Mistress Dyvia
Surrender to Pink (Teaser Story)
He had an obsession for a certain celebrity. And when I say celebrity, I mean 'Pornstar.' He signed up for website, and somehow that turned into getting her email address. Everyday he sent an email hoping she would meet him. Obviously, he had started to mistake his sexual feelings for the romantic ones. He started showing up fairly regularly to a lot of her strip tours.
She eventually got a restraining order, but was convinced that despite not seeing him there anymore, she felt he was there. Shortly there after, her people through a few discretionary friends, talked to my people, who talked to me.
We found out what city her next stop would be in and had her send him to a certain local bar, and order a 'Surrender-to-pink,' and wait for her. She wasn't there, but someone was. He came in and ordered it, and the bar tender was paid off to add a little something, to a drink that was primarily, cherry juice picked with grapefruit juice and rum.
He was unconscious before he was halfway done.
Well, I'm not going to bore you with how we got him out, without anyone calling the police, or what we did to get him where he was going, but he was out for fourteen hours before he awoke.
And he awoke with a start. His upper chest was probably a little sore, we had tattooed his upper chest, with his serial number. Beyond that we was in a cell. The walls were concrete, and the door was thick, but the cell was larger than most cells you would imagine, it could easily be a bedroom. And if it was a bedroom, it would have been a ladies bedroom, the walls were pink.
He sat up and looked around noticing the only thing in the cell was his bed and a stool. Also, he was naked. On top of the stool, was a pair of pink high heeled shoes. He reached for them and set them down beside him, and the cloth below the shoes was a pink nightgown. He took that and placed it on his lap to cover himself. Then he noticed the letter. He opened it up and read the contents silently.
'Hello and welcome to Pink.
I'm afraid due to reasons beyond your control you have been conscripted to join the ranks of womanhood. I imagine that this may either be very exciting, or very stressful for you, but I assure you by the time you leave here, you will be happy to be one of us.
Much of this facility is automated. In order to leave your cell, you will have to put on your shoes and the dress provided. The cell door will open automatically when you are wearing the clothes provided and stand in front of the door for ten seconds with minimal movement. And just becasue you wouldn't be the first to try it, just putting the dress and shoes in front of the door won't work, the computer chips inside, will determine whether or not you are wearing the outfit.
Please do try to enjoy your stay with us, we'll make it fun for you if you don't fight us to much. Maybe we'll make it more fun if you do fight.
Kisses to you, and welcome,
He scowled a bit and crumpled the paper throwing it on the ground. He spent some time looking around and testing the door.
Eventually he relented, accepting that if it was true with the letter said, he would need to get out of his cell before he could get out of wherever here was.
He pulled the gown over his head, and then put the heels on his feet, not surpringly, they were his size. When he clasped the locking mechanism in place it turned blue. He approaced the door and put his feet where the painted high heel shapes were, and stood for a few seconds and then the door opened on its own.
As he stepped out, he heard a click, and when he looked down, the blue light on his shoes were red. He tried to take them off, but they were locked on.
He heard a laugh behind him as a couple girls giggled, "He's new, he hasn't figured out how they work."
He shook his head in frustation. And stood up, now that he had to walk more than one or two articulated steps, he found himself having trouble walking. He saw at one end of the corridor was a drinking fountain,and a ladies' rest room. He scowled. The otherend seemed to have people. He walked, and he did walk awkwardly to the gathered people. It didn't take long for him to realize he was in a cafeteria.
He looked around, there were some attractive women, and their were some men that looked a lot like him. As he looked around he noticed that there was everything in between. Then the realization hit him, as he noticed, 'the everything in between,' all these women, even the hot ones, were men.
He looked around, he saw some stairs going up, he went near them, and saw the footprints, he put his feet in them and heard the error sound. He obviously didn't have the allowance to get in.
He went back, and looked around, on one side was a door that had a logo for something called 'Body works,' and on the otherside, he looked and saw something called 'The outlook.' He figured he would have access to neither. But he walked to the 'bodyworks' and as he reached the door had no footprints, just a motion sensor, and the door opened for him. He stepped in. Once again, he had two doors, the first lead to a salon, the other to 'the clinic.' He wanted to explore, but was scared what bthe clinic could mean.
He entered the salon, and looked cautiously, a few people looked up and smiled at him with amusement. They knew that he was new. He stumbled back on his heels and went back through the door. He kept going right through to the clinic door, which seemed to have come to a complete stop with his crashing through. His eyes darted around, and saw strange devices attached to the 'girls' inside. Some seemd to be doing something with their breasts, others their lips. He actually saw one girl's breast visibley grow at the push of a button. Thaat was enough for him.
He got up and walked his awkward walk to the exit and back to the cafeteria. "What the fuck is this place?" Was all he managed to say. He sat down for a moment and gathered his mind, trying to sort out the strange things there.
The only other place he had seen, that he had not been to, was 'The Outlook,' if he was right, it was either a security office, or it was a scenery place to see the location, probably here to be a tease to the 'girls' about how close freedom was.
