Mistress Dyvia
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other ‘deviant’ sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly cliche, horrifying and unintentional…
No rules for this story, I don’t view it as a sexy story as much as a really fun story.
Mistress Dyvia presents:
The Bride
By; Mistress Dyvia
“Your judgments! Sign your own punishment!!! Your judgments! Sign your own punishment!!!”
Lyrics from one of my favorite songs from the group Jinjer broke my sleep and I found myself bounding over the bed and racing across the room to my cell phone and hitting the snooze button… My heart was racing, it was one of my favorite songs in recent months, and I took that one line and edited it to wake me up as an alarm. It took me a second to realize this wasn’t my room, nor was it Brad’s… It was the hotel room, today was the day, was it really here already?.
I looked at my texts, the first one was from my mom, ‘Ginette, I’m so happy for you darling! You’re getting married!’ and then so many others… Yes, yes I was. And it was going to be glorious. I took a few steps over to the mini-fridge and took out a small bottle of water and took a few sips while checking my emails and the itinerary for the day. Had to meet ‘The Pack’ in about two hours. I put my phone down and stepped into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth when…
“Your judgments! Sign your own punishment!!! Your judgments! Sign your own punishment!!!”
“Fuck!” I yelled as toothpaste foam dribbled out of my mouth and my brush dangled from my mouth as I rushed out of the bathroom to turn off the alarm I had forgotten to turn off… I slid the button to ‘dismiss’ instead of ‘Snooze.’ “Fuck.” I said as I looked at the toothpaste foam on my pajama top. Whatever, the room was warm and I was alone, so I pulled it over my head and dropped it into the corner of the bathroom, finished brushing my teeth and sat on my bed topless, playing with my phone checking emails, social media and reddit.
A half hour later, I took a bath. I know I didn’t have a ton of time, but I needed to relax a bit as I knew the day was going to have a ton of pressure. Brad didn’t want to help with planning the wedding at all, wanted me to have my dream wedding, so I planned everything out, which means there were going to be a few details either him or some of his guests would bitch about later. He proposed and left all other details in my hands. I’m still betting I will still have a wedding band on my finger at the end of the day.
I was already sleeping in the honeymoon suite, just by myself, so my husband-to-be would be sleeping here with me tonight, so no need to pack up my shit just yet. Instead I just opened the closet where the one dress bag was hanging, grabbed it, and the small box with a handle that would be my shoes and headed to meet the Pack so we could get me ready to be married.
I know Brad was supposed to meet the groomsmen at the same time I was meeting the Pack. I stepped inside and hung the bag up. And we all started hugging and then my phone started blowing up. Six rapid texts from Brad saying that he got my dress and he needed to send someone over to get his tux. I texted back, ‘No Mistake, you’re walking down the aisle in that.’ Not sure if I should be insulted that he thought something that was made to fit him, would look like it would fit me in his eyes… I won’t be angry.
There was no response. In fact for the first time I actually felt a little nervous that maybe I would be alone. I tried to hide my nerves when there was a knock on my door. Zoe opened it, and my Mom came in. Zoe hugged her, “Hi Mrs. Rouge!”
Mom walked in, “Zoe, you’re old enough to call me Michelle.” Walked in and paused, “Ashley, Baylie, Callie, you all look lovely!” and then her eyes fell on me, “And Ginette, I may be biased, but you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and you haven’t even put your face on!”
I laughed and stood up to hug her tightly. We started gossiping a bit, and there was another knock on the door, Zoe answered again. There were three women with big cases, I knew them each well, they worked at my favorite salon, and I asked them to come and help us with our makeup and hair. All three took turns hugging me and those that didn’t know my bridesmaids took a few minutes to introduce themselves.
The girls started off with my nails, as well as Zoe’s and Ashley’s and when they were done moved on to the other bridesmaids and my mother. They started on the hair styles when there was another knock on the door. This one was unexpected, I couldn’t think of what it could be as it was way too early for the photographer.
