I knew it, I was browsing some shoes in a shoe store. I didn’t even remember coming inside, is it a habit? Go to the mall. Go to the shoe store? I didn’t even think I was going to go inside, I just walked by and went in, and noticed that I did so only when I picked up a strappy stiletto. It was cute and black. I had a lot of black shoes, so I put it down. I found a cute leathery green shoe, it had a four-inch heel, and I thought it would look great with one of the skirts I bought earlier. So I bought that, and continued on my tour of the mall.


Stopped in the drugstore, and bought a birthday card for a friend, and surprisingly had no kinky thoughts. 


I was close to the department store I had come in from earlier. I was still hot and horny. I looked down and saw that vendor, and I still imagined him in those sexy clothes. But I knew I needed to control myself, I still had a busy day ahead of me, and it’s not like I couldn’t find a boy to play with as a girl any time I wanted to. 


As I walked through thru the department store, I saw the makeup counter. Looked at the eye shadows for a minute. I picked out a nice light purple. And of course lipstick, I found an unusual shade of red. It thoroughly had my attention. I tried it, and looked in the mirror. It definitely wasn’t for me. So I bought it and left the mall. I know, I know, if the lipstick wasn’t for me. Why did I buy it? Because I thought it would look good on you, hun. 


I hope you enjoyed the story, send all your questions, comments and feedback to:


This story should only be found on I’m pretty generous about my stories so if you wish to post elsewhere, that is fine, but ask permission first.


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