He stood up and started walking his slightly less awkward walk to the doors. The look on his face showed that disturbed him more, as he was getting used to walking in the heels. He opened the door and like the Bodyworks, he had two ways to go, the lab, and the auditorium.
Noone had stopped him in the salon, there was no taboo about entering, merely amusement. He decided to look in. He entered, this time shocked, but less so, as he saw a three women, being 'treated' differently. One seemed to be faced down with some object impaling the back her neck. She was speaking, but inaudibly. Another was reclining with a helmet over her head. And the third was had an IV jacked into her arm as a lab technician spoke to her.
At this point he didn't want to see anymore, and backed out slowly and came face to face with the auditorium. The idea of an 'Emergency exit' came to mind.
He opened the door, and entered cautiously, it appeared to be empty. He stepped forward, and the door closed behind him. As he continued up the corridor, he saw a giant screen. It was set up like a movie theater, one of the more expensive ones with the 'stadium seating.' But there was no other exits. he let out a sigh when the screen suddenly came on, it was just two words, 'sit down.' ]
And once again he thought to himself that it was time to go. Never had he been more aware of the his high heels, as when he went back down the corridor to the entrance, as not only was his walking became a little more consistent, but the click-clack sound of his heels echoed loudly around him. He heard a sound from the auditorium, it was brief, but he decided to go back and investigate. He was standing directly in front of the screen when he heard this high pitched sound. He shook his head, it kinda hurt, and suddenly it got more intense, he was feeling vertigo, and in the shoes he was wearing, he toppled over. The intenisty kept adding pressure to his skull, he thought he was going to die, when it suddenly it stopped, and he felt awkwardly tranquil. He realized the sound was still there, but it didn't hurt him, he stood up and looked around, he saw the words on the screen ;Sit Down.' and he nodded, he would sit down. When he did sit down the word 'Obey' appeared on the screen in front of him and he nodded. Then it said, say that you will obey.' and he said, "I will obey.' and he knew he would. Then it changed again, 'Now clear your mind.'
The screen was off. He shook his head, his eyes were burning. Had a signifcant amount of time passed? He rubbed his eyes and got up. He walked slowly to the entrance again, only the door was unlocked. He left and reentered the cafeteria. He looked around, there was something that he felt like he should be doing, but wasn't entirely sure, He wandered back to the Body works, and entered, walking into the salon.
He walked in, and a woman looked at him, "Hi, what's your name and do you have an appointment?"
He smiled back at her, "My name is Alyssa..." why did his name suddenly seem so alien to him, he's always been called Alyssa, hasn't he? "And no I don't have an appointment."
She opened a book, "Well Alyssa, I'll take you in anyway." And she took his hand leading him to a chair. She helped him remove his clothes. Alyssa still felt dazed and his experience with the lady in the salon seemed like such a wonderful idea. she had insisted on waxing off all his hair, and each strip hurt, but somehow, the way she kept complimenting him on how good he would look later, he couldn't muster up the courage to ask her to stop. After that she thought it would be nice if she put fingernail extensions on his fingers, and once again, he thought she was probably right, he liked the way she made him feel. She splashed some chemicals in his hair, and he watched as his hair grew out eight inches right in front of him. She handed him a hair elastic and told him to keep it in a pony tail for a day or two until he could come back for some comlor and styling. he smiled and agreed. And finally she added some eyemakeup and lipstick, helped him put his dress back on, and told him to enjoy his day.
He nodded his head, "I'll do my best."
And she added, "I think you should stop in the clinic, you could use some breasts."
Alyssa exited and looked at the clinic in front of her, she was right, he thought, he loved breasts, he needed a pair of his own. He entered, and again a receptionist was waiting, "Hi what's your name? Today your first day?"
"My name is Alyssa, and yes it is."
She smiled, "You must have been to the auditorium, right? How can i help you?"
"Yes, I was in the auditorium, How did you know?" He looked confused, but answered her other question, "I was hoping you could give me breasts."
She typed a couple things into her computer, "You just have that look on your eyes. But do you have a size you are looking for?"
Alyssa thought briefly of the Pornstar he liked, "32F"
"We can do that." And she lead him over to another chair similar to the one in the salon. She had a strange machine, and she set it up beside him, and took out two tubes, she brought the first one, to his nipple, and pierced it with a needle, then did the same thing with the other. Over the course of the next twenty minutes Alyssa watched as his breasts grew into a pair of 32Fs. the machine was taken off him, And he was lead out of the clinic,and back to the cafeteria.
He walked back to his cell from there, and when the door locked behind him, he took off his night gown and started playing with his new breasts. ""I love my breasts" he kept saying as he fondled them and licked them. At one point he knew his penis was rfeady to explode, and he shot a load on the floor, and rested his neck so he could go to sleep.
He woke up some time later, his head was clear. But he was suddenly very aware of everything he had done. He didn't want breasts of his own. He didn't want the makeup on his face, he wanted his body hair back. And he knew Alyssa wasn't his real name, "God help me, I can't remember ever being called anything else." SHE was becoming Alyssa, and the person who was running this place, could make it happen.
The Beginning. comments: email Mistress_Dyvia@yahoo.com