My mother opened the door since Zoe was having her hair done. It was Brad’s parents, and they both had a huffy look on their faces, and Brad’s father, ‘Phil,’ was a bit red in the face.
“Hi, I wasn’t expecting the two of you! Come in!” I paused to get up and offered to hug them.
Millie, Brad’s mom, didn’t open her hands at all. “There is a bride’s dress in my son’s room, his tuxedo is nowhere to be seen, and he said you planned it.”
I raised an eyebrow, my mother’s hand went to her lips as if to cover a shocked smile, and I simply responded, “That’s right. He left all the wedding details to me, I asked him a few of his opinions, and he gave none, so I went with the wedding I wanted. And it's not like you offered to do anything, so I think we’re a little late for you to be bitching about things now.”
I heard Callie, “No, she didn’t just say the b-word.”
I would have said, ‘Oh yes, I did,’ but my attention was firmly on my future mother-in-law.
And she glared at me, “This is not going to happen. I’m calling it off.”
“No. You. Are. Not.” each word a resounding sentence. But then my tone relaxed, “He can, but you won’t. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine in dress and heels, it's not the first time I’ve had him wear clothes like that. Well, maybe the first time in public, but what better time to reveal the kind of marriage we are going to have than at our wedding. I’ll be waiting for him, and one or both of you will walk him down the aisle to give him away to me.”
His father interrupted, “I will not walk my son down the aisle as if he were some girl or sissy.”
“If neither of you will, I have alternative plans, but you won’t be allowed in the wedding, nor the reception of your only child’s happiest day. And on top of that, you will just have to see the facebook feed of him being led down the aisle by my maid of honor, by a leash… Since you won’t have the decency to do it.”
“No.” His mother said emphatically, “I will not allow you to treat my son like this.”
“He will do it. He’s horny and happy, and he’s been trapped in a chastity cage for a month, trust me, he wants to cum, and he does actually love me. I have him trained well, and he’s very submissive, I’m pretty sure I could tell him to suck off his groomsmen for permission to say ‘I do,’ and he will. I have ruined him for a vanilla relationship…” I looked right into Millie’s eyes, “...and you have ruined him for being assertive in any other relationship. I’ve heard the things you’ve said to us at dinners and such and I know your ovaries are crying for grandchildren. If you don’t support him in our marriage if he chooses to walk down that aisle, then you will have zero relationship with your grandchildren… and given you don’t have any other children, you will never have a relationship with any grandchildren.”
“That’s blackmail.” Phil said.
I turned my attention to him, “If that’s how you want to view it, fine. I don’t. If you can’t support him, then I assume you won’t that you won’t support my children. If you won’t be a positive influence, you won’t be any influence. Now if you don’t mind…” My next words telling them their opinion, “And you don’t…” and my voice losing its edge to something more pleasant, “You’ll have to excuse me while I get ready for-” putting a strong emphasis on, ”-my wedding.” They stood there baffled, and in a pleasant voice with a look in my eyes that said if I had to dismiss them again, it wouldn’t be pleasant, I simply said, “Good bye for now. Leave.”
They stammered, but left. My mom looked at me, “You put the groom in a dress?”
“No, I’m wearing the tux, my bride is wearing the dress.”
She blinked a couple times, “You put your husband in a dress?”
“I did.”
She laughed, “That is so my daughter.” she stepped in like she always did to kiss me on my head.
I put up my hand to stop her, “Hair, wedding, no touchy!”
“Oh, right, sorry.” and put a gentle hand on my shoulder clearly unsure of how to show her approval or support. “You put him in a chastity cage for a month?”
“Yeah, make sure he would really appreciate the wedding night.” I replied casually.
Again my mother laughed, “I think we need to have a long talk after the honeymoon, I think I might need a few tips on how to get my men under control.
I laughed this time, “I never thought I would look forward to a conversation like that with you, but yeah, let’s do it. But you can’t use it on dad.”
“We’re divorced, hun, I don’t want to use those things on your Dad.” she assured me. So weird, I had no problem with either of my parents having a sex life, but the idea of them having sex together freaked me out, yet that’s how I was born.
About an hour later, I got a text from Brad, his parents weren’t happy with me. I asked if they had convinced him to call it off. There was a delay of about five minutes and my heart was pounding, and finally ‘no.’ and relief flooded me.
I loved my hair and makeup thanks to the girls from the salon. My nails were longer than I was used to but they were done in a clear coat with my ring fingers done in silver. One of the girls from the salon left early to help Brad with his nails, and wig… It was time to put on the tux.
I admit I wore thigh high stockings and some sexy lingerie to tease him with after the reception when we made it back to the suite. But over that , I wore black pants with a well-ironed line right up the front of my legs. I wore a white blouse with silver buttons to match my ring fingers… or maybe my ring fingers matched my tux. I pulled on the jacket which was black with a silver collar, and six one inch silver buttons that were arranged as three pairs of buttons. And then I grabbed the silver bowtie and… fuck… it was a real tie, not a clipon that I thought I ordered.
A text message later, and my father was knocking on the door. He was surprised to see me… in a tux. Mom gave him a friendly handshake and silently lipped ‘He’s wearing the dress,’ and my father simply shook his head in amusement as if to say, ‘That’s my daughter.’
I held up the tie, and he looked at it, “it's been a while.” and looked at his phone for a minute looking for a tutorial, “right, right.” and then he took it from my hand and started tying it around my neck for me, and then gently fixed the collar around it. “You look so beautiful.”
“Thanks Daddy.” I said as I hugged him tightly, and kissed him on the cheek leaving a bit of makeup on his jacket and red lipstick print on his cheek.
“Shit.” I said. He laughed, “I’ll take car of this, you take care of that, and I’ll see you down there…” He took two steps, “Oh, I’m not sure if this was important or not.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, “Something old, it was my grandmother’s.” After placing it in my hand, he left saying that he loved me.
It was a simple hair pin. “It is pretty and shiny, he must have had it professionally cleaned.” I handed it to one of the salon girls and they found a place to put it in my hair, towards the front, and I loved the accent it gave my hair. “I hadn’t actually planned on something old, new and borrowed nor blue.”
Zoe stepped forward, “Something borrowed!” taking her bracelet off and placing it on my wrist.
Callie stepped forward next, It was a piece of paper and she opened up my tux and placed it inside my pocket, “its a poem I wrote last night, it's a bit depressing, it counts as ‘blue’ right?” as if waiting for me to respond, and she quickly added. “Oh, I did write it in blue ink! But that was a coincidence.”
I laughed, “It sure does.”
And then my mom stepped in closer, taking off a brooch from her dress, “I bought this the other day thinking it would make my dress stand out, but if it will make your day more special, I want you to have this.”
I smiled and nodded my head. No tears, my makeup was too fucking awesome right now.
A little while later the photographer knocked on the door and asked if we were ready for pictures. The brides maids in their silver dresses followed me down to the hotel’s quad and we took some fun pictures. Some where it was just us hand in hand or arm and arms, pictures of them holding me, some of us just one on one. It really was a lot more fun than I expected.
And then we relaxed waiting for the time. It eventually came.
I came in from the side door. And stood before our audience. I did this on purpose, because the woman being the groom wasn’t that common, especially for many of the people here. I stood there waiting for the crowd to stop murmuring, and when it was going on a little too long, “Whenever you’re ready for me to get married.” The place went quiet quickly.
And then the music started, and the groomsmen and the bridesmaids started marching in and walking down the aisle, separating as they lined the steps that lead to me, leaving only a single empty place, a place for my bride. I was relieved to see Zoe at my side, as that meant one of Brad’s parents had decided to walk him down the aisle after all. The music stopped, after an uncomfortable silence, the brass started, and then the wedding march began.
I saw Brad, and to my surprise, each of his parents was on each side of him. He wore such a beautiful white dress, his face largely covered by a veil, but I could see his painted red lips which would match my own… That way when we kissed, it would not ruin either of our makeup. I knew the lingerie that he had under the dress and I dreamed of taking it off tonight… as he took mine off… They were stopped at the bottom of the steps, and Zoe stepped forward, “Do you, Mr and Mrs. Forthright give your son Bradley to Ginette Rouge?”
There was a brief pause, but they acted as the note card I had left said to, and they let go of Brad, took a step back, and took one another’s hand and in unison said, “We do.”
Brad’s hands were both on the bouquet of flowers. But Zoe wrapped her arm around his upper arm and escorted him the last few steps and placed him in front of me, and then took her place at my other side.
The officiant started, “Welcome, friends and family, we are delighted to have you here for the union between Ginette Rouge and her bride, Bradley Forthright.”
No tears, no tears.. I barely heard half the words as I stared into Bradley’s eyes. Even through the veil I could tell he was happy, and he was a bit embarrassed, of course, of all people, I would out him on our wedding day, but this was the day to set the course of our life. But at least I did it in such a way everyone would think it was more me than him. Embarrassment up: humiliation down.
Finally, the officiator got to the important part and said, “I am told they have private vows they would like to speak…”
I nodded my head and reached into my pocket and pulled out… Callie’s poem… Nope. placed it back in and pulled out the other card, “Bradley, you have been my anchor, and have held me up when the world wanted to pull me down. You have shown generosity, honesty, and kindness like no other I have met. You have held my hand wonderful moments, and held me through the worst storms life threw at me. I love you. I want to hold you in life, support you as you have me. I will love you everyday, Cherish every moment and I very much will do everything I can to guide us through a happy life.”
I was nervous about what he was going to say, I gave him a couple cards for him to choose from, or he could write his own. Brad looked up and pulled a piece of paper from his bouquet, “Ginette, my love. My life, my world. You have taught me much, and showed me a world I had no idea existed, and happiness I still haven’t fully understood. I take your hand in this adventure that is life and dedicate myself to loving you, honoring you, cherishing you, and I will indeed obey you so long as you are committed to this adventure in life. I love you.” There was a bit of murmuring at his use of the word ‘obey,’ but a sharp glare from me shut everyone up.
The officiator, “And now I will ask our loving couple to present rings.”
I turned back and saw Zoe hold out a small box and removed the ring stepping around to the front as did Brad’s best man. They placed the rings together waiting for Brad and I to touch our ring fingers together. Brad’s best man took the bouquet for just a moment as our right hands were used to slide our rings up one another's fingers. I looked into his eyes unable to hold back my smile.
The officiator continued, “Ginette Rouge, do you accept Bradley as your bride?”
My smile widened, I didn't actually think that would be possible, “I do.”
He looked at Bradley, “Do you-”
Bradley cut him off, “-I do.”
The officiant smiled at the eagerness. Looked at me and said, “you may kiss your bride.”
I let go of his hands to lift the veil, and took his hands back again, and leaned in and kissed him on the lips gently, aware that I didn’t want to ruin our makeup, I didn’t use any tongue, but I held the kiss for a good ten seconds before withdrawing.
“I now pronounce you Woman and wife. I am now proud to introduce all of you to Mrs. Ginette Rouge and her bride, Bradley Rouge.”
There was clapping, a lot of awkwardness as I’m sure a lot of people weren’t sure what they just saw. Millie and Phil were clearly fuming over their son taking my last name and not the other way around.
Arm and arm we walked down the aisle and out the door to the limo… On to the reception!
The End.
Let me know what you think, either email me or comment below. And is it really the end? For now it is... but if you want a sequel about the reception let me know in the comments…
Kisses, and thank you for reading.
Email: Mistress_dyvia@yahoo.com
Twitter: @Dyvia16
Website: Mistressdyvia.com
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LiL: https://lockedinlace.com/members/mistressdyvia
Copyright 2020, 2021 (Public release) All rights reserved.